SCDR T'Valerius
LOCATION Deep Space 13, V774 Tau, Aldebaran.
MISSION USS Dallas (NCC-2019-C) shutdown following malware attack during routine repair & resupply mission that could have put at risk Deep Space 13.
OUTCOME Control of USS Dallas was regained without loss of life.
- ENS Riker, M. (USS Dallas)
- LT Wind-People, A. (Deep Space 13)
- LT Vehl, N. (USS Dallas)
- CMDR Kermit, E. (USS Valkyrie)
- SCDR T’Valerius (Deep Space 13)
USS Dallas arrived 98878.3 for routine repairs and loadout for forthcoming missions. Standard docking procedures and medical evacuations were followed. During transport of wounded, transporter function slowed and then halted.
USS Dallas subsequently raised shields and lost communications, prompting precautionary evacuation of the ship from the station. During this process, LT Wind-People managed to make it on board through an open airlock just as the gangway was retracting.
The station was brought to conditions Yellow and Zulu. Docking bay decks were evacuated and traffic control shut exit and entry in anticipation of moving USS Dallas as a priority.
Using internal tractor beams, USS Dallas was exfiltrated from the internal docking bay area of Deep Space 13. Once outside, USS Valkyrie towed USS Dallas to safe distance.
Simultaneously, Lt. Wind-People discovered a potential malware installed on USS Dallas. There was anomalous output in the airlock console and the airlock was non-functional. She warned Deep Space 13 immediately, allowing the station to begin a containment procedure of the main computer core and warned all vessels to not accept communications from USS Dallas and to steer clear of the vessel to isolate and contain the malware and potential damage of nearby ships.
Lt. Wind-People then was instructed to move to the bridge and use her EVA communication as a means to patch communications back with the acting Captain of USS Dallas, Lt. Vehl. USS Dallas eventually found the source of the malware and purged their systems of the cascade virus.
We have identified the person on the image screen as CPO Ashodi, T. Currently serving at Talos Junction. However, the picture does not fully match medical or dossier files (additional scarring on the right side of the face), and as such, it is the leading theory that the image is of the Chief’s Mirror counterpart.
Station security performed a personnel sweep of the station and determined that neither Chief Ashodi nor his Mirror counterpart is on the station at this time.
Follow-up: Have Talos Junction send CPO Ashodi to medical for full screening, as a verification that the imposter is not on board the station, and send an alert that any CPO Ashodi encountered not on Talos Junction without proper orders is likely a Terran Empire agent at this time.
Related policy change recommendation: Create a formal, immediate action drill based on amended docking policy, to read: “Should a ship raise shields while docked, the ship shall be considered a risk to the station, and shall be towed immediately from the station and to a safe distance.”
Recommend Citation: Starfleet Service Ribbon: LT Wind-People, A.
- To read: “For swift execution of sound judgment and initiative regarding the actions aboard USS Dallas, stardate 98878.7. The Lieutenant proved instrumental in preventing Deep Space 13 from succumbing to a malware attack with her awareness to the situation, immediately alerting Seep Space 13 Operations and then acting upon what others might have found simply an odd technical glitch. From the earliest occurrence of anomalous activity with the transporter speed reduction to relaying the information she found on screen aboard USS Dallas, Lieutenant Wind-People’s actions ensured that the station remained fully operational during war-time.”
Recommend Citation: Starfleet Service Ribbon: LT Vehl, N.
- To read: “For swift execution of sound judgment and initiative regarding the actions aboard USS Dallas, stardate 98878.7. The Lieutenant proved instrumental in securing the station from harm as she lost control of her vessel. Raising shields while in berth, a violation of standard procedures and policy, provided an immediate alert to the station to have the USS Dallas evacuated, and had the malware caused a containment loss of the warp core, could have destroyed the station and the ship. The Lieutenant’s knowledge of operational practices provided instant communication of potential danger that USS Dallas posed to the 20,000 souls aboard Deep Space 13.”
CMDR Kermit, USS Valkyrie was also immediately on station and alert, and pulled the Dallas to safe distance from the station, a feat that would have been difficult with any other vessel.
///ATTACHMENT/// Duty Log-Beta Shift-98877.3.ext
///ATTACHMENT/// USS Dallas Screen Image.jpg ( )
///ATTACHMENT/// Citation recommendation- Wind-People-A 98878.7.ext
///ATTACHMENT/// Citation recommendation- Vehl-N 98878.7.ext
OOCTHANK YOU Brex for such a cool RP experience around what would have been a simple, routine thing! I had a blast!