Favors | To: Alyss

Starbase 151
Security Level 3 - Restricted

TO Alyss
FROM Tabadi Mysti

SUBJ Favors
Orion Space Navy

Dearest Alyss,

I write you in anticipation of the Thana's return to base. During my recent visit to OSN HQ it came to my attention that we may well have had an infiltrator on board the ship. Whilst there was no direct attack on our systems, the potential breach has brought counter-intelligence defenses to the forefront - both for myself and the OSN at lartge.

So get your thinking cap on girl! Because once we are docked I would like for you to join me in a review of our cyber defenses to see if we can't bolster them in some way. I already have interest from the OSN to implement any prudent measures as a fleet wide standard too!

My discussions with command also brought to light some potential business opportunities for you; as you may recall, we lost a key asset last year in the Narris II shipyards where the Thana was built. I won't like Alyss... the OSN is struggling to recover - they even resorted to a business marriage with some Ferengi troll in order to fund the next ship!

They are struggling primarily for raw materials, when this was mentioned I instantly thought of your salvage operation. Now I know that manpower is a problem there and think the OSN can help with that too. Our (presently unofficial) quartermaster is one Tabadi Tayri - Command has informed me that she may be able to facilitate an exchange of manpower for materials and resources to aid the construction of our new fleet.

We'll talk more on this when I get back sweety, just wanted to get you thinking on the cyber defenses ready for our return more than anything!


Tabadi Mysti
Commanding Officer - SNV Thana Vaneri
Orion Space Navy - SB151 Attaché
Dear Tabadi Mysti

Thank you for considering me for these very important tasks. Of course I am interested in working with you on both matters. As far as the raw materials, I have a rather plentiful supply of gutted ships that realistically will never fly again, which can easily be smelted for an significant supply of raw materials.
I also have that deal with our friendly neighborhood warlord to trade ships which are functional but of less than perfect condition for significant raw materials, which can help ensure raw materials on an ongoing basis once my stockpiles are lower. The repair manpower would, of course, be helpful in this. Also, If you have aging ships which you would basically like to exchange for raw materials, but are still intact, I can act as an intermediary with said warlord to keep your hands clean of any direct involvement in the exchange.

As for the security issues, changeling threats and non changeling threats need significantly different precautions. For non-changeling threats, it's all about confirmation of identity and physical keys. For changeling threats, long term bio-monitoring so that only those who have had the same uninterrupted bio signature for at least 48-72 hours have access to the really sensitive stuff, as well as multiple other measures, but that is a serious undertaking.
On top of this, I can personally look through your computers and access protocols and look for weak spots and hostile code injection points. Hacking is an ongoing arms race, so at that level, no matter how secure I make things today, you will still have to have me, or someone of similarly exceptional skill in such things, adjusting your protection for new threats, and I am more than happy to oblige.

As for fees and rates, I suggest that a couple of my paid bean counters sit down in a room with your paid bean counters and hammer something out which is mutually beneficial and profitable.
One more thing. do you wish this transaction to be all official like, or off the record? I'm good with either. I just need to know for bookkeeping (or not book keeping as the case may be).

We'll talk more on all of this upon your return,

Alyss: Salvage rat and systems expert
Starbase 151
Security Level 3 - Restricted

TO Alyss
FROM Tabadi Mysti
STARDATE 93870.9
SUBJ Favors
Orion Space Navy

Dearest Alyss,

I can't thank you enough for your support in these endeavours. You can expect to hear from Tabadi Tayri in the near future regarding the establishment of any ongoing trade agreement - which I expect to see as very much on the record, though Tayri can no doubt conclude details with you further.

As for security on board the Thana, we do no currently perceive any changeling threat (at least I didn't until you suggested it, thanks!) - but moreso from infiltration agents, you know, the usual Syndicate MO. I feel that our first step must be to first verify the integrity of our systems to ensure nothing has been tampered with to date. From there we can look to implement your recommendations as suitable.

Thanks for the support in this sweety, and yes... Any work regarding security measures on the Thana must be strictly off the record. We know our enemies have eyes and ears in unwanted places, and I do not want them learning of any upgrades.

Look forward to seeing you work your magic!


Tabadi Mysti
Commanding Officer - SNV Thana Vaneri
Orion Space Navy - SB151 Attaché