Cosmozoan: Angler Cloud


Classification: Cosmozoas mondetus

The Angler Cloud is a size huge predatory cosmozoan. Physically it appears as a cloud-like object with sharply defined edges, colouring ranges from pale orange to almost white. There are no discernible sensory clusters or appendages. Specimens observed measure between two and four kilometers in diameter.

Angler Clouds are capable of transmitting a variety of signals to serve as lures, ranging from optical to em transmissions, and in one instance even subspace radio transmissions. They seem capable of adapting their lures depending on the species, as well as devising and broadcasting new lures if a new potemtial prey is sensed. Whether this is a sign of intelligence or some more basic instinctual programming is undetermined. While transmitting these lures, some Angler Clouds are content to remain 'motionless' in space, keeping orbit around whatever celestial object is nearby; moving only when the prey has come in "feeding reach". The Angler Cloud then moves to surround the prey, and then begins digestion. One specimen has been observed to "chase" prey briefly, giving up only if it becomes apparent it cannot catch the prey in question.

Little else is known about the Angler Cloud. Reproduction, range, favourable environments... all as yet unknown. Vessels that encounter Angler Clouds are encouraged to report their encounters to Starfleet. Under no circumstances is a starship or shuttle to approach an Angler Cloud.

First discovered Stardate 95684.2 by a team from the U.S.S. Shackleton, it is currently known to inhabit the space around the planetless brown dwarf K-941 in Kelterre Sector. The species name is derived from the name of the sensors officer who was part of the team.

Known Encounters: AAR - Lure