OUTCOME Groundwork for the shipyard expansion complete.
DS13 Engineering Department
NARRATIVE This will be the first in a series of reports leading up to the completion of the DS13 Shipyard project.
All fleet personnel were informed prior to the commencement of the project in order to avoid any complications, during which normal operations will continue uninterrupted. Preparations for beginning shipyard expansion proceeded shortly after, with industrial replicators being acquired for the project and a portion of unoccupied bays designated for immediate renovation for the first phase of work, while additional drydock berths are planned for construction.
Particular attention was paid to the ongoing work on the USS Mariner, which is undergoing extensive maintenance and a overhaul to its power grid and will continue unimpeded during this time.
ADDENDUM To expand upon the above initial report, bays 9-12 are designated for renovation and a maximum of 3 modular drydock berths are planned. The remaining bays will follow once the initial batch are complete.
NARRATIVE Work progresses steadily on the shipyard, with bays 9-12 well underway and the first drydock berth passing its first milestone of construction. No major difficulties were encountered up to this point, however due to my transfer orders to take command of the USS Roosevelt I’ve had to discontinue my own efforts and therefore this will be the last of the reports coming from myself, albeit brief. However, DS13’s engineering department, despite being under recent stresses and the lack of a proper department head, has performed diligently and I see no reason why the work shouldn’t continue without me as the framework is already there.