Dispatches from the Echomet Daily Bulletin

World Union Votes Against Joining Federation

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It seems like the stuff of science fiction success stories. A civilization develops space travel and begins to explore the galactic neighborhood. They discover that not only are they not alone in the universe, but a whole federation of alien alliances exists and co-exists peacefully, putting lie to dozens of fear-fueled nightmare scenarios of alien invaders or conquerers, and the fledgling civilization is welcomed to their new status as spacefarers by a whole community of open-minded and friendly alien nations.

But it has all turned out to be just a fairy tale.

In a stunning reversal, the Echomet World Union today voted against a referendum that would have paved the way for Echomet to join the United Federation of Planets, the grand planetary alliance with which Echomet first made contact a scant three years ago. For months, Echomet natives have cooperated tirelessly with Federation agents, providing whatever information was desired in an open-hearted attempt to join their distinguished union of peace and prosperity. From allowing their agents to land on our homeworld and experience our communities, to providing them centuries worth of knowledge on our history in science, medical and engineering advancements, we dared ourselves to dream that we could be accepted among the other aliens as equals and peers.

But government officials were heartbroken when the Federation returned their verdict of 'conditional acceptance' on Echomet's application. In a statement by Prime Minister Rieskl, he recalls outloud that he assumed the conditions would be some kind of financial compensation or material fee, which he would have been prepared to deliver and happily so. He was dismayed instead to discover that the Federation was demanding changes to our process of government, to coerce us into altering our code of laws and change the eligibility requirements of elected officials.

"I was offended," Rieskl admits in our interview with him, after the vote's results were revealed. "Though I tried not to show it. It didn't seem to me that their place would be to tell us how to run our world, and no one can say we haven't been doing wonderfully on our own up until now. Their demands, while I think perhaps they are well-intentioned, seemed unreasonable to me."

Unwilling to act as the sole decider of such a symbolically important issue, Rieskl took the conditional acceptance terms to the World Union, where it was debated for several days before going to a formal vote. The vote failed by more than a three-quarters majority.

"The World Union has decided to reject the United Federation of Planets' offer of conditional acceptance to their vaunted alliance," Rieskl spoke in this morning's planetary address. "We have made it this far on our own and without any assistance from them, and so we will continue. I would rather remain true to our world's values and make our own path than fall in line with the demands of aliens who can't comprehend why we have chosen to live our lives the way we do."

In other words: thanks, but no thanks, Federation. This is Jolinmei signing off, with the Echomet Daily Bulletin.
Discard Market of irreo Offspring Reaches New Shores

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Earlier this week, World Guard authorities were engaged in conference with officers of the United Federation of Planet's Starfleet after the discovery of an artifice taking place during New Circini's recently passed Charter Festival. Patrons of a particular catering business found themselves consuming foodstuffs utilizing Echometan egg proteins and upon realizing this, they took immediate action in engaging New Circini authorities to confiscate the vendor's egg-related stock.

Echomet natives are no stranger to the
irreo egg 'Discard' market, whose origins date back to when medical breakthroughs allowed doctors to positively identify eggs as definitively bearing an irreo embryo. Suddenly, expectant Echometan parents no longer faced uncertainty over whether or not their young one could be expected to lead a normal life and those who were less fortunate sometimes chose a less savory end for their eggs, all to avoid the potential hardship and stigma of raising an irreo child.

"It took us about half a century to outlaw the practice," Doctor Allop, of the capital's primary hospital facilities, told us in an interview. "Up until then, what parents did with their eggs was their business. But this discrimination against
irreo individuals wouldn't stand. The irreo have a right to life as much as any normal Echometan and as a civilized society, we made those changes accordingly. Unfortunately, that only drove the 'discard' practice underground, with ugly side businesses of individuals that would accept payment from unhappy couples who wanted to get rid of their potential offspring without being caught. Agents of the World Guard have done their best, but it's hard to stamp it out completely."

The arrangement warped and evolved when we reached space-faring status and began to interact with the local galactic community. Discard 'professionals' realized that aliens could be persuaded to take
irreo eggs off-world with less risk of exposure, to dispose or utilize for their own ends. In other cases, unsavory aliens are even interested in purchasing eggs, which have in turn made discard professionals offer financial incentives to persuade uncertain potential parents.

"Of course we remain disheartened that this depraved practice continues," Prime Minister Rieskl stated gravely in reaction to the news. "And the World Guard remains committed to stopping the so-called 'discard trade' of unborn
irreo hatchlings whenever and wherever it can. Despite our differences with the United Federation of Planets, we are in agreement that should Starfleet be capable of rendering assistance in the regions of space that we have not yet traveled, they are welcome to do so. The World Guard will remain vigilant and continue to fight against discard smuggling in our home territory."

