DS13 RP Structure


Can I still run GMed events with a starbase character?

Of course! This system is intended to generate new RP opportunities, not restrict them. Any member of Argo may host a GMed RP event for or involving DS13 crew at any time; the host doesn’t even need to be a member of that crew.

When we say that this system has “no GMs”, what we mean is that it has no expectation that any player will serve as GM for any others, and that the default assumption for all players should be that they will have to invent new content for themselves in pursuit of their goals.

Can I set goals that I know my character won’t accomplish?

Definitely. Failure can be an important part of character growth. Goals are only ever a means to an end. Just make sure you’re talking to your superior officer OOC about your intentions as part of the goal-setting process so you can ensure you’re both on the same page about what you want to accomplish and what the IC consequences of that failure might be.

Can I set more than 3 goals?

Yes, but be careful not to overload yourself. A target of three professional goals is a good rule of thumb to keep you busy over the next six months without overwhelming you. However, setting some personal goals for your character can add another axis of activity for you to pursue that’s orthogonal to your character’s work.

Even if you are setting a mix of personal and professional goals, it’s a good idea to limit yourself to 5 goals total per cycle.

What’s the difference between personal and professional goals?

A personal goal is something your character wants (or that you want for your character) which isn’t primarily about their job. You are not required to seek approval for these goals before posting them, but it can be valuable to have a sounding board, so discussing them with another player OOC (whether your superior player or someone else) is encouraged. You are also not required to adhere to any specific criteria for personal goals (e.g. SMART), but being rigorous and intentional will make your goals easier to act on later.

Can I keep an inactive character on the starbase and opt out of all this?

Nope! DS13 is no longer a safe harbor for inactive alts. If you want to remain on the roster, you will be expected to keep up with the work.

If you anticipate an LOA which will consume a substantial amount of an upcoming cycle, you can certainly take that into account when setting goals to keep your commitments in line with your available time. If the LOA is expected to take up so much of your time as to make goal-setting impossible, a temporary transfer off the starbase might be a better solution.

Can I have multiple characters posted to the starbase at the same time?

Yes, although every one of your characters is expected to fulfill the obligations of their assigned posting, so be cautious and don’t get in over your head.

What happens if I transfer a character to the starbase mid-cycle?

New transfer characters who arrive on DS13 in the midst of a 6-month cycle will set fewer and/or simpler goals immediately upon joining, as guided by their superior officer. The aim should be to try to set goals that are achievable within the timeframe remaining. At the start of the next cycle, the new character will participate in the system normally.

What are the qualifications for serving as a department head?

The player of a department head must be a full member of the fleet in good standing. The same player may not head multiple departments at the same time. The player must be familiar with the expectations for a DH under this system and willing to carry out the IC and OOC duties thereof; a failure to do so may be considered grounds for removal.

The DH character must have substantial experience in the same field they oversee. They typically hold the rank of LCDR or CMDR, although exceptions may be made in some cases.

What are the responsibilities of a department head?

Every six months, a department head will meet with DS13 Command (the commanding officer, executive officer, or both) to receive a performance evaluation for the preceding cycle and set goals for the following cycle. The DH is then expected to reach out to the members of their department and schedule meetings to do the same (eval+goals) for each of them.

During the six-month cycle, DHes are expected to keep in regular contact with their department members to gather updates on progress toward those members’ goals. The form of this contact is left up to each DH; group meetings, 1-on-1 meetings, emails, or a department bulletin board would all be acceptable solutions. When DS13 Command hosts senior staff meetings, the DH is encouraged to attend and report on the progress they have been keeping track of. If the DH is not able to attend the senior staff meeting, a progress report in some other form should be given to DS13 Command.

When a DH finds one of their department members to be uncommunicative or uncoperative, making it difficult for the DH to fulfill their role, they are encouraged to report this issue OOC to starbase RP staff. Staff will attempt to make contact with player to rectify the issue or remove them from the DS13 roster.

What if a department has too many members to manage?

In the event that a department has more than four active player characters, not counting the department head, it may be necessary to designate a deputy who is empowered to take some of the workload off the DH’s shoulders. Larger departments could theoretically add more deputies. Starbase RP staff will monitor the roster for situations like this and work with DHes to ensure their workload remains manageable.

What happens if a department head position is vacant?

All duties and responsibilities of a department head default to DS13 Command when that position is empty. It is the responsibility of the commanding officer and/or executive officer (at the CO’s discretion) to either fulfill those responsibilities or appoint an acting DH until such a time as the position can be permanently staffed. The responsibility to act as DH includes all IC and OOC duties, including evaluations, goal-setting guidance, and routine check-ins with superiors and subordinates.