AAR: The Scenic Route

Filed By:
CAPT Lyn, Isadora

LOCATION K’Shan I, K’Shan System

MISSION Cripple or destroy the Imperial Romulan supply depot in orbit around K’Shan I.

OUTCOME Supply depot and nearby convoy destroyed. One Mogai-class and two T’varo-class warbirds destroyed. Moderate/severe damage to the planet surface, status of planetary garrison and listening post unknown but presumed destroyed or damaged.


  • CAPT Lyn, Isadora
  • LT Tzedek, Alariya

NARRATIVE USS Minerva was tasked with crippling or destroying the Romulan supply depot at K’Shan I. The depot was located in a 3.6 km long metallic asteroid in orbit over the planet surface. It is speculated that the Romulans chose to locate the depot here instead of on the planet surface due to the danger of a munitions stockpile so close to orbit.

Defenses consisted of a planetary shield, rotating patrols of T’varo-class warbirds, and a single Mogai-class warbird. Early warning provided by a long-range sensor network precluded a traditional attack by anything less than a full battlegroup due to the strength of the planetary shield.

It was determined to use USS Minerva’s strike group to launch a surprise attack on the facility. Ten Valkyrie-type attack craft refitted with single use sextuple torpedo tubes were attached to the surface of a large asteroid. The attack craft were powered down and pilots placed into metabolic stasis. The runabout USS Seine was refitted to serve as a dedicated EW craft to further mask the approach. The asteroid was launched from beyond the range of the Romulan sensor network, with a time to target of ten days. For the duration of the mission, all elements of the attack force maintained radio silence.

Ten days after mission start, USS Minerva launched a diversionary attack on the system. The ship engaged two T’varo-class warbirds, suffering minor damage and forcing the two ships to withdraw under cloak.

Simultaneously, the fighter group came within range of the target to find that in addition to the expected Mogai-class, a convoy was currently docked and in the process of transferring munitions from the depot. The convoy consisted of eight freighters, two T’varo-class warbirds, and a D’derdidex-class battlecruiser. After USS Minerva initiated her attack, the D’deridex-class cruiser cloaked and was presumed to be on an intercept course with the Minerva.

LT Tzedek made the decision to continue with the operation despite the shift in parameters. The strike group made an in-system warp jump, bringing them within weapons range of the outpost before the planetary shields could be brought online. The squadron expended its entire torpedo complement, disabling or destroying most of the freighters, and doing moderate damage to the shields of the Mogai-class warbird. The majority of the warheads were directed at the asteroid and caused catastrophic damage to the facility. The squadron then turned to escape the area before the warbirds could pursue.

Several seconds after the initial torpedo impacts, the fighter squadron’s sensors detected a massive pressure buildup within the asteroid. It is the opinion of this officer that the following events were a result of the attack occurring during the process of munitions transfer to the convoy. Many of the forcefields and bulkheads that block access between the primary munitions storage and the exterior were likely not in use in order to facilitate rapid transfer of materiel. This allowed the initial torpedo blasts and explosions from munitions stored in the freighters and loading docks to cause a series of secondary detonations which traveled deep into the facility until they reached large stockpiles of volatiles.

A series of large explosions caused the asteroid to fragment. A combination of shockwaves and high velocity fragments caused fatal damage to the two T’varo-class and Mogai-class ship. The remaining body of the asteroid and many of the large fragments lost orbital stability and began to reenter the planet’s atmosphere. K’Shan I posessed a moderately sized garrison and some manner of unidentified intelligence facility, likely a listening post. Although unconfirmed, based on fragment trajectory it is likely that the garrison has been destroyed.

Despite being already at full impulse and on a course away from the detonation, the shockwave caused moderate damage to most of the strike group. Skillful piloting allowed all craft to avoid debris and fatal damage. While en route to rendezvous with USS Minerva, LT Tzedek became concerned that cloaked patrols alerted by the explosion would be actively searching for the attackers or otherwise lying in ambush. She ordered the other fighters into cover in a debris field and proceeded to fly out in the open and hail USS Minerva on open comms.

Her tactic was successful in drawing out two T’varo-class warbirds as well as alerting USS Minerva to their position. A combination of evasive action and sensor decoys was able to occupy the attacking craft until USS Minerva arrived to assist. The arrival of the D’deridex-class battlecruiser forced USS Minerva to withdraw, but all attack craft were successfully recovered before withdrawal.

RECOMMENDATION None at this time. This method of attack is unlikely to work a second time, as the Imperial navy is now aware of the tactic.

RECOGNITION LT Tzedek demonstrated quick thinking and grace under fire.

OOCAAR for the USS Minerva event “The Scenic Route”. Full tactical briefing can be read here: https://argo.ex-astris.net/t/428-uss-minerva-strike-group-briefing/4380