AAR: Tzenkethi front, defense of Eta Serpentis

Stardate 94079.5
Capt. Sadia Cynis
Level 2 - Confidential

LOCATION: Eta Serpentis II

MISSION: Defense of KDF installation (Firebase botjan puj)

OUTCOME: Firebase botjan puj suffered moderate damage, but enemy was forced to retreat after destruction of their mobile supply outposts and heavy damage being dealt to their command vessel. All squadron vessels suffered varying degrees of damage but were able to warp back to DS 13.


CAPT S. Cynis (IKS San'leth)
CAPT V. Locke (USS Adamant)
CAPT B. Cross (USS Watchman)
CAPT T. Sant (USS Indomitable)
CMDR E. Narzin (USS Akula)

After the briefing on Deep Space Station 13 regarding impeding Tzenkethi attack on the Alliance assets in Eta Serpentis system, currently available starships were split into two ad hoc squadrons. I took command of 1st Squadron consisting of IKS San'leth, USS Adamant, USS Watchman, USS Adomitable and USS Akula.
Upon arrival at designated defense location (KDF Firebase botjan puj), we ascertained that the enemy had superior forces consisting of 3 mobile supply stations, each supported by a squadron consisting of one cruiser and four escort sized-ships. Enemy cruisers were using tractor beams to ferry powerful protomatter explosives in order to deploy them to destroy the firebase. Further scans showed that the protomatter explosives emitted strong radiation which would cause many of the ship's system to malfunction (not to mention the danger to the crew), and therefore had to be tractored instead of carried inside the ship's hull.
This provided key tactical advantage - as our squadron's ship composition didn't provide necessary firepower to breach enemy supply outposts' shielding, we were capable to utilize our superior speed and mobility to disrupt enemy cruisers' tractor beams, "hijack" the explosives and deploy them against the enemy outposts.
Three ships were tasked with the station's defenses while the rest would move to hijack the explosive and deploy it against the enemy. Ships would rotate the duties depending on the amount the damage suffered. In the end, we managed to take out all supply stations, which prompted arrival of the Tzenkethi command battleship and support. While the supporting squadron was covering the retreating Tzenkethi ships, command vessel engaged us in direct combat. This proved almost fatal for the enemy as we detected a weakness in battleship's dorsal shielding (most likely from the previous engagements). We focused all our fire at the weak spot, breached the shields and caused moderate damage to enemy's shield emitters and main weapon systems, which caused enemy vessels to retreat.

RECOMMENDATION: Additional defenses should be posted at the Eta Serpentis system. Tzenkethi have shown extreme dedication to their genocidal cause, and are most likely to attempt another attack the moment we drop our guard.

OOC: I have reduced enemy numbers and general strength for suspension of disbelief purposes.