Division Change | TO: Capt Kermit

To: CAPT Kermit, J.
From: ENS S’cha T’aihn, Sadaann
Subj: Profession Change

Captain, as much as I’ve enjoyed Operations, managing everything is rather… overwhelming. I’d like to wish for a transfer to another division aboard the ship. Though, I’m not entirely sure how to go about doing so.

ENS Sadaann,
Operations, USS Reyga

//ATTACHMENT// divisionsBrochure.ipf

To: ENS Sadaann
CC: CMDR Sedai
From: CAPT Kermit
Subj: Re: Profession Change

Hello Ensign,

I suspect you already understand that changing divisions can be a big step. But you’re still early in your career, and I respect the willingness to try something different.

At your convenience, stop by and speak to myself or the XO. We can discuss your goals and see where you might like to end up.

Captain James Kermit
Commanding, USS Reyga

To: LCDR Kuvak
CC: CMDR Sedai
From: CAPT Kermit
Subj: Fwd: Profession Change

Commander Kuvak,

I’m transferring Ensign Sadaann to Engineering. I trust you’ll put him to good use.

Captain James Kermit
Commanding, USS Reyga

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To: CAPT Kermit
CC: CMDR Sedai
From: LCDR Kuvak
Subj: Fwd: Profession Change


Lieutenant Commander Kuvak
Chief Engineer, USS Reyga

To: ENS Sadaann
From: LCDR Kuvak
Subj: Engineering


Report to my office at the beginning of your next shift.

Lieutenant Commander Kuvak
Chief Engineer, USS Reyga

To: LCDR Kuvak
CC: CAPT Kermit, J.
From: ENS Sadaann
Subj: RE: Engineering


ENS Sadaann
USS Reyga