It was a lot harder to get a ship ship-shape than in the old days.
There'd been a whole hell of a lot less planning when it came to getting the crew of the Tovonal together. They'd been a skeleton crew at first, just those that'd been together since their beginning together. More people had came together as time passed, and by the time the Tovonal had broken apart above Earth she'd had a full crew. Now, the Lahai would be setting out not only fully crewed, but with the support of the Romulan Republic.
(Sometimes, it was so hard to believe that it could even exist, this republic. Who would have thought that a different sort of raptor would spread it's wings over the Romulan people?)
And that was fine. It was great, really. They'd have support, they'd have intelligence, they'd have channels to requisition things. It wouldn't be a ragtag crew against anyone that flew against them, they'd never have to relive those early years filled with terror again. Oh, no. This new frontier had it's own type of terror.
Currently, that terror was in the form of a duty roster. Commander Vriha t'Nuhirrien of the recently registered R.R.W. Lahai rubbed her forehead and stared down at the PADD that rested on her knee. It was hard to read due to the shaking caused by one bouncing leg. 'Vera' forced herself to take a deep breath and go still. "It's just a duty roster." She muttered to herself, trying to remind herself that she'd been through much worse than filling out a stupid duty roster.
And wasn't it stupid, wasn't it sad, that this suddenly seemed like such an insurmountable task? She'd filled out her crew as much as possible with those from the Tovonal who'd been willing and able to come back, but that didn't leave her a full crew. Ergo, she had to sort through things. Sort through who'd they'd take aboard, where they'd put them. This was just another part of her duty and she couldn't shirk it, couldn't push it onto anyone else's shoulders. They all were busy as well, and besides. She hated having a crew that wasn't hers. Even if Kev picked them out, they wouldn't be hers.
Sighing, Vera swiped through the PADD again and focused on that. She could get this done while her fleet paperwork finished. Just one more thing to do, and she could be back amongst the stars where she belonged. Already just having a station under her feet instead of a planet was improving her mood.
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And that station wasn't dead. Even though it was late in the evening officers and civilians still occasionally rolled by, the lounge humming with the slight air of practically nocturnal shift officers strolling about their work. It was one such officer thumbing through a PADD of his own, that stopped dead in his tracks when he spotted the small blond woman engrossed in her work.
John blinked, she was familiar, but not in the standard 'en passant' way a ship captain recognizes faces; this person stuck out in his memory like a throbbing wasp sting. He stared, still at a distance, and lowered the PADD with a squint. There were alarm klaxons throbbing in his head, what was it about this woman?
And then it hit him. From upwards of 6 years back, it hit him with the full force of a runaway grav-train.
His brain had been screaming that she didn't belong here on DS-13, and now he was sure of it.
Traise tucked his PADD under an arm and strode over to the sitting woman, still engrossed in her work. With a smile that begged of aggression he spoke the confident greeting of a person who felt they had the upper hand, "It's been a long time."
John blinked, she was familiar, but not in the standard 'en passant' way a ship captain recognizes faces; this person stuck out in his memory like a throbbing wasp sting. He stared, still at a distance, and lowered the PADD with a squint. There were alarm klaxons throbbing in his head, what was it about this woman?
And then it hit him. From upwards of 6 years back, it hit him with the full force of a runaway grav-train.
His brain had been screaming that she didn't belong here on DS-13, and now he was sure of it.
Traise tucked his PADD under an arm and strode over to the sitting woman, still engrossed in her work. With a smile that begged of aggression he spoke the confident greeting of a person who felt they had the upper hand, "It's been a long time."
Blessed respite. The roster could wait a bit.
Vera looked up at the person who apparently knew her, tipping her head to one side as she didn't recognize him instantly. Human. Male, mid thirties? Brown hair. Bearded. Not happy to see her. That didn't clear matters up at all. Still. Didn't change what needed to be done. Vera smiled up at the man, putting her PADD to the side and crossing one leg over the other, resting her hands on her knees.
And then everything's all right, it's like lighting strikes, or a great gust blows the clouds out of her mind. Plasma's flowing where it needs to, and Vera can focus again. It'd been years ago. The Albion, trussed up in a museum. A man hovering, untrusting, asking questions and getting no satisfying answers in return.
"My, my, my." Vera grinned brightly up at him, all teeth and gleaming eyes. He'd been so much fun to play with. "Little Johnny Traise! Look at you! Finally grew into both your beard and your captaincy, hm? Still running the Albion-D?"
Vera looked up at the person who apparently knew her, tipping her head to one side as she didn't recognize him instantly. Human. Male, mid thirties? Brown hair. Bearded. Not happy to see her. That didn't clear matters up at all. Still. Didn't change what needed to be done. Vera smiled up at the man, putting her PADD to the side and crossing one leg over the other, resting her hands on her knees.
