Dear Argo...

Dear Argo,

Would you believe me if I said it isn't you, it's me?

Well, it's the truth, I swear. The day you, and perhaps I, never thought might come... has finally arrived and some of you are already anticipating or dreading what my beating around the bush might mean right now. I'll put us all out of our misery: Kermit and I are formally announcing our retirement from Argo's staff/adminship. We have already extensively communicated with the remaining staff about the transition and will be using the rest of this month to take care of the final mechanical details.

Both of us are planning to remain 'retired staff' members of the fleet and, if necessary, we will continue to assist the remaining staff with various minor technical and/or Photoshop tasks. We are not at this time planning to withdraw characters and we're certainly not going to join any other fleets, though both of us will probably be ICly moving one or two characters around to different positions or retiring them. I know I have a couple events/story arcs in progress and they will continue without interruption. Honestly, I still have some hooks planned for down the line that haven't even been hinted at, so I really don't think you're rid of me yet.

This isn't goodbye at all, just a new mode of interaction for both of us.

Speaking for myself, this February marks my eighth year of membership with Argo, with just under seven years working as staff, and just under five as part of Argo's primary leadership. I have told so so so many stories and have so so so many memories that it all makes stepping down a hugely bittersweet affair. And even though there were plenty of times that were occasionally straining to my patience and sanity, there were twice as many moments where I learned something new, created something cool, or helped someone else along the way that made it all worth it.

Though these things may not surprise you, let me confess something here at the close. I'm really not much of an STO fan, even though I have logged over 630 days of playtime. Even worse, I'm not really sure I'm actually much of a Star Trek fan, certainly not a hardcore one, even though I have had a major hand in maintaining and shaping the lore of our role-play setting here.

But I am very much an 'Argo' fan, specifically of our community and the collaborative spirit we have worked so hard to cultivate here. I consider myself extremely fortunate to have had a role in building a place that would provide me with so many opportunities to forge wonderfully meaningful connections with people I'd have never had a chance to meet otherwise. No matter what other future changes are in store, it is my dearest hope that Argo eternally remains a safe home and harbor for others to continue to doing the same.

Thank you everyone for everything and I'll see you all in game.

-Katriel's player

No, this does not mean it's time for a dossier.
I have to admit not seeing Kermit around for a few months had made me wander, but I wasn't expecting Katriel too!

I know we've not often seen eye to eye on many a topic, and I'm sure my stubborn obnoxious attitudes haven't helped with this, but I am genuinely sad to see you go. I know the recent emissions of Star Trek content have had me feeling the same (Picard included) and indeed STOs own content (or lack thereof) have had me questioning my own future with the game, as fun as some aspects are, I do completely understand.

I only wish I could've been more active during Argo's peak times to be able to interact with you both more during my time with the fleet so far. I wish you both the best of luck going forward.
I wish I could have gotten to know you. You seem wonderful, and I know you'll be missed!
Devoting so many years of one's time to such an enormous undertaking requires immense dedication and sacrifice. The amount of effort you've placed into this fleet astounds me, and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your time and effort in making Argo the place it is today.
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Thanks to you and Kermit for all the help you've given me during my first year here, and for all the effort you've put into this fleet. You'll be missed as staff, but I hope that we will RP again in future.
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You guys have been a pillar of this community for a long time, glad to see you'll still be around with us.
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You guys were great staff members! I thank you both for the help you gave me with plots and character development! *Queue's Bagpipes amazing grace*
Katriel, you were staff before I ever stepped foot in Argo. Hell, you were staff before I even logged into STO for the first time. And my early memories of Argo involve you, Dae, and Kermit helping guide this confused initiate into a world that suited her better than she'd ever know. When my story line stumbled, you guys helped me get back on my feet and that has led me where I am today.

