Create Your Ship's Intro

The camera slides past the swirling mass of a gas giant, focusing on the system's bright white star. An object begins growing at the edge of the screen, revealed as an Avenger-class battle cruiser as it passes in front of the star. The camera pans over to follow the ship as it closes, offering a clear view of the registry emblazoned on the saucer.

U.S.S. Basilone

A voice cuts in.

"Space. Chaotic. Beautiful. Deadly."

The ship passes, it's engines flare up as the warp systems engage. The star flashes intensly, fading the screen to white.

The camera fades back into view, looking at the left side of a human male sitting in the Captain's chair, white over black command uniform standing out against the backdrop of the bridge.

"These are the trials of the U.S.S. Basilone."

A name appears across the screen.

Captain Kell Tanis

The screen shakes as the ship suffers a heavy impact. A gruff Jem'Hadar can be seen over his shoulder at the tactical station, handling the ship's weapons and defensive systems. Another name appears.


The camera pans around the Captain, revealing scars covering much of the right side of his face, Borg implants cover his eye and overlap much of the scarring. The camera moves off-center, focusing on an older human with dark skin and a trimmed salt and pepper beard sitting next to the Captain.

Commander Shaun Griffin

The Captain utters a single word.


The scene shifts to a world covered in ash and rock. A rigellian runs as the sky is lit by slashes of green and red-orange bursts of energy. He dashes past a young Ensign as she fires from cover.

Lieutenant Jirgo

"It's mission, to safeguard the denizens of the Federation. To hold her enemies at bay."

He fires a burst from his rifle, downing a Klingon warrior as he rises from cover. He crashes into a second, tumbling off screen in a heap as steel flashes.

The ship appears again, chased by a pair of Klingon Birds of Prey. Phasers and torpedoes launch from the rear of the Federation ship, shredding one of her pursuers. A Romulan cruiser de-cloaks in front of the Basilone, firing her complement of weapons. The Basilone adjusts course slightly and the volly tears through the remaining Klingon vessel. The Romulan wags it's wings in salute before disappearing behind it's cloak once again.

"With unlikely allies.."

The camera pans around as the bridge shakes violently. Trill fingers dance across the helm as a young woman pilots the ship. The bridge is ordered chaos behind her.

Lieutenant Nisa Jedir

A burly male scowls at the science station, a deep set scar standing out in stark relief below his eye.

Lieutenant (jg) Joshua Williams

On the other side of the bridge, a woman yells something back to the Captain from the Ops station.

Lieutenant Commander Rebecca Quinlin

She jerks her head reflexively to the side as a portion of her console explodes upward. The screen fades to white within the explosion.

"..and stalwart friends.."

Main Engineering. An grizzled Bajoran lays on his back in a jeffries tube as he digs into a plasma relay.

Commander Joro Latess

He rips out a burned and smoking isolinear chip and slams his fist against the adjacent housing. He laughs as the system whirs back to life.

"..we will succeed."

A young woman with hair cropped short and a small implant just over her eye rushes into Medical. She wears a combat jumpsuit similar to Lieutenant Jirgo's.

Ensign Chelsea Munroe

She rushes up to a biobed where a security officer covered in burns writhes in pain. A Bajoran with a perpetually youthful face holds him down with an absolutely neutral expression while Munroe administers an a hypo.

Commander Balil Zorr

"Because in this time.."

Space itself seems to darken ominously as the Basilone soars towards a massive dark shape. An almost perfect cube hovers inexorably in front of a bright star. The Basilone charges forward undaunted.

"..a time of war on all sides.."

A space station hovers like a beacon of hope amid the black. Dozens of ships from as many races come and go. The Basilone slides into view. Minor damage marring the once pristine hull as the registry again passes into view. She moves towards the station, half a dozen Starfleet vessels falling in beside her.

"..some still fight, for peace."

The camera open on a T'Varo warbird. It banks left, swooping across open stars, and as the camera follows the Romulan Floatilla comes into view. A convoy of green plated ships, great and small, and at the heart of it all drift two giants, a Ha'apex and Scimitar dreadnought.

Space. The Final frontier.
This is the legacy of the Warbird D'Ishae.
Its continuing mission...

A single ship breaks the ranks of the convoy, steering free of the mass of vessels. An Ar'kif class.

Its only mission...
To secure the future of the Romulan people.
To seek out new life, and new alliances.

The ship jumps to warp, and the camera pans up from the Floatilla, up from the twin streaks of light left by D'Ishae's nacelles. Letters appear on the screen, Romulan script, shifting to reveal Star Trek: Argo

To do what no Romulan has done before.

Cut to an alien world. A group of figures standing in the dim light, walking slowly. A bolt of light cuts the darkness, and the figures duck. The camera zooms on on the nearest one, crouched and drawing a disruptor, a young man in a green Republic jacket. His hair is spiked, and half his face is covered in a broad black tattoo.

Davin Mandukar

The corridors of a ship, now. A woman racing down a hallway, her tanned skin and rounded ears standing out amid the paler space-elves she passes.

Nethali Aster

A man shrouded in blue. The camera pulls back as he does, revealing the man with the gently grating hair to be scrutinizing a gleaming azure hologram. He smirks, looking into the shapes, and idly tosses a hypospray in one hand.


The ships bridge, rocking with weapons fire. A quick sweep focuses on a red-headed girl frantically typing on a console. She spins to address the captain, her ponytail rocked loose by the unfolding battle, and she shout over the commotion we see in silence.

