Age of Discovery Spoiler & Discussion Zone

Post your AOD spoilers and discussion here! Keep spoilers from the shoutbox and from the discord! Spoilers below!
I really love the work that has been put into these cut scenes
That was something I noticed blasting through the tutorial too on the faces. I hadn't got far enough to see that second one. (I don't think, unless I glossed over it.) ..but It reminds me of some album cover I've seen before.

I'm not sorry.
so actual spoiler..ish. The moment he showed up my words were as thus. "Son of a B****."
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When I heard his voice I squee'd.
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fuck daniels.
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Wasn't a fan of using Daniels again to get to the future, but I dunno how else they would do it otherwise. After that point it seems to play out just like AOY. Overall the missions before that point weren't bad. I'm excited to see what the next episodes will bring. I've done them twice now, I may have gone back to retake this picture with dreamier hair.
That pose just screams Dr. Malcolm shirt less pose. So far I've enjoyed what I played though I have to admit I was disappointed with the options for character select. Only Humans, Vulcans and aliens? Where are the Tellarites, Andorians and other species to have been seen in DIS? (Kelpians, Saurians, etc.)

I hope we get some of that neat KDF stuff, especially the clothing.
To be clear, I wasn't squeeing about Daniels. It was Jeffrey Coomb's voice. :)
That pose just screams Dr. Malcolm shirt less pose. So far I've enjoyed what I played though I have to admit I was disappointed with the options for character select. Only Humans, Vulcans and aliens? Where are the Tellarites, Andorians and other species to have been seen in DIS? (Kelpians, Saurians, etc.)

The Devs have stated that there will be Andorians and Tellarites down the line at a later date
As I said in discord earlier:
I think the best thing about the new cutscenes is that the team has recognized just how many situations and sights in Trek should produce the response, from any sane being, "what the BLEEP is/was THAT?!"
(Or the closely related "ohhhh bleep me.")
Forget Andorians and Tellarites! I want to see Kelpiens in the game as a playable species! Just because I want to watch the world burn!

As for Daniels being in the last mission, i don't see how that was going to be a shock. They needed some excuse to get players to the same century as the main game. I had it pretty much figured out from the get-go...

But yes, as Kermit said...
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fuck Daniels.
Spoiler: Nyerg...Show
...So if the mycelium weapon just punted everyone (or almost everyone, whatever it was) into the 25th century, why not just plop the whole bunch of ships into orbit near ESD and let them figure things out that way, instead of having Daniels scrape us off the floor of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber for the umpteenth time? I mean I get that they have the assets, but can we just once let Starfleet deal with a temporal thing on their own?


Cutscenes were nice.
The entire thing feels rushed like the CBS was pushing them to release it for the start of the 2nd season of STD. A pity, since this would be a nice proper expansion if they had more time to add more missions/storyline, ships etc.
I guess they are going to follow the show's tempo and add more missions as story progresses in the show.

I'm not happy with this mycelium weapon thingy, I hope they ditch the spore stuff completely already. Also I really don't know how they plan to make Ju'ula a threat when her tech is like over 2 centuries out of date.
So, according to an interview: the irony is that the direct tie-in to Discovery was a choice they made on their own. Basically, they'd been putting together the outline of a plot (likely the Klingon Civil War plot heavily telegraphed towards the end of the last expansion) featuring a female klingon antagonist, and during a meeting with Kurtzman and the head writer for the IDW prequel comics, the Cryptic Staff realized that J'ula, who was featured in the comic at the time, would fit well as their antagonist, being an extreme traditionalist who is literally from the past in this instance.
Plot apart for a moment, is it just me , or the ship class of the Sebrova isn't available for players?
it isnt sadly. At the moment anyway. coming soon to a Lobi store near you?
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I'm willing to bet the Shepard class will be released on the C-store next week or the week after
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Who knows if they will make also a 25th century variant, like the Europa.