Small craft qualifications are an optional part of the post-recruitment process in which a character becomes (re)certified in the piloting and operation of shuttlecraft. The advanced qualification level includes an extra segment.
Please feel free to use the report template below to guide your evaluation. After you’ve posted your report to the topic, you may edit the first post in this topic to include the name of the officer and a link to the report you’ve added. If an officer has more than one report associated with them, add the link as a number. (e.g. Jal'Shan, Corsanolith 1, 2
If you’d like to request a qualification appointment, the correct topic to use on the forums would be the Appointment Requests topic. Feel free to also ping the @operations
role in Discord.
Template Code
<div class="report starfleet"><div class="logo"></div>
<div><mark>Stardate:</mark><br />
</div><div><mark>Flight Test Candidate:</mark><br />
(candidate's name here)
</div><div><mark>Flight Test Examiner:</mark><br />
CMDR Yourname, Here
[color=#239edd][font="Ubuntu Mono"]TEST PURPOSE:[/font][/color] Initial qualification / Renewal of existing qualification / Other
[color=#239edd][font="Ubuntu Mono"]QUALIFICATION LEVEL:[/font][/color] Basic / Advanced
**[color=firebrick]1: FAIL[/color]**
**[color=gold]2: PARTIAL PASS[/color]**
**[color=dodgerblue]3: PASS[/color]**
**[color=lawngreen]4: PASS[/color]**
*[color=grey]Grade 4 indicates pass, exceeding standards. Grade 3 indicates pass, meeting standards. Grade 2 indicates partial pass with one or more segments requiring re-testing or remediation. Grade 1 indicates fail with a full re-test required.[/color]*
(Any freeform notes, comments, instructions, etc. that the evaluator wants to leave for the candidate go here, if applicable.)
* Monitors automated startup diagnostic check
* Completes manual test of critical systems: life support, inertial dampeners, deflector system(s), RCS thrusters, impulse engines
* Identifies any system errors/flags and determines if vessel is serviceable for flight
<abbr>GRADE</abbr> **[color=dimgrey]1[/color] / [color=dimgrey]2[/color] / [color=dimgrey]3[/color] / [color=lawngreen]4[/color]**
* Inputs predetermined destination on nav computer and verifies route is correct
* Contacts destination with intentions and estimated time of arrival
* Determines appropriate corrective action for hypothetical emergency situations
<abbr>GRADE</abbr> **[color=dimgrey]1[/color] / [color=dimgrey]2[/color] / [color=dodgerblue]3[/color] / [color=dimgrey]4[/color]**
Note: Autopilot may not be used for this segment
* Obtains clearance for departure from appropriate traffic control authority
* Exits docking bay/port at a safe speed without posing risk to any other vessel, object or personnel
* Accurately complies with all departure instructions or, if unable to do so, promptly informs traffic control authority with justification
<abbr>GRADE</abbr> **[color=dimgrey]1[/color] / [color=gold]2[/color] / [color=dimgrey]3[/color] / [color=dimgrey]4[/color]**
* Intercepts initial course vector as soon as clear of traffic control area
* Accelerates to appropriate impulse speed or warp factor for route
* Monitors communication systems and sensors for other nearby vessels
<abbr>GRADE</abbr> **[color=firebrick]1[/color] / [color=dimgrey]2[/color] / [color=dimgrey]3[/color] / [color=dimgrey]4[/color]**
Note: Autopilot may not be used. This segment is omitted for flight tests of type "Small Craft, Basic"
* Enters standard orbit of an acceptable planetary body
* Decelerates below orbital velocity to descend towards surface
* Prevents excessive acceleration to maintain safe hull temperature with RCS thrusters
<abbr>GRADE</abbr> **[color=dimgrey]1[/color] / [color=gold]2[/color] / [color=dimgrey]3[/color] / [color=dimgrey]4[/color]**
* Requests arrival instructions from appropriate traffic control authority
* Slows to safe maneuvering speed prior to entering traffic control area
* Accurately complies with instructions and secures vessel at correct docking bay/port
<abbr>GRADE</abbr> **[color=dimgrey]1[/color] / [color=dimgrey]2[/color] / [color=dodgerblue]3[/color] / [color=dimgrey]4[/color]**
Note: During any one preceding segment, examiner will simulate a failure of one flight-related system of their choosing
* Remains calm and correctly identifies problem
* Determines and applies appropriate corrective action
* Assesses if further corrective action is necessary
<abbr>GRADE</abbr> **[color=dimgrey]1[/color] / [color=dimgrey]2[/color] / [color=dimgrey]3[/color] / [color=lawngreen]4[/color]**