ENS Riker, Michael
After Action Report
LOCATION TK-401, Alpha Quadrant
MISSION General maintenance on Federation subspace relay station
OUTCOME Repairs were executed and the station was brought back online
- CAPT Alex Holmes
- CMDR Amelia Samaras
- ENS Michael Riker
- ENS Thyzee
- ENS Adelaide Murphy
- LT Shea
A Federation Subspace Relay station was damaged by an ion storm, leading to the habitation area being compromised, there were no casualties, only minor injuries. However, as a result, the station is now overdue a scheduled maintenance period, and the facilities should be repaired for permanent habitation once more.
The crew of the Dallas complemented by operations and science members from Deep Space 13 set out at warp 4 to the station and proceeded with its mission. A prior mission had already been to the station, the results had left Chroniton Radiation behind.
To further complicate matters, once arriving, sensor scans had showed the station’s power core to be operating at 105% past its safety-rated limits. As Ensign’s Thyzee and Murphy set out to work on Chroniton decontamination protocols, Ensign Riker found that while the reactor was above its rated safety margin, it was still operating well within normal thermal regulations.
A short discussion and some tests followed. Ensign Thyzee and Ensign Murphy began to flood the affected areas of Chroniton radiation with Anyons, it was then Ensign Riker noticed the reactor upped power output by 4%
Eventually, through the combined Efforts of Ensigns Murphy and Thyzee, the Chroniton Radiation was dissipated causing the Dallas to reboot sensors. As that was happening a Ferengi vessel appeared from behind the station and openly aggressed the U.S.S Dallas in ship-to-ship fire. The fire all but disabled shields and there were a few hull breaches associated with the damage.
Ensign Riker almost immediately set out to get the shields back online while Captain Holmes ordered evasive maneuvers. Lt. Shea of the Romulan detachment uses some method of hacking and is able to get a line of communication between the two vessels resulting in Captain Holmes informing the Ferengi of the U.S.S Dallas and the repercussions of firing on a Federation vessel. While the tense exchange happened, Ensign Riker was able to get the shields back online and the Ferengi decided it was best not to pursue further hostilities.
After the Ferengi vessel disengaged repairs on the station once more began again but a device found by Commander Amy Samaras among Klingon wreckage near the station had been vaporized.
RECOMMENDATION It is this officer’s recommendation that fleet patrols be on the lookout for Ferengi vessels operating within the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. This was not a normal Ferengi attack as others on the bridge pointed out.
RECOGNITION I want to give recognition to Captain Holmes for her continued Command of the USS Dallas. Despite this being my first posting I get the sense that the Captain is quite a proficient diplomat but isn’t afraid to defend her crew or the ship. I would also like to give recognition to Ensigns Thyzee and Murphy. They handled the radiation with incredible professionalism. And Finally to Lt. Shea. Despite only being an observer on board, his quick thinking possibly saved the USS Dallas from being disabled and boarded. All Other officers onboard continued to act in a manner in accordance with their training and stations as Starfleet officers.
OOC This was a super fun rp event. If i missed any details I do apologize! Thanks for the RP Brex!