To: CMDR SinB, H - Deep Space Sixteen
From: CAPT Mirazuni, A - U.S.S. Endeavour
SUBJ: Outsider
Hey Sin,
How are you?
Remember how I always said that a station was a better posting than a ship? Remember how much I hated ship assignments on 16? Remember how I took that three month assignment on that plague-infested Romulan colony rather than the three day mission on the Vittoria Veneto?
Everything is upside down here. The closer I get to the station, the more uneasy I feel. The Endeavour’s been docked here for a few weeks whilst we had a crew rotation and I have hated every minute away from the ship.
I don’t know why. This place is ten times the place 16 was. Everyone else treats this place like a second home. Hell, some even treat it as their first home. But I hate it. The irony is that the entire place feels so claustrophobic, despite the place being so large.
I’ve been trying to get off, explore the place, settle in. But I just feel queasy and sick. The headaches don’t seem to be getting better. I don’t know what it is and you know how much that annoys me.
Part of the reason has to be that I feel like an outsider in this place. Everyone is a stranger, everyone is so distant. Honestly Sin, this place… sucks. It just feels like everyone’s constantly on edge, waiting for… something? Like there’s always this unseen presence around to punish failure. DS16 felt relaxed, calm, and… homely. This place feels cold and unwelcoming.
I thought it could have been my rank. Being a captain, I know people walk on eggshells around me. It’s not like I’m a stranger to that; we used to scare the lower ranks all the time back on 16. But it hits harder now there’s nobody to joke around with. Hell, the other day I ran rings around a poor Ensign, confusing her with stupid non-sensical medical logic. You would have loved that. But it just felt shallow and empty because there was nobody who could appreciate it.
I think that’s the problem, Sin. I’m just an outsider. Even on the ship, where I feel comfortable, I’m always reminded that I’m the newcomer. We got a new Second Officer, a transfer from the base, and even she feels more a part of the ship than I.
I also hate this stupid bar too. It’s terrible. It’s open. It has no seating at the bar itself. Who stands and drinks coffee? Who stands and eats? Ridiculous. Next time this ship is back at the station, I’m finding another place to go.
Do me a favour; get some leave and get your ass over here. I need a friend that’s not a fox.
Chat soon.