
The door slid shut behind Wrot'Ka. The bulky Klingon walked to a shelf and poured himself a cup of bloodwine. As he took a big gulp of it he passed a console and tapped a couple buttons.

"General's Log, Stardate 91807.11

I am invincible." The Klingon took another large swig from his metallic mug. "Immortal... as if there was any doubt after the events of last year. There are still those that doubt that I have returned from the dead. They claim I was never dead." The General let out a singular quiet laugh as he looked at the remainder of the bloodwine in his mug. "They don't understand that I have been choosen... I have never been one to believe in fate and destiny, but if ever there was a Klingon who was alive to fulfill a specific purpose, than it is I.

Case in point, today I defied death once again. The Lukara (Wrot'Ka's previous Bortas'qu class ship) was a magnificent war machine. In every way it out performed this Bird of Prey." Wrot'Ka chugged the remainder of his bloodwine and slammed the cup down on the desk. "A distress call went out alerting anyone in range that the organism known as the Crystalline Entity was attacking some insignificant planet. As the Krett (Wrot'Ka's current Bird of Prey named after his father) warped in we found numerous Federation and Romulan ships were already there. There were a handful of Naussicaan ships, likely looking to pick the hulks of the dead clean after all was over, sitting at the edge of the system. We observed two other Klingon ships ready for battle against the crystalized monstrosity. The Tholians had also appeared and were making things difficult. Five of the Federation vessels, three Romulan vessels, and one of the Klingon ships were obliterated while several others were badly damaged. The Krett did not go without damage." The General walked back to the bottle of bloodwine and poured himself another drink. Six of my crew died honorable deaths and another seven were wounded. We pressed the entity hard, and as we had it on the brink my Bridge exploded with fire and smoke. The majority of my Bridge lay on the deck injured or dead. I took the controls myself and flew towards the center of the beast." He paused to take a huge gulp of bloodwine. "My Disruptors roared as torpedoes leapt from the bow. A collision warning started blaring as we closed within half a kelicam." I could hear the crystalized chunks of debris bounce off our then shieldless hull as the entity exploded from the POWER," Wrot'Ka raised his clenched fist to head height, "that I exerted on it."

The General tiped his cup up and downed over half a cup of bloodwine and finished the cup. He paced back towards his desk and carelessly tossed his mug. The metallic cup clanged off the nearby shelf and bounced off the wall and nearly rolled off onto the floor. "Any other ship would have been destroyed. But not mine... not me. I was victorious. And then I took to putting the remainder of the Federation and Romulan ships out of their damaged misery." Wrot'Ka slowly dragged his middle finger down the deep scar on the side of his head, "No other Klingon... no other ship." He paused as he thought of what to say next. "Now more than ever it is clear to me that unlike the other random lives in this universe, my existence has a purpose. I know not what that purpose is yet, but for what other logic is there that I would survive, or be resurrected as I have been in the past, than to be destined for something. How many other Klingons are worshiped by entire planets? (Crusade)"

"I have changed many of my ways. Death has humbled me. But more than that, I know now that my life holds importance." A grin grew across his face. "All the more reason to be as honorable and glorious as possible... to demonstrate to this Galaxy true Klingon superiority. I can think of no better place to demonstrate our abilities than to force the Tau Dewa sector to bend at the knee for the mighty Klingon Empire and claim complete ownership of the Dyson Sphere."