And then everything's all right, it's like lighting strikes, or a great gust blows the clouds out of her mind. Plasma's flowing where it needs to, and Vera can focus again. It'd been years ago. The Albion, trussed up in a museum. A man hovering, untrusting, asking questions and getting no satisfying answers in return.
"My, my, my." Vera grinned brightly up at him, all teeth and gleaming eyes. He'd been so much fun to play with. "Little Johnny Traise! Look at you! Finally grew into both your beard and your captaincy, hm? Still running the Albion-D?"
He rolled his tongue behind his lower lip at the 'Little Johnny Traise' comment. It immediately set him off guard. No one ever called him 'Johnny' with perhaps the sole exception of a paternal Aunt. For all the posturing he was doing a moment ago, he was immediately put off base.
Like always, he tried to rally behind the Albion, "I am, although I will be the first to admit she's overdue for a re-fit."
Shifting his weight to the other leg, John hoped to levy what leverage he still felt he had. After all, he belonged here, but in his mind -she- definitely didn't.
"Oh, forgive me, I would have addressed you by name when I first walked up but thought it would have been rude simply to call you the equivalent of 'Joan Everyromulan'. Even if that was the name you gave me when we first met."
Like always, he tried to rally behind the Albion, "I am, although I will be the first to admit she's overdue for a re-fit."
Shifting his weight to the other leg, John hoped to levy what leverage he still felt he had. After all, he belonged here, but in his mind -she- definitely didn't.
"Oh, forgive me, I would have addressed you by name when I first walked up but thought it would have been rude simply to call you the equivalent of 'Joan Everyromulan'. Even if that was the name you gave me when we first met."
He didn't like that at all, did he? Humans. They were so cute and fun to play with. "I'm certain she's still flying fine. She wouldn't be an Albion otherwise. The A lasted for over a hundred years before they put her in a museum. With a capable captain and a good crew, I'm certain the D will last just as long."
Let him take that however he wanted. Vera hopped up from her seat, tugging her jacket down as she did so. For all the advantages the Romulan Republic had over the Romulan Star Empire, tailors were not among them. Her kingdom for a jacket that had a good cut and didn't ride up on her midriff. "Oh, did I call myself Ael? Well, you understand, of course. Never know who's listening in a place like that."
Vera offered him a broad smile and another handshake. He'd liked the first one so much, after all. "Commander Vriha t'Nuhirrien, though I'd love it if you called me Vera. Human names are just so... Cute."
Let him take that however he wanted. Vera hopped up from her seat, tugging her jacket down as she did so. For all the advantages the Romulan Republic had over the Romulan Star Empire, tailors were not among them. Her kingdom for a jacket that had a good cut and didn't ride up on her midriff. "Oh, did I call myself Ael? Well, you understand, of course. Never know who's listening in a place like that."
Vera offered him a broad smile and another handshake. He'd liked the first one so much, after all. "Commander Vriha t'Nuhirrien, though I'd love it if you called me Vera. Human names are just so... Cute."
Traise stared at the outstretched hand. No, that was a lie. It wasn't a stare.
It was a glare.
* * * * * * * * * * * * [ Upwards of Six Years Back ] * * * * * * * * * * * *
Johnathon was positively glowing, it was as if he had gotten his first command all over again. His hair was cut lower then, but the beard was an ever present feature; short and clean. It had been a busy day, a momentous day. A return home of a sorts and there had been many hands to shake and even a small speech or two.
It was the day the Albion - A, his first Albion, was officially christened as a running museum ship.
The Miranda class vessel was already a 100 year old relic by the time he first stepped aboard as a crewman. And it was the ship that he righted through the Battle of Vega. While the wars of the modern age had taken her away from him almost two years ago she never left his heart. And even when there was only the faintest glimmer of such a fate for the old girl, John was the strongest fighter. After all, he was the last one fortunate enough to be her Captain while in active service. John said it was for his Mentor's Memory, Garret Remoi, his Captain... but he would have been lying.
He loved her.
And now here she was, refit as a touring museum vessel dedicated to the history of Starfleet's pursuit of science in the face of war. A toy to inspire child and adult alike, like he had once been. The Albion had done it all and now was put out to pasture. Traise had never been so proud of anything than he was of the old girl. Even the freshly minted Albion - D, a test-bed Odyssey, didn't make his heart soar like this old Miranda did.
It only goes to show that you may move on, but you never forget your first love.
By now the ceremonies had passed and small disk shaped robots cleaned the floors of the Earth Space Dock observation deck that had been leased out for the occasion. With a few exceptions the hall was empty but for the light of the dock reflecting off of the magnificent pearlescent hull of the A, looming unabated through the enormous viewing pane.
