Aug 6: The Old that's Strong Doesn't Wither

First, Kepler-42d was found to have the possibility of bearing life. Then it was found to have life. Some of that life was found to be sentient. That sentient life was found to be warp-capable. Now, after making first contact via a probe, the Korlackress, formerly known as Spine Snakes, will be met in a diplomatic setting aboard a starship.

Members of the 38th Fleet will be able to converse with two representatives from this species. Ghadruil, one of the high ranking priests, and Ulkesh, the Ambassador for the Korlackress. During this event (poison checked) foods will be available from both worlds, and the terms of the relationship between the Federation and the Korlackress will be formalized.


When: 6 August @ gamma

Where: A Federation Starship above Aurking (Kepler-42d)

What: Social RP and diplomatic RP

OOC Point of Contact: @osi#6269/@dienonychus
Caelia and I will either be at the airport picking up our guests or getting them settled during this one. NOBODY SHOOT THE KORLACKRESS!
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Too bad I have to work. Because otherwise Kozath would be there to shoot anyone who shoots anyone.

And whole respecting physical strength and stature thing.
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