LTJG Stern, Ulrich
After Action Report
LOCATION Zelvan-Tiyanki DMZ.
MISSION Continue diplomatic efforts towards establishing lasting peace between the Zelvan and Tiyanki.
OUTCOME Both representatives agreed to concessions and further talks, including a phased stand down of naval forces over a two week period.
- CAPT Tungsten, Drake
- CAPT Mirazuni, Ayesha
- CAPT Alistair, Nimitz
- CAPT Hanson, Rose
- LTJG Stern, Ulrich
- ENS Sovum, Veneela
NARRATIVE This round of talks started off in a similar fashion to previous instances. Both delegates considered the other an unfriendly, if not hostile, presence. Decelerations of good intent were secured prior to any diplomatic discussions. Reports from previous talks indicated fleet movements and non-diplomatic activity occurring, so it was critical that such activities be limited while negotiations were taking place.
It remains to be seen what, if any, effect these declarations had, as it seemed that there were back-channel conversations occurring between non-diplomatic Federation personnel and both species. Regardless, after the usual blustering by both parties talks were started. It was immediately clear that one issue was at the forefront of both parties: securing civilian trade routes. Despite the agreement on this being a mutual concern, neither representative was willing to make a concession or offer a solution. Talks progressed to other issues, but this topic will likely arise in future negotiations.
Of note, the only topic the delegates were able to agree on was a mutual distaste towards allowing the Federation or another third party to take an active role in protecting trade or investigating terrorist activity as a neutral party. One would think this shared distrust of outsiders would build some common ground, but that was not the case.
After close to two hours of both parties claiming to want a settlement while sabotaging every such effort to affect that, a more direct diplomatic strategy was pursued with success. This direct strategy focused the representatives towards making actual concessions. One major success was the agreement of both species to stand down their navies over a two week period, drastically reducing the chance of a conflict in the immediate future. An additional concession was the Tiyanki recognizing a Zelvan investigation of terrorist activities and a prisoner swap. Both of these will require follow-up at the next meeting.
RECOMMENDATION Continue diplomatic efforts with higher level talks. While senior, both the Tiyanki and and Zelvan delegates reported being unable to commit to any significant concessions without additional governmental approval. Real progress will require diplomatic negotiations with respective heads of government.
OOC GM for this one is Valore!