This is Creighton signing off, with the Echomet Daily Bulletin.
World Guard Starship Lost In Altercation With Starfleet

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We're just receiving this breaking news from our representatives in the World Guard. The Ambit-6, a Guard starship crewed by twenty personnel, was in a phenomenal collision with a Starfleet vessel that was patrolling too close to Echomet space, even after repeated warnings to stay out of Echomet territory. The Ambit-6 had been in pursuit of a suspected discard smuggling vessel when the Federation starship, the U.S.S. Vanguard, favored apprehending the smuggler over evading the Ambit-6's clear trajectory.

On impact with the significantly larger vessel, the Ambit-6's bow immediately crumpled almost entirely to its midpoint, resulting in numerous hull breaches and a prompt order to evacuate the vessel. Six escape pods were launched successfully before the Ambit-6 was encompassed by a massive explosion starting with a warp drive failure and out of those, four were recovered successfully.

Prime Minister Rieskl was informed of the incident almost immediately and he issued the following, brief statement: "Make no mistake, this is a tragedy that never should have occurred. While we recognize Starfleet's technological superiority as a boon in the fight against discard trade, this incident is a clear example of Starfleet's lack of consideration for potential consequences of their high-handed actions."

The Starfleet vessel managed to collect three of the Ambit-6's crew via transporters that could not make it to escape pods. The crew members were returned after repeated demands by the Ambit-7. They remain in critical condition.

This is Creighton signing off, with the Echomet Daily Bulletin.
Discard irreo Discovered But Remain Lost

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A decisive blow against the discard trade has been struck with Starfleet's successful raid of a smuggling trade route 'waystation'. Utilizing data analysis from the smugglers apprehended on Echomet's border during the Ambit-6 catastrophe, Starfleet was able to pinpoint a likely point of interest and sent their forces in a targeted assault. The opposition put up little resistance as Starfleet overran the compound.

After the hostiles were subdued, Starfleet discovered not only an incubation chamber with half a dozen
irreo eggs, but also eleven irreo children who had been hatched on the waystation and have never stepped foot beyond the limited compound space. They vary in age between six and nine years old and, though a bit malnourished, reports say that they are relatively healthy.

Aboard the waystation, the childrens' caretakers were a Cardassian woman with one hologram 'nurse' assistant who, according to Starfleet officials, were most likely raising them to sell into slavery when they reached the appropriate age. As a result, the
irreo children are extremely passive and subservient in nature, that being the attitude that was cultivated and encouraged by their captors.

Though Starfleet has rescued these
irreo youth from what all can agree would be a terrible fate, they have since refused to return the children to the home world, claiming their confused upbringing makes it unsafe. Echomet health experts are anxious to see this remedied, fearing that the longer the children remain off planet, the more difficult and potentially traumatizing their eventual rehabilitation will be.

"Unless Starfleet plans to keep the
irreo children forever, they are just delaying the inevitable," Prime Minister Rieskl declared in his statement earlier this evening. "We are in no position to make demands, given Starfleet's superior strength, and no grounds but the moral one. They are our people and they should be raised on our soil. We urge the Federation to reconsider their position on what's best for our children and appeal for their safe return, to their home."

This is Pothler signing off, with the Echomet Daily Bulletin.
Rieskl Goes On Diplomacy and Outreach Tour

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As part of a new initiative to strengthen relationships with our galactic neighbors, Prime Minister Rieskl and his entourage have been touring the local sector systems and meeting their denizens aboard the Echomet flagship, Ogue-1. Thus far their travels have taken them to diplomatic interactions with Legia and Waydis. As their route continues, Ogue-1 will make stops at Annatar and possibly Betazed, before concluding with New Circini on their way home.

"We have been neglecting our obligations to our neighbors far too long," Rieskl was quoted in the tour's launch statement. "Originally we focused most of our attention on the Federation, given their significant presence and formidable reach, it was only natural that we should collaborate with them. As that has obviously since fallen through, it means we must seek our own alliances instead and not rely solely on the Federation's context for everything."

The soured relationship between Echomet and the Federation has produced many varied reactions among World Union officials. A minority have been outspoken in their desire for isolationism and venturing out only for expansion and exploration, while the remainder support the Prime Minister's bid for new alliances. Chief among the concerns is the increasingly prevalent belief that the Federation has forgotten over time what it's like to be a new arrival to the galactic scene and having become so massive in size and strength, the organization is simply too used to getting its own way with no need to compromise.

Of course, the most opinionated of Echomet citizens can be found on the perimeter of the World Union building, where over ten thousand protestors have gathered. The mass of citizens regularly default to a rhythmic chant of 'bring them home', in reference to the eleven
irreo children that have become a symbol of the Federation's disregard for Echomet's repeatedly stated wishes.

