Break the Ice Cream Social

As part of her service learning requirements, Cadet Willow has established the ‘Break the Ice Cream’ Social. Officially sponsored by the DS13 Counseling Department, BTIC plans to meet on a regular basis at Vanilla or Bust to host community ice breakers and provide a forum for sharing/advertising other open social/community events happening around the station. Come for the first meeting this Friday!

Shift Time: gamma+2

Audience: Residents and frequent visitors of DS13

Attendance: OPEN - Anyone can attend on any character.

RP Format: Social

Setting: Deep Space 13

Starting Point: In-game, K-13 map. ICly the setting is the Vanilla or Bust Dessert Parlor. Use /vobmenu anywhere in the Discord server to see the daily menu.

OOC :ice_cream:
Attending this event will count towards your initiate tasks.

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