Endeavour Ship Messages

To: @USS.Endeavour
CC: CMDR Samaras, A
From: CAPT Mirazuni, A
Subj: Ship Changes

Good Morning,

The U.S.S. Endeavour will be returning to Deep Space 13 to undergo some minor refits and reconfiguration. This will happen alongside some crew and department changes. Our tactical, security, and engineering departments will be made smaller, whilst our operations, science, and medical departments will be increased.

This is due to the need for the U.S.S. Endeavour to play a different role in the field than before. Many of the tactical, engineering and security roles will become more automated to increase efficiency and to alleviate pressure on the crew. An increased operations department will help to maintain and monitor these changes.

The scientific capabilities of the ship will be upgraded to allow for more detailed scientific analysis of areas of space that the ship will explore. In addition, our medical facilities will be overhauled to allow for better hospital facilities in the field. This will serve to reduce the need for transport to the station in times of medical emergencies as the ship will be fully equipped to deal with almost all medical outcomes.

To those crew who will be departing us upon our return to the station, I bid you well for the future. To those who are staying, I expect you to continue to work hard in light of these changes.


Captain Mirazuni Ayesha, M.D.
Commanding Officer, USS Endeavour
38th Fleet ‘Argo’


To: @USS.Endeavour
CC: CMDR Samaras, A; CMDR Eunbi, J (@Eunha)
From: CAPT Mirazuni, A
Subj: Second Officer Replacement

Good Evening,

Firstly, I would like to extend my congratulations to all those who received promotions and awards during the ceremony. The number of honours given to the crew of the U.S.S. Endeavour exemplifies the high standard that this crew works towards. However, now is not the time for complacency. We will once again be embarking on another exploration patrol and we will have to work harder than ever.

This leads me to my second announcement and the subject of this message. After the loss of Commander Larson, we have been without a Head Counsellor and Second Officer. Commander Samaras and I have been working to fill those positions and we can now confirm that Commander Jung Eunbi will take this role. Commander Eunbi will transfer from the counselling department on the station, where she has been for the past few years. Before that, she was the Head Counsellor and Second Officer of the U.S.S. Valley Forge. Commander Eunbi has many years of experience and will be a firm addition to our crew.


Captain Mirazuni Ayesha, M.D.
Commanding Officer, USS Endeavour
38th Fleet ‘Argo’


To: CPT Valencia, G
CC: CAPT Mirazuni, A
From: CMDR Samaras, A
Subj: Disciplinary Hearing

Captain Valencia

You will report to a disciplinary hearing on Stardate 97572.7. Do not be late.


Commander Amelia Samaras
Executive Officer, USS Endeavour
38th Fleet ‘Argo’

To: CMDR Samaras, A
CC: CAPT Mirazuni, A
From: CPT Valencia, G
Subj: RE: Disciplinary Hearing

Yep, figured this was coming.

Guess I’ll find out what for at the hearing.

Captain Gabriella Valencia
Team Lead - MACO Team 32, USS Endeavour
38th Fleet ‘Argo’

To: @USS.Endeavour
CC: CMDR Samaras, A; CMDR Eunbi, J
From: CAPT Mirazuni, A
Subj: URGENT RECALL - Return from Leave

Good Morning,

I apologise for the short notice, but, though I promised a few more days of leave, recent developments have required us to recall all personnel from leave. The U.S.S. Endeavour will be departing from Risa on Stardate 97572.1. We will then travel to Deep Space 13 to pick up those who travelled back to the station and then depart on patrol again on Stardate 97573.3.

Please pass this message on to all crew members. Tardiness will not be accepted.


Captain Mirazuni Ayesha, M.D.
Commanding Officer, USS Endeavour
38th Fleet ‘Argo’

To: CPT Valencia, G
CC: ~~
From: LT Reyes, M
Subj: RE: URGENT RECALL - Return from Leave

This isn’t your doing, is it?

I’m coming to your room.

Lieutenant Miriam Reyes
Zoologist, Science Department - U.S.S. Endeavour
38th Fleet ‘Argo’


To: ENS Rodríguez, D
CC: CMDR Samaras, A; CMDR Eunbi, J
From: CAPT Mirazuni, A
Subj: Notice of Transfer

Good Morning Ensign,

You have been requested to transfer to the U.S.S. Almirante Maximiano attached to the 5th Fleet. You will disembark the U.S.S. Endeavour during our layover on Deep Space 13, and then catch a shuttle to the Orion Sector, via Aldebaran. From there, you will move to the U.S.S Okpabana which will take you to the Delta Quadrant where you will be transferred to the U.S.S. Almirante Maximiano.

I thank you for your service onboard the U.S.S. Endeavour and wish you all the luck in your scientific endeavours in the Delta Quadrant. Your transfer papers are attached.


Captain Mirazuni Ayesha, M.D.
Commanding Officer, USS Endeavour
38th Fleet ‘Argo’



To: @USS.Endeavour
CC: CMDR Samaras, A; CMDR Eunbi, J (@Eunha)
From: CAPT Mirazuni, A
Subj: Risa Vacation

Good Evening,

The crew of the U.S.S. Endeavour has been granted shore leave for the entire duration of the 38th’s Summer Vaction. Separate accomodation has been arranged soley for the purposes of the crew of the U.S.S. Endeavour, though individuals may want to stay with the rest of the 38th Fleet or in seperate areas.

