An All-hands Announcement from the Admiral's Office

An announcement comes over the station intercom:

"Attention all hands, this is Rear Admiral Konieczko.

As many of you may be aware a diplomatic conference is planned in two days time with the Azed Confederacy, previously designated as Species 2492. Furthermore that this conference will be taking place aboard Deep Space 13. We have heard your protests, and ask that in this time you place your trust in the 38th fleet and the principles of the Federation.

I know that some of you may have lost someone close to you at the hands of the Azedi, and you may be scared of what could potentially come when they return to the system as guests. This is not rolling onto our collective backs, it is our belief that diplomacy remains the best course of action for the Federation, for the Confederacy, and for sake of security in the sector.

I ask you to remember the principle functions of Starfleet in this time as we have not strayed from that path. We continue the advancement of Federation knowledge about the galaxy and it's inhabitants, the advancement of Federation science and technology, the defense of the Federation, and the facilitation of Federation diplomacy.'

Thank you for your attention."

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An announcement comes over the station intercom on Deep Space K-7, is transmitted to fleet ships and is available in written word.

"Attention all hands, this is Rear Admiral Konieczko of the 38th Fleet.

We have all no doubt seen loss after today, co-workers, a friend or even family. We now have displaced civilians, displaced personnel and displaced spirits. In these next few days the importance of a unified fleet mentality will be vital for all of us, it will ensure we accomplish our next goals. Know that this Command will be working hard in the next few days to establish the answers to the many questions we all have. Though it may be hard we ask for your patience in these trying times.

If you have not yet already, we ask that you follow protocol and report to your senior officer and confirm your status. Temporary living arrangements have not yet been, but are being established for displaced civilians and personnel until they can be transported elsewhere.

To any other 38th ships, Deep Space Thirteen has been disabled and evacuated. The 38th fleet will be rallying aboard Deep Space K-7.

Konieczko out."

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An announcement comes over the station intercom on Deep Space 13, it's also transmitted to fleet ships and is available in written word.

"Attention all hands,

This is Rear Admiral Konieczko. As of Stardate 96046.2 I have assumed command of the 38th fleet by order of Starfleet Command and under the recommendation of Vice Admiral Enzian Amiri. I want to take this moment to thank Vice Admiral Amiri for the last year of service that he has provided the 38th fleet and the Federation.

Looking to the future for the 38th fleet, procuring the security of the region is paramount to the success of all of our endeavors. The diplomatic landscape in our area of operations remains scales that are ever unbalanced and it is the duty and responsibility of every one of us to our part in balancing said scale with each interaction. Diplomacy will remain the forefront objective out of necessity to allow the 38th fleet to further the spread of it's scientific and exploration initiatives.

I recognize the challenges overcome and accomplishments that have come to fruit from each and every one of you during my time here with the 38th fleet. Together we'll continue to overcome and accomplish the tasks set before us. I want to thank you for all that has come previously and all that will come in our future.

Konieczko out."

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An announcement comes over the station intercom on Deep Space 13, it's also transmitted to fleet ships and is available in written word.

"Attention all hands,

This is Rear Admiral Konieczko. As of Stardate 96049 I have appointed Captain Emery Quint to the vacant position of Executive Officer of the 38th fleet. This appointment has been confirmed by Starfleet Command as of Stardate 96051.7.

Captain Quint has been in service to the 38th fleet for the last 6 years, and has held the office cof Executive Officer capably once before under then acting Rear Admiral Neema Perim. The Captain has been present for a significant amount of the fleet's most recent major encounters and assisted seeing us through the aftermath of some of our darker days. His tactical mind and diplomatic acumen present him as a shining and invaluable candidate for this office. I have absolutely no doubts that we will all thrive under Captain Quint's leadership. Join me in congratulating the captain on your next run in and I thank you for your attention."

This announcement is saved and made available for playback later.