I can't say enough how much you've been an example to me in the fleet. I've enjoyed our RP, and I hope this gives us the opportunity for more. Both you and Kermit have been an example to me, and an inspiration. Hopefully, those of us who come after can continue the fleet as something you're proud to be a part of.
Thank you both so much for everything you've done!
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So long, and thanks for all the Fish ❤️
Thank you Katriel, thank you Kermit :) You have been amazing as staff members, and if I finally managed, some years ago, to finally find the environment I was looking for for roleplaying and having fun, that's also thank to both of you (and I'm sure I'm not the only one that can say so) :)
Thank you for Everything! I've enjoyed many of your events and storylines over the years. I've especially enjoyed the random times you've asked me about Kpop (my specialised subject area) and also just pestering you with so many questions and just being a troll!

Again thanks for everything! - and good luck to my next victims
Thank you both for helping build such an awesome place for us to have fun. Guilds like this don't just happen: they take so much work and thought and care. I'll always be grateful for the stories and memories I've made here in just a few months, all thanks to your dedication.

EDIT: I could say a lot more but too many feels
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I haven't had the opportunity to interact with either of you outside of a brief RP with Katriel for a brainwave painting, getting into the Fleet in the first place, and bugging Kermit for a quick question about an aborted story for Tarm and his vessel....but I have to admit, this place is pretty awesome! Kudos to you both for all the work that you have done, and may the virtual retired life be kind and pleasurable for you!
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Forgive me while I get a little sentimental:

Argo is a wonderful place, and it wouldn't have gotten here without the both of you. Beyond just being a fantastic place to pursue interesting narrative, nerd out on excessive personnel dossiers/starship records, or just meet really cool people OOC, it's also a welcoming community. After a multiple month absence, totally shirking my IC duties as a squadron commander, and then popping back in to Neverwinter Online of all things (not even STO), the first person to send me a private message was Katriel, just saying hi, welcome back, would love to see you around again. That was huge.

I learned a lot from you guys. I'm one of the three admin staff running a Neverwinter Online roleplay discord of about a hundred members now, and when I'm faced with a tricky decision sometimes I find myself thinking 'hmm, what would those two [kat & kermit] have done?', because suffice to say, you guys nailed it.

Glad I joined Argo when I did, glad I'm still here in the background to watch it continue to grow. Even with you guys stepping down, it's still in very good hands!
I dont have the words. I just hope I live up to half the Admin either of you have been.
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I've been around in a lot of online communities.. so I've seen a lot of change ups in leaderships... it's usually something that comes with adjustment especially when it's people who've been doing it steadily for a long time.

I will echo the common sentiment that you've both done an amazing job over that long time period. I honestly mean that too, and I have to say it like that cause I know I've in the past been one of those things that have strained patience and sanity lol. I know I've not always seen eye to eye with the both of you in the past, but that doesn't mean I don't respect you or the job. I've done this job (elsewhere I mean of course), I know how hard it can be.

Getting to put that behind and take a breath for once is nice, being able to do that after having left a profound mark after so much time successfully, that's worth praising. I know you ain't leaving fully, so hopefully there are better chances to interact with you both ICly and otherwise in the future now that you'll have some time perhaps. Either way, I wish you both well.
You young whipper-snappers!

I'd like to think I'll have a slightly different view from joining the fleet back when it was barely a couple months old (if that) Though I have had my absences, I'd kept an eye on everything to see how things were, I've got to see this fleet grow in leaps and bounds, I've met some fantastic people, had some wonderful discussions, the both of you have put so much effort into not just making this place a fleet, but a family. We have without a doubt not seen eye to eye on so many things, but I will be completely honest in the fact you have both helped me grow as a better person and roleplayer, I've seen sooooo many different rp communities stagnate and die off, but here Argo is...after all this time, and is without a doubt, my favourite.

So thank you, for all you've done.

But I just got baaaaaack!

Thank you so much. This is one of my favorite online communities and it's your work that helped make it so. I HEART BOTH OF YOU.
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