"The Federation wants to pretend everything's going great between us, but it's not," insists one protestor. "They claim we gave them permission to take the smugglers from the Ambit-6 disaster, when that's just flat out not true. Criminal or not, those were our people and they should have been tried by the Echomet judiciary. And now the same thing's happened with the
irreo children. The Federation claims they're too traumatized to return home and they let the children choose for themselves? Who lets children choose their own future? Children want to stay up all night and eat candy and ice cream, they don't know anything about what's best! Given how the Federation represents our relationship with them, I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't give us a fair portrayal when the children were picking." The protestor closed with, "The Federation can't be trusted."

This is Jolinmei signing off, with the Echomet Daily Bulletin.
World Guard Rescues Annatar Ships in Peril, Strikes New Cross-Sector Accord

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Several hours ago, the World Guard ANGUR squadron was sent out into the depths of the Kelterre sector in response to a distress call being broadcast on all frequencies. Upon arrival, they confronted several Starfleet vessels and one Romulan Republic asset engaged in what could be charitably referred to as 'investigative operations' on four disabled Annatar drone starships. As Echomet has recognized Annatar's sovereignty over their own property, Angur-1 made the offer to tow all the Annatar drones back to Annatar. Rather than turn the vessels over to Angur-1's care, however, the Federation insisted they had the right to carry out investigations on the vessels due to their status as Federation property.

When Annatar Aeronautics was contacted, Angur-1 renewed the offer to return the vessels and, as a token of friendship and in honor of Prime Minister Rieskl's recent diplomatic tour, Echomet would not only return the vessels with no expectation of recompense, they would assist in the material cost and repair of damage to the Annatar ships. Annatar accepted Echomet's offer and the Starfleet vessels were forced to relinquish the Annatar vessels to Echomet, so they could be safely returned. Even as we speak, our two nations are working on details of an escort and security detail for Annatar's future exploratory endeavors in the Kelterre sector.

When we reached Prime Minister Rieskl for comment, he gave the following statement: "This is but a first step in our future as proud and present citizens of the galaxy. Though we are less advanced compared to Starfleet, our strength of will and desire to grow are great. I have no doubt that one day, Echomet will be a force to be reckoned with by all."

On the return trip to Annatar, the damaged drone vessels were examined by Echomet engineering specialists, who remarked upon the impressive power and strength of the weaponry used to thoroughly disable the Annatar vessels. Though the type of weaponry could not be identified, it has been suggested that the only entity in the area with sufficient firepower to inflict such extensive harm would be Starfleet themselves.

This is Creighton signing off, with the Echomet Daily Bulletin.
Federation Conspiracy? Starfleet Interferes with World Guard Investigation

This is breaking news. Earlier this evening, a distress call was received by the World Guard from 4-vessel patrol squad, Uzu. But as quickly as it started, so it ceased and Amses squadron was sent to investigate. Upon arrival, Amses squadron discovered a freighter sitting amidst a field of debris. Scans were unmistakeable, the Uzu squadron had been decimated by some unknown force and the only clue to its destruction was the freighter vessel and its crew, which was raiding the Uzu's crumbling decks for parts and salvage.

The Amses squadron promptly detained the trespassing freighter crew and held them for questioning. But while the Amses crew was completing their investigation, a Starfleet dreadnought warped onto the scene, the U.S.S. Axiom, and began making demands on returning the freighter crew -- allegedly Federation citizens -- and taking over the investigation that Amses started. Given the claimed affiliation, it is no wonder that the Amses coalition was suspicious and insisted on our right to hold our own investigation.

As per usual, however, Starfleet refused and subverted Amses's attempts to tow the freighter vessel by firing on Amses-3 and 4's hullmags. They followed up with additional assaults on the Amses-2, demolishing their shield defenses and abducting the detainees right out of the Amses's holding cells with the transporter technology. With the investigation so thoroughly sabotaged, Amses squadron retreated.

"There is no justification for this kind of blatant interference," Prime Minister Rieskl reacted to the news. "Those were our ships destroyed, our men and women lost. Do we not deserve the right to hold our investigation, unmolested? Do we not merit respect for our fallen comrades, to get to the bottom of this travesty? Simply because the freighter was composed of Federation citizens alleviates them of all guilt?

"No. Even if they were not responsible for directly firing on Uzu squadron, they may have hired a third party to do the destruction for them, so they could sweep in and salvage the parts and profit. An investigation would have revealed the truth in time, but Starfleet has contaminated that entirely, so we are now all doomed to live with the shadow of our suspicion."

Speculation over the mysterious force that destroyed Uzu squadron continued, with several experts drawing parallels with the previous force that attacked ally Annatar's drone vessels. While Rieskl was not willing to comment on the rumors of Starfleet being the responsible party for the destruction, other prominent World Union officials have been outspoken in their suspicions: that combined with neutral third party corroboration of Starfleet's intimidation techniques, Starfleet's interference with the World Guard's investigation can only suggest a cover-up or conspiracy of the highest order.

This is Pothler signing off, with the Echomet Daily Bulletin.