ATTN USS Brahe Crew: Maintenance Schedule & Rumors

Security Level 1 - Open

TO <USS Brahe | ALL>
FROM CAPT Zaliel Sel
SUBJ ATTN: Maintenance Schedule & Rumors

Good Afternoon Everyone,
There’s a lot to talk about in today’s message, so please pay very close attention this memorandum.

First, I want to express my sincere appreciation and admiration for the excellence demonstrated by each of you during the events over Rulian III on Stardate 95874. From defending yourselves against a hostile starship, to performing a combat planetfall, and ultimately the rescue of over fifty souls, I have placed a citation in each of your personnel files for your contributions to that mission.

Second, I want to address some rumors about the upcoming maintenance effort. The following rumors are not true:
  • We are not getting a fish tank in the mess hall—those of you who remember the last time we had one will understand why.
  • We are not getting a holodeck—please continue to use the limited ones in your quarters or in shared spaces, like the gymnasium.
  • We are not getting more crew or quarters. Seriously, where would we put them?
  • Chief Engineer Zolwink is not retiring—stop spreading this rumor. Every time it is repeated, she digs in a little deeper.

The following rumor is true: WE’RE GETTING A SLIPSTREAM DRIVE! The parts arrived yesterday and have all been checked and accounted for. Maintenance for this effort will begin promptly on Stardate 95902.3. Prior to that, the Brahe will be moved to DS13’s Drydock facility later today.

Chief Engineer Zolwink will oversee the installation effort.

This will be a major overhaul and installation for the Brahe, which unfortunately means there will be No General Shore Leave during the installation. It is imperative that we not only familiarize ourselves with this technology, but ensure that we are capable of providing fast damage control in the event of an emergency. The following schedule changes go in effect on Stardate 95902.3:
  • All Primary Engineering Staff will work shifts as organized by Chief Engineer Zolwink
  • All Secondary Engineering Staff (including Senior Officers) will work shifts as organized by Chief Engineer Zolwink

The following exceptions will apply to the above scheduling:
  • Any crewmember currently engaged in a time-sensitive experiment or research deadline may submit a request to be excused to Commander Ysleb; however, it is strongly encouraged that any excused crewmember volunteer at least four hours each day of their non-shift time towards hands-on experience with this technology.
  • In discussion with Captain Alistair Nimitz of the USS Pegasus, any Primary or Secondary Tactical Crewmember (not to include Engineering Primaries) may undergo a course of Advanced Tactical Training, both in Ground and Space combat, aboard the Pegasus. If you are interested in this assignment, please contact Lieutenant Commander Kihino. This is a somewhat rare opportunity and any participating crewmember is expected to conduct themselves with extreme professionalism. Remember that you will be representing the Brahe and are going there to learn from a highly decorated military officer. My expectation is that your comportment will exceed Captain Nimitz’s expectations.

Any crewmember not covered in the above sections / unsure about their assignment should contact their respective department head.

Chief Engineer Zolwink estimates one to two weeks for this maintenance effort to be completed, with the possibility of another week in testing. Therefore, our next assignment is expected in four or five weeks. If all maintenance tasks are completed ahead of schedule and testing looks good, a General Shore Leave on DS13 may be issued.

Finally, Brahe Day is only a few weeks away. Scheduling of the event will occur as we get closer to the date, based on the maintenance status. I know this is something we all look forward to each year and I promise it will happen. Tycho will understand if we celebrate his 772-year birthday a day or two early—or late, as the case may be.

Thank you again for your time and attention. We have a lot of work ahead of us, but I know each of you will rise to the occasion.

I Have the Honor and Privilege to be Your,
Captain Zaliel Sel
Commanding Officer, USS Brahe
Security Level 1 - Open

TO <USS Brahe | ALL>
FROM CAPT Zaliel Sel
SUBJ RE: ATTN: Maintenance Schedule & Rumors

Good Evening Brahe,
I am pleased to report that Chief Engineer Zolwink has notified me that installation of the Slipstream Drive is complete and dry-dock testing will begin promptly tomorrow morning. Current shift assignments will remain as-is to assist with any troubleshooting and provide learning exercises related to the new system.

The number of requests I have received over the past week regarding a new fish tank is staggering. Looking through my communiques, I have eight-seven (87!) correspondences regarding this matter, which is 1.338461538 letters per member of this crew. Simply. Staggering. I can't ignore the fact that the crew feels strongly about this topic, or forget that the original tank was great for morale. Therefore, I am provisionally approving a tank be installed; however, these are the ground rules:
  • The tank, its organisms, and a detailed manifest therein will be overseen by the Chief Science Officer
  • The tank will be both mechanically sealed and use a force field at any opening
  • All tank-dwelling organisms will be tagged and the computer programmed to monitor the specimens at all times
  • At no time will any organism which has the ability to slither out of its tank and find its way into my quarters be permitted
  • At no time will any organism which has the ability to nest in the ventilation system be permitted
  • At no time will any member of the crew attempt to, regardless their state of sobriety, cook any food on a plasma conduit including those in the fish tank

The provisional nature of this tank will remain in perpetuity. If any of the above rules are violated, the organisms will be returned to their native habitats and the tank itself deposited in the nearest black hole.

The installation will be overseen by Chief Engineer Zolwink, who will assign crew accordingly.

On to happier news: Brahe Day preparations are under way. I have authorized Commander Ysleb to begin forming a decoration, planning, and staffing detail. If you would like to volunteer for these assignments, please contact the Commander directly. She will also be posting the current manifest of festival supplies, now that the ship's computer is online and generally available. If you ordered something, now is the time to verify it has arrived.

Several of our Security Team returned from a successful training exercise aboard the Pegasus. Briefings will be held each week for the next six weeks to go over the new skills learned. Please find time to attend these demonstrations and perform guided practice when possible.

Thank you for your dedication and hard work over the last few weeks. We're almost done, keep up the great work!

I Have the Honor and Privilege to be Your,
Captain Zaliel Sel
Commanding Officer, USS Brahe
Security Level 1 - Open

TO <USS Brahe | ALL>
FROM CAPT Zaliel Sel
SUBJ RE: ATTN: Maintenance Schedule & Rumors

Good Afternoon Brahe,
All scheduled maintenance efforts are now complete! With the Brahe securely parked at the DS13 docking pylon, General Shore Leave is now approved through Stardate 95957.1. Please be respectful and mindful of the DS13 policies and procedures when you disembark. Incidents involving Station Security may prevent you from enjoying BRAHE DAY!

Consider spending some time at Holodeck-A which is hosting the Winter Wonderland program. Enjoy the spaciousness of the station while you can and make sure to come back on Stardate 95953.1 for our Brahe Day celebration!

I Have the Honor and Privilege to be Your,
Captain Zaliel Sel
Commanding Officer, USS Brahe

PS- Yes, the fish tank has been installed in the Observation Lounge, no there are no fish in it, yet. Contact LCDR Stose to make suggestions. Remember the rules.