Downs and Ups

The last twelve hours for Salil seemed like a dream. He was asleep, right?

As the door beeps the scowl and frustration resurfaces as he peers from the crates he had been packing to the door “Enter,” he calls out.

A Romulan man standing just over five foot ten strolls through the threshold and salutes. “Riov,” he greets inhaling “Sorry I couldn’t attend the meeting, science had a rather annoying situation to contend with.”

Salil waves it off “I am no longer the commander of this ship Rimohk, no need to salute.” Salil replies.

The comment draws a lofted eyebrow “So the rumors are true?” Rimohk questions.

Salil merely nods, “Command is taking the ship and crew back,” he replies “And I have been given first officer of the RRW Tebok.” he finishes handing the Subcommander a PADD to read the orders.

“Hnnaev,” Rimohk replies “And who is taking command?”

“Your XO, Subcommaner Rilana,” he replies nodding “She’s a good fit, even had a conversation before that mission a few nights ago about her having her own command, shes ready.” Salil replies to which Rimohk nods in agreement

“Yes sir,” he replies in agreement before clearing his throat. “XO of the flagship isn’t exactly a demotion Salil,” he replies

“No, Command taking the Vulleth is the demotion,” he replies “Commander Nathes giving me XO is her way of keeping me in the flotilla,” he replies while grunting as he starts to lift the crates onto a pallet of sorts for transportation.

Rimohk silently begins to help Salil pack the crates letting the silence enshroud them for a few minutes as they worked.
“You told your Starfleet cousin yet?” he asks curiously

Salil shakes his head. “Not yet, but based on embassy records, Veneela and the commander enjoy the occasional conversation frequently enough that I’m sure it will come up.” he replies letting out a sigh “Though I suppose I should tell her not to bother looking for the ship.”

“You two repaired your relationship then?”

Salil lets a crate fall into place and exhales “That, Subcommander, is none of your concern,” he replies pointedly

Rimohk merely nods “I just remember a time when we sat in those chairs planning an extraction from the station or Risa to what was the phrasing? ‘Free her from the federation brainwashing’ she was being subjected to?”

Salil chuckles “Ttimes change Rimohk.”

The subcommander nods “Yes I suppose it does.” he replies inhaling and stepping to Salil with his hand outstretched. “Its been an honor serving with you commander,” he states

Salil hesitates before gripping his hand firmly “You too Subcommander,”

Rimohk smiles and releases the grip and departing once more.

Salil exhales after his now former science head departs and looks to his personal PADD. “No use in keeping it a secret now,” he mumbles

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