CMDR Warner: Reassignment

To: CMDR Warner @Ruke
CC: CAPT Tolar; 38th.Command;
From: VADM Aluk
Subj: Reassignment

Commander Ruke Warner, Executive Officer, USS Mariner:

As of this date, you are requested and required to take command of USS Retribution. Retribution is in the final stages of outfitting in the Sol System. Transport via DS13 has been arranged on your behalf.

Upon taking command you are to embark upon a three-month shakedown cruise to include a series of pre-arranged system certification tests, which must be completed successfully before Retribution enters general service. During this extended assignment, you will administratively report directly to 38th Fleet Command.

Permanent assignment will be determined upon completion of your mission.

Vice Admiral Aluk
Commanding Officer,
38th Fleet ‘Argo’