Lir Callahan

Two figures, one in Starfleet attire, one in civilian work clothes, stand by an open plate, examining the glowing blue-green conduits beneath. The Starfleet officer, a young human lieutenant, hands a device to the other, a Bajoran from the look of his earring.

James Kermit - Kirlan Esahr

The Void, and only the void until a shimmer distorts the stars, a shape forming in green, that of D'Ishae. The camera follows the ship as it passes, panning across space to show a bustling Federation Starbase. Merchant ships mingle with Federation cruisers, a handful of warbirds, and some ships even more exotic. As D'Ishae nears the Starbase the camera fades, slowly turning to black.

The camera fades in from black and shows endless desert, slowly hovering above the dunes. The sun bright and in the sky there is an enormous creature lazily hovering, moving to the right of the screen. The light suddenly becomes brighter and the creature appears to be in pain until the light fades down to normal again.

"A world is slowly reaching its end."

The view shifts and shows a few dragon like creatures flying over the moonlit sand. They pass over a ravine and the biological city Edrona comes into view. It looks like a major metropolis grown out of flesh and metal, alien but beautiful. Its living buildings reach for the sky while the streets and windows are lit by bioluminescence.

"A world filled with the wonders of life."

The camera passes over the city, still following the dragon like creatures as they fly over a giant metal door in the ground not far from the city itself. The door is slightly open and as the creatures descend an automated assembly line can be seen through the crack, machines welding and buzzing around. A moment later the view cuts to inside one of the Nexan buildings, a couple of them speaking in silence.
The desert stretching out behind them outside the living window membrane. A large creature walks on the sand in the background.



"The people of this world could not let it die. Their hopes put into a ship and its crew. During the first year they accomplished more than what was thought possible."

Cut to Ernasots bridge, the view panning sideways showing the bridge officers and the view of a nebula on the viewscreen. First a caitan working a console and then a saurian reading on a biological screen.



"Allies joined."

The view cuts back to the planet, showing Ernasot halfway sunken into the sand. Around the ship there are quite a few people but they are quickly moving away.

"The singular mission of that ship and crew: Preserve nature and prevent the destruction of Dal Jarsha."

"I am Ernasot, and this is my story."

A large cloud of dust erupts from under the ship as the music changes. Thrusters firing and kicking up more dust at the initial drums.

The ship lifts off and emerges from the huge dust cloud and rises up as the camera follows.


Flying over the sand and the city but always rising. Several dragon like creatures join the ship as it flies, flying at its bow like dolphins would as the ship cruises through the clouds.
The blue of the sky is slowly replaced with the black of space as the dragon creatures fall behind. Cut to a view of Ernasot flying in front of a gas giant some kind of energy whirling off of her hull. The view cuts again and shows Ernasot flying through a crystal asteroid field, the lights of the ship reflecting off of the asteroids. It cuts to space with a nebula in the background and Ernasot flies past the camera before entering warp at the end of the tune.
With Drexia explaining and going through their themes, I decided to just make an uber-quick go at an introduction.

Couldn't be bothered to render at full resolution and stuffs >_> so it hardly looks any good to begin with, but, let me waste a good 45-60 minutes before getting bored.
Update: Posted the one for Ernasot.

The shot slides over the rim of a bright blue and green planet, an asteroid belt circling it as the sun lights the very edge, peaking over as it gives light to the planet below. The lens flaring for a second as it pans past the planet showing the stars.

"Space... It really is the final frontier..."

Federation ships pan into the shot of the stars, following the ship as it leads to a floating station, showing many ships coming in and out from the station.

"It seems to almost go on forever, with so many exploring the uncharted dark..."

The camera pans again spins showing another Federation ship leaving the station, panning till the station was out of view as it floated in space.

"Different folks from all walks of life, from Military... to Warriors... to just your average adventurers."

The Federation banks left, a Klingon Bird of Prey diving after the Federation vessel as beam arms through the darkness. A Romulan Warbird diving up through, joined in the combat of the three vessels. The camera banking right and away from combat as an extreme close up of a ship shows the gleam of metal.

"But there are some... just out there to make their own Destiny."

(As the music picks up)

The gleam exposes the words on the ship 'S.S. Victory' the ship banking away from the camera as it's engines glow and breaks to warp. The camera jerking to show a scene of a man diving over a table turned on it's side. He's skinny and wearing a red jacket, holding a pistol in hand as disruptor fire fizzles on the surface he's hiding behind.


The thugs shooting at the table are stopped as a Klingon comes from behind, thwaking the goons on the head, as both falling to the ground limply.


The camera panning to a wall as more thugs rush down a hall, before a conduit explodes, a lizard like woman poking her head out of the blasted hole, looking around. A dark skinned human girl following after by peaking through and looking the other direction.


The camera pans again, showing a Cardassian woman walking down the hall. One hand clutching a medical bag as the other one holds a gun, firing beams down the hall, before she drops down to help an injured civilian.


A plant person then coming up with a medical tricorder and and holding it over the person as well. The plant person focused intently on their work.


The camera then pans to a warp core, now. Thugs running away as a female Ferengi holds a massive disruptor turrent in hand, firing out towards the door the thugs tried to enter.


A Breen beside her holding up another thug that could not get away, struggling as he watched the door where the female Ferengi had been shooting.


The camera panning then down into space, past a hull as it shows the stars once more, a station gleaming in space as ships head to it the letters 'STAR TREK: ARGO' forming on the screen as the voice over comes back.

"And that's just the way we like it."
I used to make stuff like this...