Anides V Task Force

To: @38th.ShipCOs
CC: @38th.Command
From: VADM Aluk
Subj: Anides V


A force of Romulan Republic warbirds is currently blocking passage to the Federation colony on Anides V. We must prepare for the possibility that diplomatic efforts to resolve the dispute will fail. The following starships are therefore ordered to make preparations to depart for Anides V within 24 hours.

  • USS Endeavour
  • USS Kemir’tra
  • USS Leyte Gulf
  • USS Nanietta Bacco
  • USS Republic
  • USS Saratoga
  • USS Scharnhorst
  • USS Sentinel
  • USS Sun-tzu
  • USS Sunrise

Captain Foraker to assume command of task force upon departure. Rendezvous coordinates and tactical orders to follow.

Vice Admiral Aluk
Commanding Officer,
38th Fleet ‘Argo’


To: 38th.ShipCOs
CC: 38th.Command
From: VADM Aluk
Subj: Anides V Update


The Anides V situation has been deescalated. USS Endeavour will resume original medical aid efforts with additional resources to be provided as required. All other commands are directed to return to previous assignments without delay.

Vice Admiral Aluk
Commanding Officer,
38th Fleet ‘Argo’