And there at the window, Traise first saw the woman. Shorter with a pixie cut, staring silently and alone at the A. As he quietly approached her he noticed the subtle ridges and details marking her as Romulan, quite the oddity even if she wasn't blond. But, Traise wasn't aback in the slightest and was a relative beacon of Federation hospitality. After all, he was the Argo's First Ambassador on New Romulus for a time. Romulans may be particular, but he considered himself 'experienced' with them by now.
She was engrossed, staring up at the silent Albion. John could only guess what, but he had a feeling that he knew the look.
"Beautiful, isn't she?" he asked, while taking up the spot next to the woman and joined her in admiration.
It was a glare.
* * * * * * * * * * * * [ Upwards of Six Years Back ] * * * * * * * * * * * *
Johnathon was positively glowing, it was as if he had gotten his first command all over again. His hair was cut lower then, but the beard was an ever present feature; short and clean. It had been a busy day, a momentous day. A return home of a sorts and there had been many hands to shake and even a small speech or two.
It was the day the Albion - A, his first Albion, was officially christened as a running museum ship.
The Miranda class vessel was already a 100 year old relic by the time he first stepped aboard as a crewman. And it was the ship that he righted through the Battle of Vega. While the wars of the modern age had taken her away from him almost two years ago she never left his heart. And even when there was only the faintest glimmer of such a fate for the old girl, John was the strongest fighter. After all, he was the last one fortunate enough to be her Captain while in active service. John said it was for his Mentor's Memory, Garret Remoi, his Captain... but he would have been lying.
He loved her.
And now here she was, refit as a touring museum vessel dedicated to the history of Starfleet's pursuit of science in the face of war. A toy to inspire child and adult alike, like he had once been. The Albion had done it all and now was put out to pasture. Traise had never been so proud of anything than he was of the old girl. Even the freshly minted Albion - D, a test-bed Odyssey, didn't make his heart soar like this old Miranda did.
It only goes to show that you may move on, but you never forget your first love.
By now the ceremonies had passed and small disk shaped robots cleaned the floors of the Earth Space Dock observation deck that had been leased out for the occasion. With a few exceptions the hall was empty but for the light of the dock reflecting off of the magnificent pearlescent hull of the A, looming unabated through the enormous viewing pane.
And there at the window, Traise first saw the woman. Shorter with a pixie cut, staring silently and alone at the A. As he quietly approached her he noticed the subtle ridges and details marking her as Romulan, quite the oddity even if she wasn't blond. But, Traise wasn't aback in the slightest and was a relative beacon of Federation hospitality. After all, he was the Argo's First Ambassador on New Romulus for a time. Romulans may be particular, but he considered himself 'experienced' with them by now.
She was engrossed, staring up at the silent Albion. John could only guess what, but he had a feeling that he knew the look.
"Beautiful, isn't she?" he asked, while taking up the spot next to the woman and joined her in admiration.
It was a little sad to see her trussed up like that, no longer a beacon out there in the dark reaches of space. Just a shell, a display. This was more a memorial for her than anything else. The Albion had never been Vera's ship; she'd never served on her or flown under her banner. She'd been a passanger, just one of a group of lost souls found out in the wilds. Wasn't it funny looking back, how they'd been so terrified at the sight of a Starfleet vessel on their screens, let alone hearing that it was hailing them? Kev had been sure that they were going to start firing, that after everything they'd made it through that day that they'd finally found their death.
Of course, they'd learned later that she was a science vessel with barely enough crew. There'd been no phasers, no missiles, just a calm voice talking to them before they were helped. (And how long it'd taken them to realize that it was genuine, that they weren't going to be tossed right back to the Empire, back to their holding pens.) They'd been given medical attention and been treated with kindness that eventually they learned to accept.
Still. Even if the Albion had never been her ship, Vera still felt a connection. It'd been the making of her own crew, those of their group that had pulled together and stayed together after. It was where Kev'd given her her name, after all. The least she could do was come look at her once last time. Say thanks to those that mattered, and spend the time looking about.
She blinked as a man came up, tipipng her head up to look at him. Human. Male. Early thirties? Early thirties. Brown hair, beard. No idea who he was, either just no past meeting or he wasn't important enough to pop up on her radars. But look at him, all smiles and beaming. Today had been a good day for him, then. Didn't even seem faticious about it. "You know, I've never been one for the look of your Starfleet ships. Too... White, and curvy." Vera smiled up at him, showing her teeth. "But the Albion has always been the most beautiful ship I've ever seen."
Of course, they'd learned later that she was a science vessel with barely enough crew. There'd been no phasers, no missiles, just a calm voice talking to them before they were helped. (And how long it'd taken them to realize that it was genuine, that they weren't going to be tossed right back to the Empire, back to their holding pens.) They'd been given medical attention and been treated with kindness that eventually they learned to accept.
Still. Even if the Albion had never been her ship, Vera still felt a connection. It'd been the making of her own crew, those of their group that had pulled together and stayed together after. It was where Kev'd given her her name, after all. The least she could do was come look at her once last time. Say thanks to those that mattered, and spend the time looking about.
