To: CAPT Buchanan, J. (@omn)
CC: CMDR Kermit, J.; CMDR Sakkhet (@kermit, @Nimitz)
From: LTJG Mekyu, S.
Subj: Career Development

I hope this message reaches you well.
I am seeking to develop my career within Starfleet and augment my duties aboard Deep Space 13, and I would like to enroll in a fast-track course to develop appropriate skills to take on roles of Helm-Conn Officer.
While I realise this particular course does not directly tie in with my current role of Tactical Officer aboard Deep Space 13 (which I am not considering changing at this time), I feel the ability to support operations of Fleet starships, as well as provide additional tactical context to operations in and around the Starbase command influence sphere, would be of net benefit to Fleet and Base operations.
During my time at Starfleet academy, I spent much of the first two years aboard starships instead of at campus facilities. I believe I’ve picked up a broad range of skills, and indeed during my early commission, I have been required to take stations beyond my training, and earned a small craft piloting minor. While I accept these skills aren’t inherently transferrable, it’s a good jumping point, and to be frank, Sir, I’m a quick study.
I look forward to your reply.
Kind regards,
Lieutenant Junior Grade Siana Mekyu
Tactical Officer,
Deep Space 13