Leave requests will generally be approved for this period. Please send in requests to Commander Eunbi as usual as soon as possible.


Captain Mirazuni Ayesha, M.D.
Commanding Officer, USS Endeavour
38th Fleet ‘Argo’

To: CMDR Eunbi, J (@Eunha)
CC: ~~
From: CAPT Mirazuni, A
Subj: Risa Vacation Work

Enjoy the extra work! Also approve everyone. But make sure the ship keeps ship working. And you have leave too.


Captain Mirazuni Ayesha, M.D.
Commanding Officer, USS Endeavour
38th Fleet ‘Argo’

1 Like

To: CAPT A Mirazuni
From: CMDR J Eunbi
Subj: Re: Risa Vacation

I Hate You.

Commander Jung Eunbi
Acting XO & Chief of Counselling
USS Endeavour



To: CMDR Eunbi, J (@Eunha)
CC: ~~
From: CAPT Mirazuni, A
Subj: RE: Risa Vacation

What did I just watch? Is this… human music?

Captain Mirazuni Ayesha, M.D.
Commanding Officer, USS Endeavour
38th Fleet ‘Argo’


To: CMDR Eunbi, J (@Eunha)
CC: ~~
From: CAPT Mirazuni, A
Subj: Health and Wellbeing

Swing by when you have the time, I have an idea for something.

Captain Mirazuni Ayesha, M.D.
Commanding Officer, USS Endeavour
38th Fleet ‘Argo’

1 Like

To: CAPT Mirazuni, A
CC: ~~
From: CMDR Eunbi, J
Subj: Re: Health and Wellbeing

I don’t like it when you get ideas…

I’ll come by later.

Commander Jung Eunbi
Acting XO, USS Endeavour

1 Like

To: @USS.Endeavour
CC: CMDR Eunbi, J (@Eunha)
From: CAPT Mirazuni, A
Subj: Ship XO


As some of you are aware, Commander Samaras has decided to leave the U.S.S Endeavour, and has departed Starfleet, in order to be closer to her family. I would like to wish her all the best and thank her for her dedication to this ship for many years.

After a short search, it was decided that we would promote from within instead of bring in an external officer to take the role of Executive Officer. I would therefore like to announce that Commander Eunbi will take over the role of Executive Officer on a permanent basis. The Commander has extensive experience of the First Officer role from her time on the U.S.S. Valley Forge, and has served as Acting First Officer many times in the last year. I have no doubt she will continue to be an excellent Executive Officer.

We will be returning to our exploration patrol routes at the end of the week. All departments are to submit their readiness reports to the First Officer by Thursday at the latest. Those who have pending research requests will have their applications accepted or declined by Friday.

A final message of congratulations to our crew who were well represented in the awards ceremony, and to those who were promoted. I am glad to see your efforts recognised.


Captain Mirazuni Ayesha, M.D.
Commanding Officer, USS Endeavour
38th Fleet ‘Argo’


To: @USS.Endeavour
CC: CMDR Eunbi, J. (@Eunha)
From: CAPT Mirazuni, A.
Subj: Dartius Misson


Yesterday’s battle was a humbling experience. However, do not think that this is a slight on any of you. Every single member of this has performed exceptionally over the last two weeks, and performed above and beyond during the engagement yesterday. There has been no other vessel, and no other crew, that has taken part in as many key events and battles in this time as you all.

We will be back in the fight soon. There is nowhere else I would rather be, than with this crew.

Please rest.

Thank you,

Captain Mirazuni Ayesha, M.D.
Commanding Officer, USS Endeavour
38th Fleet ‘Argo’


To: @USS.Endeavour
CC: CMDR Eunbi, J. (@Eunha)
From: CAPT Mirazuni, A.
Subj: Ongoing Engineering Project


Over the next few months, we will be conducting various tests onboard the ship. Department and Team Leads will be disseminating tasks shortly, and you will receive your individual assignments. Please be aware that a project such as this has many moving parts and to ensure minimal delays, any issues you may face should be communicated to your line managers as soon as practicable.

Whilst these assignments take priority over standing assignments, I still expect current duties to be kept at a high level.

Any questions should be directed primarily to your Department Leads, then to Commander T’Lyra, and then to Commander Eunbi.

Thank you,

Captain Mirazuni Ayesha, M.D.
Commanding Officer, USS Endeavour
38th Fleet ‘Argo’


To: @USS.Endeavour
CC: CMDR Eunbi, J. (@Eunha)
From: CAPT Mirazuni, A.
Subj: Shore Leave


As the USS Endeavour will be in drydock for several weeks, all crew will be granted leave time, on a rotating basis. Department Heads will communicate exact leave durations on an individual basis.

Please use this time to recover from a difficult conflict. Commander Eunbi and the counselling department are available should you so need.

Thank you,

Captain Mirazuni Ayesha, M.D.
Commanding Officer, USS Endeavour
38th Fleet ‘Argo’