Cmdr. Barron-Stern: Reassignment

To: CMDR Barron-Stern
CC: CAPT Barron; CAPT Varley; CMDR Sideris;
From: VADM Aluk
Subj: Reassignment

Commander Barron-Stern,

Be advised that you have been reassigned within the 38th Fleet to the Intelligence Department, Deep Space 13.

These orders dated today, are effective upon completion of USS Alexander’s patrol and next scheduled return to starbase. Please report as soon as feasible to Commander Sideris and Captain Varley.

Peace and long life.

Vice Admiral Aluk
Commanding Officer,
38th Fleet ‘Argo’

To: CAPT Barron
CC: RDML Bishop
From: VADM Aluk
Subj: Reassignment

Captain Barron,

Please submit recommendations for replacement or promotion to fill the role of Executive Officer, USS Alexander, as soon as feasible to Admiral Bishop. Fleet Personnel Office will furnish you with a list of eligible candidates if so required.

Vice Admiral Aluk
Commanding Officer,
38th Fleet ‘Argo’

OOC @Maikull @Lauren @Calyx


To: VADM Aluk
CC: CAPT Barron; Capt Varley;
CMDR Sideris;
From: CMDR Barron-Stern
Subj: RE: Reassignment

Orders Received. Will be Enroute to DS13 for Transfer ASAP

Commander Jessica Barron-Stern
Executive Officer,
USS Alexander

To: VADM Aluk
CC: RAML Bishop; CAPT Varley;
CAPT Dubois; CMDR Sideris;
From: CAPT Barron
Subj: RE: Reassignment

Orders Received. Temporary Field Promoting my Second Officer for the time being to cover the position while still in active Task Force Operations. I will requisition personnel dossier’s from F.P.O. when we dock to deliver Commander Barron-Stern.

Captain Dubois; Rendezvous with task-force will be postponed briefly while we address this personnel order.

Captain Maikull Barron
Commanding Officer,
USS Alexander