"Broken Bat'leth" pt 1.5

Temek, Commanding Officer of Klingon Imperial Intelligence, beamed aboard FOB: KARGAS and proceeded to the briefing room. He was escorted by 4 Kargas security guards. Temek didn't bring any security for himself, he knew he was safe. He had taken excessive measures to ensure his arrival was kept secret. So much so that he sent a secretary to FOB: KARGAS, to ensure a transmission would not be monitored, to inform them that Temek would be arriving in a few days. Outside of the secretary, Temek, and Wrot'Ka, no one knew he would be here.

He could see through the glass that General Wrot'Ka and several other members of Strike Force: Kargas were waiting for him. Obviously they were eager to get information about the assassin that killed Councilman Braa'k and threatened the life of Chancellor J'mpok.

After the usual greetings were extended, Temek took a seat. "I apologize for ignoring your request for assistance. Imperial Intelligence prohibits sending any classified information over any kind of transmission. What I need to tell you... is something that we cannot risk being monitored by potential enemies. It is also off the record, Intelligence agents don't last long when they start talking about state secrets." He looked around to see if they could understand his position. There was nothing but cold hard stares at the Klingon.

Wrot'Ka sat at his seat and calmly said, "Speak."

Temek took a deep breath. "His name is Tralk son of Ho'Tas. He is... was an operative with Imperial Intelligence."

The General asked, "Where was he assigned?"

"I cannot tell you that." Temek was quick to respond. He continued, "I will tell you that he specialized in 'asset termination.' He was the best we had."

One of the Officers from Kargas spoke up, "He was an assassin then. You sent him out to commit cowardly attacks. A true warrior does not strike from the shadows."

Temek leaned forward resting his hands on the table. "No? So, when any enemy swoops in and starts firing on your ship you just raise your shields? You don't fire back? You wait for them to board or you board them?" It was a rhetorical question. "No. You fire back. You can view the tactics of espionage and clandestine operations however you want, but you are a fool if you do not engage your enemy on an equal footing. We are Klingons... we cannot simply play defense against shadowy figures who seek to take down the Empire. That's where a warrior like Tralk comes in. He is trained and skilled in meeting our enemies on that equal footing."

"Then why did he assassinate a member of the High Council and threaten to kill Chancellor J'mpok?" One of the other Officers asked.

Temek sat back in his seat, "We started noticing a change in Tralk's mentality about three years ago. We put him through multiple 'random' mental health screenings as his viewpoints degraded further. Tralk was on the verge of being completely unhinged. I suppose there are only so many things you can submit a Klingon to before his mind begins to crack. He has always been vocal about his opinion... but he started to become more extreme in his views and claims. He claimed that he had proof King Slathis was not an Undine and that we faked the entire ordeal to go to war with the Gorn."

Wrot'Ka had to ask, "Was he telling the truth?"

Temek got a slight grin on his face for a brief moment, "General... suppose that was true, now the Gorn fight alongside the Empire, and the Romulan Republic and United Federation of Planets have also joined our cause. Regardless of who or what King Slathis was, what matters is where we stand now to oppose those that seek to destroy the Empire." General Wrot'Ka shot Temek a harsh look, he obviously did not share the same beliefs that the ends justify the means.

Temek calmy put his hand up to stop the conversation about the death of King Slathis. The Klingon was probably not comfortable talking about such things, true or not. He continued, "Approximately 11 months ago Tralk exceeded his mission parameters and executed a senator for the Romulan Republic. Fortunately he made it look like an accident, but he was never given the order to kill. He repeated this on another mission that involved a Ferengi dignitary on Drozana. We almost pulled him from active service, but we needed him for a delicate mission against the Federation. He was close to his target when the cease-fire went into effect. Rather than pull him back, it was decided that we would simply disavow any knowledge of him and destroy all his records. We informed the Federation that we believed a deranged and dishonorable Klingon may attempt to murder a key member within Starfleet."

"You just left him behind!?" One of the Officers from Kargas exclaimed.

"He may be a Klingon Warrior, but one so well trained as he is looked at as more of a weapon for war… a weapon which had become defective. Dangerously defective. It was the best way to deal with him." Temek explained. "It did little good. He escaped from a Starfleet prison. I sent two other operatives to track him down and kill him." There was a long pause, "One of their bodies was discovered on Deep Space 9... we, uh, don't know what happened to the other."

Wrot'Ka spoke unusually calm, "You created a monster... then you tried to cage and kill that monster. Do not tell me you are surprised at his current actions and threats."

Temek started to speak then stopped to better collect his thoughts. "We suspected he may try something like this. We did not believe he would go to such extreme measures. We believe his assassination of Councilman Braa'k was to serve as an example of how easily he could frame someone else for an assassination. Had he not hailed you, General, every single member of your Strike Force would be on Rura Penthe right now. Our concerns with Tralk are multiple. He certainly has the skills and experience to assassinate the Chancellor. And outside of us giving him up to the Federation, he has never been caught. We now find ourselves concerned that he may frame the Romulan Republic or the Federation for the assassination of J'mpok."

"Why would he do that? He said he was angered at the fact we went to war with the Federation." Another Officer of Kargas asked.

Temek dismissed the question. "He believes the gap caused by a dead Chancellor and members of the High Command would cause chaos and spark another war with whomever he frames... as a form of punishment." Temek shook his head as he knew it didn’t make sense, "Your trying to understand a madman. Do not waste your time."

General Wrot'Ka stood up as did Temek. The General asked, "Do you have any more information? Anything that might actually assist us in catching him?"

"I do. First, Tralk is known for having his looks surgically altered so that he is harder to find. He doesn't believe in using masks or holo-projectors." Temek spoke as he casually pulled a harmonica shaped device from his pocket. He opened it up and grabbed a pinch of something and put it in his mouth, it is unclear if it was a snack or gum or something else. “Second, Tralk has taken to killing off Clandestine Operatives he has previously worked with. That should give you an idea as to how good he is at following through with this threat. So far, he’s managed to kill most of them off and make it look like simple accidents or suicide. There’s only two left… but I am certain that the one is dead and we will find her body soon. The other one is alive, however.”

Wrot’Ka got a curious look on his face, “How can you be sure he’s alive?”

“Trust me.” Temek said confidently. “He’s alive. His name is Shushant, he’s a Lomarian (Amphibian species). A fine operative, retired about… two years ago. I’d imagine Tralk is having a hard time tracking him down. No one knows where he is, not even us. Given what Tralk said about having a rendezvous with death, I suspect he wants to take out his former colleagues before he gets around to assassinating the Chancellor.” Temek turned to leave. As he walked off he spoke over his shoulder to the members of Strike Force: Kargas still standing in the briefing room, “Perhaps you can find Shushant first and use him as bait.”
The following information has been released to Strike Force: Kargas as per the Klingon Defense Force

Name: Tralk son of Ho'Tas
Species: Klingon
Vitals: [REDACTED]
Information: [REDACTED]


Name: Shushant Tro of FenKel ta
Species: Lomarian
Vitals: [REDACTED]
Information: [REDACTED]
