Appointment Requests

To: CAPT Linore, Barid ( @Moocher )
From: ENS Sovum, Veneela
Subj: Appointment Confirmation

CAPT Linore,

Attached you will find a confirmation for your Medical Health Assessment scheduled two days from now on Stardate 98303.4 for Gamma +1. Look forward to seeing you in a few days!

ENS Veneela Sovum
Medical Officer/Student
Deep Space 13

//ATTACHMENT// appointment_confirmation.ext

Filed By:
LT. CMDR Garys, Noram

Type of Appointment Requested:

  • Onboarding Medical Assessment

If you can provide some parameters regarding your availability, please do so here:
Weekends, Weekdays; Alpha/Beta/Gamma Shifts
Unavailable until Gamma Shift on the day of filing. (4/19)

Any additional remarks:


To: LT. CMDR Garys ( @Richard )
From: ENS Sovum
Subj: Appointment Confirmation

LT. CMDR Garys,
Hello, I just wished to inform you that we have an opening today around Beta+2 if you would like to come in I will happily complete your assessment! Look forward to seeing you!

ENS Veneela Sovum
Medical Officer/Student
Deep Space 13

//ATTACHMENT// appointment_confirmation.ext

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Filed By:
ENS Van Rijn, Daan ((@postfreak))

Type of Appointment Requested:Medical Assessment

If you can provide some parameters regarding your availability, please do so here:
Somewhere between the Alpha and Beta shift on weekdays. And from Zeta till Gamma shifts on weekends.

Any additional remarks: N/A

Filed By:
LCDR Tysir, Odi

Type of Appointment Requested:

Mental Health Assessment

If you can provide some parameters regarding your availability, please do so here:

Anytime during Beta, Gamma, or Delta shifts, any day.

Any additional remarks:


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To: LCDR Tysir (( @eric215306 ))
From: ENS Caissa
Subj: Your appointment with Counselor Sedai

Hi, Commander.

We’ve scheduled an appointment for you for next Wednesday. You should be able to see the details on your calendar soon. Thanks!

ENS Caissa
Scheduling Maven
DS13 Counseling

Filed By:
CMDR Often, Six

Type of Appointment Requested: Mental Health Assessment

If you can provide some parameters regarding your availability, please do so here: Beta +2, Gamma everyday except Wednesday.

Any additional remarks:

To: CMDR Often (( @Often ))
From: ENS Caissa
Subj: Your appointment with Counselor Sedai

Hi, Commander.

We actually have an opening available tomorrow if that works for you. You should be able to see the details on your calendar soon. Thanks!

ENS Caissa
Scheduling Maven
DS13 Counseling

Filed By:

Type of Appointment Requested:

Medical Assessment / Physical

If you can provide some parameters regarding your availability, please do so here:
Beta, Gamma, Delta shift. Most days. Only Gamma and Delta on Saturdays.
Any additional remarks:

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To: LTJG Yont @Yont
From: LT S’Slaask

Subj: Physical Appointment


Appointments are available today during gamma and delta shifts. Please confirm.

Lieutenant S’Slaask
Physician, Deep Space 13

Filed By:
LCDR Often

Type of Appointment Requested:

Medical Assessment / Physical

If you can provide some parameters regarding your availability, please do so here:
Monday Gamma +2, Delta Tues. NA, Weds.-Fri. Gamma +2, Delta, Sat.-Sun. Beta, Gamma (usually)
Any additional remarks:

Filed By:
CAPT Meadows, Rebecca

Type of Appointment Requested:

Medical Assessment / Physical

If you can provide some parameters regarding your availability, please do so here:
Weekdays, Alpha/early Beta. Weekends more flexible

Any additional remarks:
Pursuant to Starfleet regulations regarding new transfers, I am seeking the necessary fleet physician assessments (first medical, then psychological at a later date) required to uphold the spirit of G.O. 39. I am, however, unaware of any specific health issues that would affect my ability to carry out my duties at this time, and so anticipate a smooth process.


To: CAPT Meadows (@FruitOfTheLum)
From: LTJG Izly
Subj: Medical Assessment/Physical


I’ve scheduled you for your Medical Assessment at Beta today, please let me know if there’s any schedule changes required.

Jodi Izly
Lieutenant Junior Grade Station Nurse Practitioner,
Deep Space 13

Filed By:
CAPT. Meadows, Rebecca

Type of Appointment Requested:
Mental Health Assessment

If you can provide some parameters regarding your availability, please do so here:
Weekdays, Alpha/early Beta ((not this Friday 11 November, though)). Weekends more flexible.

Any additional remarks:
Pursuant to Starfleet regulations regarding new transfers, I am seeking the necessary fleet psychological assessment required to uphold the spirit of G.O. 39.

I have no immediate mental health complaints. My agoraphobia - first diagnosed while at Starfleet Academy - is on record, but has proved manageable in recent years and has not caused significant distress for some time. I received counselling after the loss of my former captain some years ago, but have not required such since.

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To: CAPT Meadows
From: ENS Caissa
Subj: Your appointment with Counselor Sedai

Hi, Captain.

I was able to set up an appointment for you! You should be able to see the details on your calendar now.

ENS Caissa
Scheduling Maven
DS13 Counseling

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Filed By:
CAPT Meadows, Rebecca

Type of Appointment Requested:
Starship Readiness

If you can provide some parameters regarding your availability, please do so here:
Weekdays: Alpha/early Beta. Weekends more flexible.

Any additional remarks:
While I have now completed my physical and psychological assessments following my transfer to the 38th Fleet (the report from the latter is still pending), it is required to submit the starship under my command - USS Vincennes - for a readiness inspection before full duties can commence.

Vincennes is a Galaxy-class starship which recently underwent her second 20-year refit just prior to reassignment to the 38th Fleet. Myself and my chief engineer have since evaluated the work of Earth Spacedock’s engineers, corrected a few mistakes and made some improvements, and we both now anticipate that a fleet assessment should be passed without incident.

Filed By:
LT Ansha Bast Wind-People

Type of Appointment Requested:
Medical Assessment / Physical

If you can provide some parameters regarding your availability, please do so here:
Late Beta shift or early Gamma shift

Any additional remarks:
See “Found Uncataloged Xenomorph Report filed by LCDR Vakmar Singe, MD, Chief Medical Officer, USS Kyiv, NSS-84938, Starfleet” for physiological information.
Found Uncataloged Xenomorph Report filed by LCDR Vamar Singe

To:CAPT Meadows, Rebecca (@FruitOfTheLum)
From: LT CMDR Carter, T’Pemi
Subj: Ship Readiness Inspection

Captain, please be advised that your Starship readiness inspection is scheduled for this Sunday Stardate 98886.2 (Sunday November 20th) at Alpha Shift. If this time does not work for you please let me know and we can reschedule!

Lieutenant Commander T’Pemi Carter
Acting Chief Engineer
Deep Space Thirteen


To: LT CMDR Carter, T’Pemi (@siskofan1991)
From: CAPT Meadows, Rebecca
Subj: RE: Ship Readiness Inspection

Thank you for your response Commander; Vincennes is scheduled to be in the vicinity around that stardate, so that is ideal timing. I look forward to meeting you then.

Rebecca Anne Meadows
Commanding Officer,
USS Vincennes


To: LT Ansha
From: LTJG Izly
Subj: Medical Appointment

Apologies for taking so long to get back to you Lieutenant, we have a large opening at Gamma+1.5 and onwards we can grab you at. Feel free to come down to Sickbay in Medical and we’ll get you sorted out.

Jodi Izly
Lieutenant Junior Grade Nurse Practitioner,
Deep Space 13

//ATTACHMENT// filename.ext

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