She blinked as a man came up, tipipng her head up to look at him. Human. Male. Early thirties? Early thirties. Brown hair, beard. No idea who he was, either just no past meeting or he wasn't important enough to pop up on her radars. But look at him, all smiles and beaming. Today had been a good day for him, then. Didn't even seem faticious about it. "You know, I've never been one for the look of your Starfleet ships. Too... White, and curvy." Vera smiled up at him, showing her teeth. "But the Albion has always been the most beautiful ship I've ever seen."
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John smiled from ear to ear, the flattery distracted him from asking just why, as a Romulan, she'd have had such sentiment.
"I can think of very few things better for her than this. Not many Miranda's were as lucky as the Albion. My mentor, Captain Remoi, was pretty critical in getting a lot of these old girls re-fited back around the turn of the century. While it kept The A in service it had the unfortunate side effect that many of her sisters didn't really survive the later conflicts that... well, appeared since then..."
He took a big breath, puffing out his chest slightly to cover his own sadness with pride. His eyes still affixed on the vessel.
"I can think of very few things better for her than this. Not many Miranda's were as lucky as the Albion. My mentor, Captain Remoi, was pretty critical in getting a lot of these old girls re-fited back around the turn of the century. While it kept The A in service it had the unfortunate side effect that many of her sisters didn't really survive the later conflicts that... well, appeared since then..."
He took a big breath, puffing out his chest slightly to cover his own sadness with pride. His eyes still affixed on the vessel.
Vera gave a soft chuff of laughter, looking over at the man with amusement. Look at him. Still so young and exuberant. "It's good that you can see the positive side. I can't help but be a bit sad to see her like this, myself. I look at her and think: 'She should be out there, in the stars, sneaking about and doing science'. It's true that the current conflicts mow through ships, and she is showing her age. But...." Vera shrugged. Saying too much more would tip her hand, and she didn't particularly feel like telling a stranger her life story. "Perhaps I'm putting emotion where it shouldn't go. I know I'd hate to be put out to pasture in my old age."
Remoi. That was the captain that had came after Entari. (Vera'd always kept track.) A mentor, hm? Interesting. Vera pushed herself back a bit from the display, focusing on the human. "Captain Remoi? He was... Oh, let me think. After Entari, but before Traise, right?"
Remoi. That was the captain that had came after Entari. (Vera'd always kept track.) A mentor, hm? Interesting. Vera pushed herself back a bit from the display, focusing on the human. "Captain Remoi? He was... Oh, let me think. After Entari, but before Traise, right?"
"Intari," John corrected the pronunciation with an honest tone and a smile, "But yes, Captain Remoi served onboard the Albion as First Officer for quite a bit of time before taking over when Intari retired. I wasn't so lucky, the highest title I had before 'Acting Captain' was technically 'Scientific Yeoman' I think?"
He finally turned to the woman and introduced himself, "Johnathon Traise, current Captain of the Albion - D."
He finally turned to the woman and introduced himself, "Johnathon Traise, current Captain of the Albion - D."
"Right, such weird vowel sounds.E's, I's. Language is fascinating, isn't it?" Vera smiled and tried to play off that she'd fucked up, which she generally didn't have to do much. When fucking up meant the difference between making it out of something alive or getting shot, you tried not to do it much. "Oh, you're Captain Traise! I'd heard about what happened, of course. Anyone keeping an eye on the Albion would've. You've done so well with her line."
And here was the really fun part. Vera held her hand out for a handshake and positivley beamed up at the man. Time to see how he'd react! "Ael Arrhae, at your service. It is an absoloute pleasure."
And here was the really fun part. Vera held her hand out for a handshake and positivley beamed up at the man. Time to see how he'd react! "Ael Arrhae, at your service. It is an absoloute pleasure."
Reflexively Traise reached out and shook her hand.
...And then his brain stopped.
Not literally, but internally it was performing the mental equivalent of a Transwarp Drive S.C.R.A.M., sound effects and all.
"Miss Arrhae, a ... pleasure," he stammered, the gears in his head now reversing and trying to run sideways.
What the hell? Why did everything just suddenly seem wrong?
He focused on the name, his brow knitting, "I knew an Ael when I was serving as a diplomatic liaison on New Romulus."
Was it the name? Maybe...?
Outwardly you could see the perplexity scribbling itself across his face. Something deep in his head was screaming a warning at him but he hadn't figured it out yet.
It was when he loosed his grip and finally allowed the woman to take her hand back that it dawned on him.
She shook his hand.
When was the last time a Romulan shook his hand? Let alone took the initiative? Most the Romulans he ever worked with reacted to the gesture with an abject glare. When doing diplomatic work on Mol'Rihan most humans or Federation personnel who'd spent time on Earth actively needed to repress the urge to introduce themselves with a handshake or otherwise risk setting back negotiation progress by days.
