Embassy Fireplace Stockings

A surprise holiday display has shown up overnight by the embassy fireplace.

Each stocking has a tag to identify who the stocking ‘belongs’ to, from left to right:

  • CAPT Lauren Varley
  • Future 38th Fleet Executive Officer
  • RADM Emery Quint
  • CMDR James Kermit

On the glass table, there is a pile of blank holiday cards and writing implements, for anyone who wants to leave a note for any of the stocking recipients.

But so far, it looks like some people have put little stocking stuffer type gifts in as well, not just notecards.

Deposited into CAPT Lauren Varley's A hollow, one-sided commbadge cosplay replica.

Deposited into CMDR James Kermit's Some form of small, fragile ornament.
Stuffed gracelessly into Lauren Varley's stocking...

…an old proposal for an upgrade to the embassy fireplace, resubmitted for a new CO’s consideration: