OOC This topic is for requesting an IC appointment for your character. After you post your request, a player who has a character of the appropriate discipline will reply to your post and work to find an appropriate time for both of you to meet.
Please use the Template > Appointment Request to get the correct form template. (When making a post, click on the little cog wheel, select ‘Insert template’, then click the clipboard button for ‘Appointment Request’.)
In order to avoid overwhelming our evaluating players, please do not request more than one appointment at a time. After you have finished the RP for one evaluation, you can request another.
Types of appointments that you can request here (copy/paste one of these to your reply):
To: CMDR Jera (@Ropefish) From: ENS Caissa Subj: Mental Health Assessment request
Hi, Commander.
It looks like we have an overlapping availability coming up for early next week, so I’ve locked that in for you. We’ve booked the promenade conference room for this visit, so that’s where you should report. Thanks!
To: LT Kelak (@Gewi) CC: CMDR Jarnefelt, C. From: LT Castillo, V. Subj: Medical Evaluation
Lieutenant Kelak,
We’ve got you scheduled in for this evening at Gamma +2. Your records should be available in FleetMed by this afternoon, but just in case, please bring a copy with you.
LT Victor Castillo
Medical Officer, Deep Space 13
38th Fleet ‘Argo
Apologies for the delay, we’ve went ahead and scheduled your Baseline Medical Evaluation for Beta+1. If there are any changes you wish to make please let me know.
Jodi Izly
Lieutenant Junior Grade Station Nurse Practitioner,
Deep Space 13