CAPT Lyn, Isadora
LOCATION Unexplored Planet
MISSION Investigate abnormal sensor readings
OUTCOME Derelict jamming station shut down. First contact with Noalom made.
NARRATIVE USS Endeavour arrived in orbit over a planet that exhibited strange sensor readings. An away team was dispatched consisting of this officer, LT Reyes, LT Mitsuki, and LTJG Sovum. Tricorders were found to be similarly affected. At this time, and several more times after, issues with USS Endeavour engineering caused sporadic transporter malfunctions.
The team proceeded to the north and sighted a tower. As we approached the tower, tricorder functionality was restored. At this point contact was made with a group of aliens later identified as the Noalom. A four man team approached, identifying themselves as Kaion, Lokir, Quiirin, and Solloi. Peaceful contact was made and they shared that they were an exploratory team which had been studying the planet for three months.
The tower had been built by them to cut through the interference but had limited range. This officer was able to interface a tricorder with the tower’s technology and extend the range far enough to detect an anomaly that USS Endeavour’s sensors identified as a building.
This officer and LT Reyes entered the structure. The LT was able to power an abandoned computer terminal using her tricorder. Information on the terminal showed this to be some manner of wartime jamming facility that was not shut down before its abandonment. This officer was able to cut power to the facility and restore sensor functionality. The team then took scans of the facility and proceeded to formal contact with the Noalom.
RECOMMENDATION The facility in question has been marked for future study by science teams. First contact with the Noalom was successful and standard follow-up procedure should be observed.
RECOGNITION All officers present on the team performed their duties in keeping with Starfleet standards.
The officer or officers responsible for maintainence of USS Endeavour’s transporters are in dire need of remedial training or reassignment to a station where they will pose no danger to ship operations.
OOC Thank you @Sam for this impromptu event. Props to @Master_Dex and @Veneela for sticking in as long as they could despite technical issues.