SUBMITTED: Stardate 96221.3 | FILED BY: CPT G. Valencia | SECURITY: Level 2 - Confidential |
LOCATION: L-89-11831
MISSION: Investigate the appearence of a rogue planet.
OUTCOME: Planet belonged to a speices called the Karro, who were moving the planet to a more sutible location due to an extinction level event in their original system.
CAPT A. Tanaka
CAPT A. Timoreev
CMDR T. Akaela
CMDR P. Aubrey
LCDR E. Kermit
LCDR Z. Tiahl
LT V. Castillo
LT K'Nia
LT (JG) T. Shinwa
CPT G. Valencia
NARRATIVE: Upon arrival to the surface of the planet, we were briefed by Captain Tanaka, who was already investigating the planet. This officer, along with Captain Timoreev were to investigate a nearby tower that was acting as an atmosphere generator. The power to this tower, and other towers and structures across the planet were all decreasing. In order to try to boost the power and keep the atmosphere from collapsing, we tried to gain entrance to the tower, but this was locked behind a door with automated sentries. After some work, Captain Timoreev and I managed to deactivate these senteries and enter the tower, within which was a garden of sorts. From here, we were able to determine that the planet was powered by geothermal energy from the planet's core, and due to the planet's core dying, it was causing power losses throughout the planet.
Captain Timoreev managed to negotiate access to the control room with the planet's computer system and upon arrival, we learnt that the planet was preparing to warp towards the Sol system. We were able to convince the planet to not warp to Sol and, after downloading the relevant data, we withdrew from the planet in order to analyse the data.
After the data was analysed by the Captains, we set off for the heart of the underground Kerro city. Our expedition led us to the end of a corridor, where we detected a Magnetic Ferro-Liquid Metal creature trying to form; a Sentinel. Attempts at talking to the Sentinel failed and the creature attacked - this officer was able to trap it on the other side of the door, although the creature quickly penetrated the door in an attempt to get to us. Lieutenant Shinwa was able to construct a magnetic pulse to repulse the creature due to the ineffectiveness of our phasers, and this allowed for Captain Timoreev to talk to the Sentinel and gain us passage to the main control room.
The main control room had a large pod in the middle, from which a voice of a seven-year-old child was emitting, by the name of Arthur. Whilst the party conversed with Arthur, this officer and Lieutenant Shinwa followed the pod's connections to a main computer frame. We learnt that "Arthur" was no more than a small mass of biological material and the machine was using "Arthur's" thoughts and memories to communicate with the group, adding any information they obtained to a datafile, and more importantly, using the "child's" memories of a story about "King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table" to plot a course for Avalon - Earth.
This officer suggested that we should shut down the system and disconnect the pod, but was overruled in favour of trying to save the life of "Arthur", despite both this officer's and Lieutenant Shinwa's statements that "Arthur" was already dead. Commander Casillo was called from the Brahe and the pod was beamed to the Brahe. The officers then departed the planet.
RECOMMENDATION: This officer would like to bring to light the abhorrent actions taken by the senior officers when inside the Kerro city, and would recommend a full investigation take place on their actions. These officers are:
CAPT A. Derenzis
CAPT A. Timoreev
They displayed a great deal of unprofessionalism within the city, including a complete distrust of both myself and Lieutenant Shinwa, going so far as to assign Lieutenant Commander Tiahl to babysit the pair of us as we were trying to work. The Commander herself also displayed a complete distrust and lack of respect for us, going so far as to call this officer "unreliable".
The Captains completely disregarded our assessments of the situation regarding the brain matter of "Arthur". The Captains wanted to find a way to save "Arthur's" life, a goal which was to be expected. However, ascertaining the status of "Arthur" was the Lieutenant and I's first action, and we were both of the opinion that Arthur was dead, and the machine was just violating the memories of the boy in order to achieve their ends. However, we were repeatedly told to "find a way to save him,", completely disregarding the travesty that was happening. Captain Derenzis herself analysed the pod compartment and reached the same conclusion as us, however, she did nothing to prevent the other officers calling down a medical team to analyse the situation and beam the pod aboard.
This officer deems these actions to be morally and ethically unjust. It was not enough for these Captains to let the boy rest in peace; instead they, like the machine, continued, and still continue to, prolong the child's suffering by simulating the biological remains of the child in order to sate their own twisted sense of morality. This officer strongly recommends that we allow the child to rest in peace by turning off the machines that are stimulating his biological matter. Furthermore, this officer strongly recommends that these officers be investigated for their actions and be instructed on how to command, instead of ordering officers around like their playthings, and disregarding any information that contradicts what they want to hear.
OOC: This is Brie's AAR for the event "The Once and Future Kings" Part 1 and 2. Event logs available on request.