SUBMITTED: Stardate 96588.9 | FILED BY: LT S. Valore | SECURITY: Level 3 - Restricted |
LOCATION: Trinity Prime, Trinity System, Aldebaran Sector.
MISSION: Seize hostile facility.
OUTCOME: Defenses were turned against hostiles. Facility seized.
CDR Nathes
CAPT A. Nimitz
LT Valore
CAPT A. Nimitz
LT Valore
NARRATIVE: We arrived on planet and met with the joint MACO-Republic strike force that was tasked with seizing the facility. Instead, Captain Nimitz led a small team composed of myself and CMDR T'Nar to a relay held by hostile forces. The enemy appeared to have some entrenchment, as the relay appeared to be set up deep in a cave.
Outside sat mercenary forces and what appeared to be an automatic disruptor cannon of some kind. After some planning, we attacked using grenades. Captain Nimitz utilized an explosive grenade for the turret while the Commander and I used stun grenades for the hostiles. Once the matter was settled, we proceeded into the cave.
We discovered the relay, along with more hardware. It was at this time that this officer noticed that the encryption of the hardware was not that of the Orion Syndicate that is believed to be funding the enemy operation. Rather, it was Romulan. This officer hypothesizes that the Star Empire is involved.
Following a search of the stunned bodies, a keycard was found to bypass the encryption. As the MACO and Republic forces assaulted the facility reinforced inside the facility, this officer was able to turn the enemy's defenses against them by swapping friend-or-foe identification. Friendly strike teams quickly took the facility afterwards. As this officer attempted to download the information stored on the computer, a failsafe was triggered. This officer proceeded to remove the hard drives before they could be wiped.
Afterwards, we regrouped at the captured facility. Going through crates, a concerning discovery was made. A Stone of Gol - a weapon that can cause the mass infliction of extremely violent emotions upon a populace. To put it simply, the item is a weapon of mass destruction. Star charts were found with it, potentially pointing to more.
Following debriefing, the next lead as to where the hostiles received their supplies and funding is that of Narris. Unfortunately, the planet is in Klingon territory.
1) Recommend a full search of the captured facility for any more items of interest.
2) Recommend a team analyze the acquired hard drives.
3) Recommend the Stone of Gol be transported to Vulcan where it can be safely contained or destroyed safely and with proper expertise.
4) Recommend the Diplomatic Corps be contacted regarding the situation.
5) This officer will attempt to gather Fleet Command and the commanding officer of this operation regarding what to do next.
OOC: Thanks to Nathes for DMing. It was fun! Let me know if there are any inaccuracies or if I left something out.