And yet, this woman shook his hand right away. She initiated it.
Everything about her was suddenly wrong, and John went into crisis mode.
...And then his brain stopped.
Not literally, but internally it was performing the mental equivalent of a Transwarp Drive S.C.R.A.M., sound effects and all.
"Miss Arrhae, a ... pleasure," he stammered, the gears in his head now reversing and trying to run sideways.
What the hell? Why did everything just suddenly seem wrong?
He focused on the name, his brow knitting, "I knew an Ael when I was serving as a diplomatic liaison on New Romulus."
Was it the name? Maybe...?
Outwardly you could see the perplexity scribbling itself across his face. Something deep in his head was screaming a warning at him but he hadn't figured it out yet.
It was when he loosed his grip and finally allowed the woman to take her hand back that it dawned on him.
She shook his hand.
When was the last time a Romulan shook his hand? Let alone took the initiative? Most the Romulans he ever worked with reacted to the gesture with an abject glare. When doing diplomatic work on Mol'Rihan most humans or Federation personnel who'd spent time on Earth actively needed to repress the urge to introduce themselves with a handshake or otherwise risk setting back negotiation progress by days.
And yet, this woman shook his hand right away. She initiated it.
Everything about her was suddenly wrong, and John went into crisis mode.
Diplomatic envoy to New Romulus? Oh, that made this even better. Vera continued beaming at him, slipping her hands behind her back when he let her free from the handshake. This was fantastic. She could see the gears in his head stuttering and grinding, like her handshake had poured ball bearings into them. "A diplomatic envoy and a starship catain? My, my, Captain Traise, where do do you find the time to get anything done? I don't doubt you know an Ael or ten, it's a... Very common name." Vera ducked her head a bit, looking up at him through her eyelashes like she was ashamed to admit that she was common.
This was hilarious.
There's a twinge in the back of her head, like she can feel a glare being aimed at her. It isn't Traise, he's too busy looking like she's stabbed him in the kidneys. Vera moved slightly to the side, looking back past the human. Ah, right. Kev had came with her to the museum and he's giving her his near patented, exasprated, 'I stepped out of the room for five minutes to go to the bathroom why can't you behave' look. Vera bit her lower lip a bit and turned her attention back to Traise. "You're a very interesting man, Captain Traise. Not many people want to work with Romulans. After all, even Romulans aren't happy to see other Romulans. It must have been so trying for you, being on the new homeworld."
This was hilarious.
There's a twinge in the back of her head, like she can feel a glare being aimed at her. It isn't Traise, he's too busy looking like she's stabbed him in the kidneys. Vera moved slightly to the side, looking back past the human. Ah, right. Kev had came with her to the museum and he's giving her his near patented, exasprated, 'I stepped out of the room for five minutes to go to the bathroom why can't you behave' look. Vera bit her lower lip a bit and turned her attention back to Traise. "You're a very interesting man, Captain Traise. Not many people want to work with Romulans. After all, even Romulans aren't happy to see other Romulans. It must have been so trying for you, being on the new homeworld."
Traise ran through everything as fast as he could. Back to the name.
"I don't doubt you know an Ael or ten, it's a... Very common name," she said almost on cue while the gears clicked again. It was common, extremely common. Was she bragging about it? Arrhae he knew translated to something along the lines of 'Pride' or 'Pride in'... his brain went straight to the pun.
Proud in being Common.
It wasn't just a fake name, it was a ballsy one. He'd never met a Romulan who willingly admitted to being considered 'common'.
What else? She mentioned the Albion's history. She knew it. Studied it perhaps? She had at least a list of it's most recent Captains... albeit one retired, one MIA presumed KIA, and Traise...
Who benefited from being informed? Everyone really. Captains, Law Enforcement, Traders, Smugglers, Assassins, uhhg... Politicians. Already his brain was flashing back to the Tal Shiar that were way too common in those first days of New Romulus. God, why was that? He really wished not to know.
He tried to snap back into attention of the moment, and caught her slight lean for something behind him. Don't look, not yet. Don't let her see you noticed.
She was talking about dealing with Romulans who had the over-common suspicions of one another...
"Well, that's what you get with a group like the Tal Shiar running around for so long," Geh... there they go poking up in his thoughts again. He really hoped it was coincidence and tried ignoring his gut telling him it wasn't.
Now she was talking about New Romulus, why did this keep adding up and still ending up with a grand sum of nothing?!
"Mol'Rihan was fine," he said quite plainly now that diplomacy was quickly becoming an afterthought. "I won't lie, I really felt a Pioneer spirit there. But, perhaps that's just the human in me."
New Romulus, maybe this is about New Romulus... perhaps romulans in general? Is she making a statement about-
Focus John.
... wait there was that one female assassin, he never did see her face. No, no, this is far to public. Unless...
