I wanted to discuss something that seems like it might be a touchy subject. I have a character I would like to move to STO when I'm able to bring alts to the fleet (er... if! No assumptions). I play Star Trek Adventures every other Wednesday night with a group of friends and I would like to eventually bring my character over to STO. The problem is that the game is based in 2366.
Let me recognize that time travel is... very touchy, sometimes frowned upon, sometimes used for power or meta gaming. How does the fleet treat this subject? Is it "Ril'el, please just don't even go there. Get out RIGHT THIS INSTANT!" or is it "If it's a solid concept we'll accept it"? It is less appealing to me to rewrite everything that has happened to him to fit for 2409-2417, I don't want to take away what makes the character one I enjoy. I'm very open to collaborating on how to make it possible; caught in a temporal rift, lost in some other phenomenon, "stored" somewhere.. etc.
So.. are there any instances where it's okay to submit a concept like that?
Please don't stone me. :-(
Taken from http://argo.enjin.com/forum/m/6618775/viewthread/16359577-argo-character-story-policy
'TIME TRAVELERS are conditionally acceptable. Admin must vet origin story, character cannot continue to have access to time travel capabilities'
'TIME TRAVELERS are conditionally acceptable. Admin must vet origin story, character cannot continue to have access to time travel capabilities'
Bear in mind, also, that time travel (in the sense of transit across time without existing in space in the intervening years) isn't the only way to bring your character forward into the timeframe of Argo canon. To provide an example, the TNG episode Relics brings Scotty forward into the 2360s by having him stuck in a transporter buffer. It's much easier, narratively speaking, to find a way to "freeze" your character for half a century than to effect actual time travel, if that will accomplish your aims.
I love that episode (a pretty common reaction I guess). I also like Cause and Effect. Both of those are similar to what I had in mind; the character is Half-Betazoid so he doesn't have time travel capability himself. The cause would have to be external. Preferably a technological reason like in Relics or something naturally occurring. I've never been a fan of Daniels so that kind of cause isn't an option.
Would you submit a new character thread to have it vetted or PM it somewhere?
Would you submit a new character thread to have it vetted or PM it somewhere?
Just post an alt app and the admins will weigh in
You'll want to submit an alt application to the Character Registry section of the forum. We'll go over the specifics for the character in that thread. You'll have to wait until your initiate period has passed before the alt, if accepted, can be invited to the fleet, but you can make the post whenever.
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But I didn't say it!