Assignments | To: CMDR Hanson, LCDR J. Kermit

Stardate 95038.2
Security Level 1: Open
TO CMDR Hanson, LCDR J.Kermit
CC --
SUBJ. Assignments

Commander Hanson and Lieutenant Commander Kermit,

Due to Lieutenant Commander Kermit's duty restriction, I do not believe he would be the best choice to serve as Acting Chief of Operations at this time. Bringing tactical systems online, coordinating docking and departures, and handling departmental requisitions and intercommunication is going to be a very demanding job, and the station would be best-served by a full-time officer with considerable operations experience.

In addition, because of the large number of incoming personnel about to return to the station, beginning this week with our entire security contingent, the position of Acting Executive Officer will be devoted, until we return to normal operation, to coordinating crew assignments and duty roster approval.

Consequently, Commander Hanson, you are appointed to the position of Acting Chief of Operations, effective immediately. Your immediate task is to prepare for the restoration of our entire tactical system tomorrow, including a full inventory of our photon torpedoes, and our tactical surplus. Following that, inform Starbase K-7 that we are ready for the return for our entire security contingent, and begin preparing for their return in two days: this includes beginning crew-area cleanup and restoration to ensure we have ample quarters available.

Lieutenant Commander Kermit, you are appointed to the position of Acting Executive Officer. You are on half-duty restriction, and you may work from your assigned temporary quarters. Your sole tasks are to handle personnel assignments and to verify and approve duty rosters submitted by departments.

It should go without saying, but for the purpose of clarification I add that these assignments are temporary, due to our current circumstances.

Captain Caspius
Starbase Commander, Deep Space 13