Completely oblivious to the truth, John did his best to keep an eye on the conversation right in front of him that he was supposed to be half of. It was all the handshake's fault.
"I don't doubt you know an Ael or ten, it's a... Very common name," she said almost on cue while the gears clicked again. It was common, extremely common. Was she bragging about it? Arrhae he knew translated to something along the lines of 'Pride' or 'Pride in'... his brain went straight to the pun.
Proud in being Common.
It wasn't just a fake name, it was a ballsy one. He'd never met a Romulan who willingly admitted to being considered 'common'.
What else? She mentioned the Albion's history. She knew it. Studied it perhaps? She had at least a list of it's most recent Captains... albeit one retired, one MIA presumed KIA, and Traise...
Who benefited from being informed? Everyone really. Captains, Law Enforcement, Traders, Smugglers, Assassins, uhhg... Politicians. Already his brain was flashing back to the Tal Shiar that were way too common in those first days of New Romulus. God, why was that? He really wished not to know.
He tried to snap back into attention of the moment, and caught her slight lean for something behind him. Don't look, not yet. Don't let her see you noticed.
She was talking about dealing with Romulans who had the over-common suspicions of one another...
"Well, that's what you get with a group like the Tal Shiar running around for so long," Geh... there they go poking up in his thoughts again. He really hoped it was coincidence and tried ignoring his gut telling him it wasn't.
Now she was talking about New Romulus, why did this keep adding up and still ending up with a grand sum of nothing?!
"Mol'Rihan was fine," he said quite plainly now that diplomacy was quickly becoming an afterthought. "I won't lie, I really felt a Pioneer spirit there. But, perhaps that's just the human in me."
New Romulus, maybe this is about New Romulus... perhaps romulans in general? Is she making a statement about-
Focus John.
... wait there was that one female assassin, he never did see her face. No, no, this is far to public. Unless...
Completely oblivious to the truth, John did his best to keep an eye on the conversation right in front of him that he was supposed to be half of. It was all the handshake's fault.
He was like a little rat in a maze. Letting his brain do all the work for her, how fun! Vera watched him with bright, attentive eyes as she nodded at him. "New Romulus is a good chance for my people, really. I can't even imagine what the future will be like there, can you? Just think of it: entire generations getting to grow up out from under the raptor's wings. Getting to do whatever they want. It's almost impossible for me to even imagine."
It was, really. Vera had done her damnedest to give her own children a life that she'd never gotten to have. One with stability, with the ability for them to chose their own paths. That they had the option for a choice was the important part. And it was mind boggling to realize, now, that with a stable government and more Romulans coming to New Romulus, it'd be a chance for her entire race to do the same. To get to chose their own path. To get to be what they wanted to be. To grow without fear of 'not being worth the resources' if they weren't perfect.
"Especially with the Proconsul's leadership. D'tan really is the best chance we have." Behind Traise, Kev is getting impatient, shifting from foot to foot as he continues to glare in her direction. Vera's lips pressed together in a silent laugh. Oh, Kev, you poor long suffering bastard.
It was, really. Vera had done her damnedest to give her own children a life that she'd never gotten to have. One with stability, with the ability for them to chose their own paths. That they had the option for a choice was the important part. And it was mind boggling to realize, now, that with a stable government and more Romulans coming to New Romulus, it'd be a chance for her entire race to do the same. To get to chose their own path. To get to be what they wanted to be. To grow without fear of 'not being worth the resources' if they weren't perfect.
"Especially with the Proconsul's leadership. D'tan really is the best chance we have." Behind Traise, Kev is getting impatient, shifting from foot to foot as he continues to glare in her direction. Vera's lips pressed together in a silent laugh. Oh, Kev, you poor long suffering bastard.
All of it about New Romulus was suspicious, and inched his thoughts closer and closer to political or worse from the 'Jane Q. Everyromulan' infront of him. But what is the interest in him? He wasn't a Liaison anymore... he had contacts but for the most part it was all running itself now.
The whole of her comments carried a sincerity in her voice that pained of laced niceties and vague threats. At least, he hoped it was a threat. Lord only knows what misfortune if that's what she sounded like every time she spoke about something with sincerity.
But D'tan... the way she mentioned the preconsul... was that resentment, disdain, or hopelessness?
"It's a new age," Traise edged in while shifting his weight, "Who knows what comes next, or who leads it. As long as it is bright, bold, and dare I say free?"
The change in his stance allowed a slight glance at the few people left in the shipyard viewing hall, and out of the corner of his eye he spotted him. Tall, solid, bulky, dark hair. The purest picture of a romulan standing stern with obvious intent in this direction; one that has a face that screams his name is a 'Kev' or somesuch.
And the stern look on his face... like hammered bronze on a statue. All of it pointed in their direction.
Muscle, bodyguard, henchmen of a meglomaniac? It was like something out of a Captain Proton Holo.
It really didn't help Traise's mood on the situation at large.
"So, Miss Ael, considering the ceremony and after party is all but done... was your visit here a good one?" He hazarded poking for a goal, "Seeing the old Albion all dressed up for her new mission?"
The whole of her comments carried a sincerity in her voice that pained of laced niceties and vague threats. At least, he hoped it was a threat. Lord only knows what misfortune if that's what she sounded like every time she spoke about something with sincerity.
But D'tan... the way she mentioned the preconsul... was that resentment, disdain, or hopelessness?
"It's a new age," Traise edged in while shifting his weight, "Who knows what comes next, or who leads it. As long as it is bright, bold, and dare I say free?"
The change in his stance allowed a slight glance at the few people left in the shipyard viewing hall, and out of the corner of his eye he spotted him. Tall, solid, bulky, dark hair. The purest picture of a romulan standing stern with obvious intent in this direction; one that has a face that screams his name is a 'Kev' or somesuch.
And the stern look on his face... like hammered bronze on a statue. All of it pointed in their direction.
Muscle, bodyguard, henchmen of a meglomaniac? It was like something out of a Captain Proton Holo.
It really didn't help Traise's mood on the situation at large.
"So, Miss Ael, considering the ceremony and after party is all but done... was your visit here a good one?" He hazarded poking for a goal, "Seeing the old Albion all dressed up for her new mission?"
"Freedom, such a strange concept. I don't think most of my people know what to do with it. The idea of being able to think without repercussion after a lifetime of being told how to think can be overwhelming." Vera kept smiling as Kev continued to glower at her. "I'm sure you can see how volatile that situation can be."
Turning from him to stare at the Albion, Vera pressed her lips together tightly to keep herself from laughing. Now she was just being a dick. Poor man was overthinking everything. Clearly, he'd spent some time with her people if everything she said earned such scrutiny. Her eyes traced over the hull of the Albion-A, taking her in one last time. Remembering the fear of seeing her on the screens for the first time, the unfamiliar feeling of hope when they weren't fired upon instantly. She sighed, arraigning her face back into a neutral smile before turning to look at Traise again. "She'll never be what I remember he to be again, and I suppose I'm sad at that. But, after what I owe her, I couldn't not see her off." And it was sad. She was sad. That didn't matter, but it was true.
"But! I've taken up so much of your valuable time, Captain. I hope we'll meet again, however. You're very interesting. And I'd love to hear more about your Albion." Vera gave him her best sharp toothed, 'behind every smile is a dagger' grin, and gave him a cheeky two fingered salute. Only polite, since the handshake had unnerved him so. "Until then, Captain."
And she strode off without waiting for a goodbye, passing Kev and letting him cover her. Of course, as soon as he was behind her he started hissing angrily in her direction. "Five minutes. I step out for five minutes and I come back and you're harassing someone. Can you behave? For me? Do it for me?"
"I was perfectly behaved. Captain Traise and I were having a lovely conversation- Don't you go back and apologize, I stand by everything I said." Vera said sternly as Kev closed his eyes and sighed a long, tired, suffering sigh.
"You are the worst person I know."
"Worst person you know, yet. You'll meet more."
Turning from him to stare at the Albion, Vera pressed her lips together tightly to keep herself from laughing. Now she was just being a dick. Poor man was overthinking everything. Clearly, he'd spent some time with her people if everything she said earned such scrutiny. Her eyes traced over the hull of the Albion-A, taking her in one last time. Remembering the fear of seeing her on the screens for the first time, the unfamiliar feeling of hope when they weren't fired upon instantly. She sighed, arraigning her face back into a neutral smile before turning to look at Traise again. "She'll never be what I remember he to be again, and I suppose I'm sad at that. But, after what I owe her, I couldn't not see her off." And it was sad. She was sad. That didn't matter, but it was true.
"But! I've taken up so much of your valuable time, Captain. I hope we'll meet again, however. You're very interesting. And I'd love to hear more about your Albion." Vera gave him her best sharp toothed, 'behind every smile is a dagger' grin, and gave him a cheeky two fingered salute. Only polite, since the handshake had unnerved him so. "Until then, Captain."
And she strode off without waiting for a goodbye, passing Kev and letting him cover her. Of course, as soon as he was behind her he started hissing angrily in her direction. "Five minutes. I step out for five minutes and I come back and you're harassing someone. Can you behave? For me? Do it for me?"
"I was perfectly behaved. Captain Traise and I were having a lovely conversation- Don't you go back and apologize, I stand by everything I said." Vera said sternly as Kev closed his eyes and sighed a long, tired, suffering sigh.
"You are the worst person I know."
"Worst person you know, yet. You'll meet more."
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He just stood there, stunned; mouth agape in the last semblances of trying to figure it all out. There was just nothing he could do.
With a furrowing brow he looked off to the side as if at his own memories, then at his hand, then back at the memories... and then once more at the A.
Shaking his head, he marched off as his first ship hung in a blue halo behind him.
He wouldn't forget it. The Encounter. Afterwords he dug into 'research' to try and figure out anything about the woman and her motives, and it was the shear lack of data that he'd find far more suspicious than any answers.
Ironically enough, had he only just talked to Former Captain Intari he would have had every answer laid bare. Including slides and baby photos. But poor Traise had trapped himself in overthinking.
It wasn't long after the Museum ship dedication that the Albion took part in Operation Snake-Staff, and John's life barrel rolled into the future. The Romulan who was 'Proud in being Common' took a side seat to his life at large. But he never forgot.
How could you forget a handshake like that?
* * * * * * * * [ Back in the Present ] * * * * * * * *
And now, years later, he found himself glaring down that same handshake again. A pole-arm stretched out at him as if braced for a charge, grinning teeth behind it. This time he would take it serious from the start.
With his head back and nostrils flared Traise looked down his nose at her, "What are you doing here, 'Vera'?"
With a furrowing brow he looked off to the side as if at his own memories, then at his hand, then back at the memories... and then once more at the A.
Shaking his head, he marched off as his first ship hung in a blue halo behind him.
He wouldn't forget it. The Encounter. Afterwords he dug into 'research' to try and figure out anything about the woman and her motives, and it was the shear lack of data that he'd find far more suspicious than any answers.
Ironically enough, had he only just talked to Former Captain Intari he would have had every answer laid bare. Including slides and baby photos. But poor Traise had trapped himself in overthinking.
It wasn't long after the Museum ship dedication that the Albion took part in Operation Snake-Staff, and John's life barrel rolled into the future. The Romulan who was 'Proud in being Common' took a side seat to his life at large. But he never forgot.
How could you forget a handshake like that?
* * * * * * * * [ Back in the Present ] * * * * * * * *
And now, years later, he found himself glaring down that same handshake again. A pole-arm stretched out at him as if braced for a charge, grinning teeth behind it. This time he would take it serious from the start.
With his head back and nostrils flared Traise looked down his nose at her, "What are you doing here, 'Vera'?"
"Oh, I'm sorry. Do I have my customs wrong? Have I made you uncomfortable?" Vera asked, eyes sparkling with mischief as she pulled her outstretched hand back and instead offered him a traditional Vulcan salute. "Would a Ta'al be more comfortable? No touching involved. Or would you prefer a polite 'Jolan tru'?"
She'd forgotten how fun he was to needle. What words could she say to get under his skin and into his gears again? "Before you came to say hello I was working on my duty roster. It's so much more effort than I remember it being. But, I have to make sure my ship's well staffed. I might've been able to slip by with a skeleton staff when I was just working for myself or the Republic, but working with a fleet means I need to be at my best." Vera smiled at him benignly, batting her eyelashes a bit. "You know how it is. The weight of captaincy rests heavily on your shoulders too."
He seemed stiffer than she remembers, less bright and shiny. It'd only been a few years, but she had no idea what he'd gotten into. He just hadn't been that engaging to keep up on. Fun, but not much more than that. Still, if he was on this base, that likely meant he was part of this fleet, which could be an engaging occasional sidequest. 'Annoy the starfleet captain' was always a fun game.
She'd forgotten how fun he was to needle. What words could she say to get under his skin and into his gears again? "Before you came to say hello I was working on my duty roster. It's so much more effort than I remember it being. But, I have to make sure my ship's well staffed. I might've been able to slip by with a skeleton staff when I was just working for myself or the Republic, but working with a fleet means I need to be at my best." Vera smiled at him benignly, batting her eyelashes a bit. "You know how it is. The weight of captaincy rests heavily on your shoulders too."
He seemed stiffer than she remembers, less bright and shiny. It'd only been a few years, but she had no idea what he'd gotten into. He just hadn't been that engaging to keep up on. Fun, but not much more than that. Still, if he was on this base, that likely meant he was part of this fleet, which could be an engaging occasional sidequest. 'Annoy the starfleet captain' was always a fun game.
"What are you doing, here?" he re-iterated, "On Deep Space 13?"
He was being defensive, down right protective. After all, while he was almost a stranger here himself, Argo, the 38th Fleet, was his home. The last time he encountered this Romulan every fiber of his being was triggered in ways that reminded him of Kul. Seeing 'Vera' here was about a close of a second to seeing Kul himself sipping tea at the bar.
He was being defensive, down right protective. After all, while he was almost a stranger here himself, Argo, the 38th Fleet, was his home. The last time he encountered this Romulan every fiber of his being was triggered in ways that reminded him of Kul. Seeing 'Vera' here was about a close of a second to seeing Kul himself sipping tea at the bar.