An organisation ran by Ferengi that purports the free exchange of trade goods between all races without any extra regulations or tariffs that would hinder such trade.
They strongly believe that everyone can be capable of creating wealth for themselves and become rich, especially when such wealth adds to that of the Ferengi Free Trade. This "belief" in people's capabilities is often used to pressure them into dangerous waters, and it is often a tool of coercion, rather than genuine belief that one can, indeed, achieve what they set their minds to.
The organisation's goal is to achieve “Pure Trade”, everyone trades with anyone, individuals of any race can become part of the organisation as long as they bring profit.
Following the same concept of “Pure Trade” any and all goods or services are permitted, whether it be provisions, information or slaves. They often act as brokers, allowing trades between organisations so that they are not easily traced. Sometimes the organisations they broker for might not be aware that they are exchanging goods with rivals, because of the FFT’s rule, “Trade, don't ask”. The rule reinforces the concept of “Pure Trade”.
Due to the fact they are so “freely accepting” of all forms of trade, some organisations might find their practices questionable, and may consider them criminals or at least a wildcard. Since they also trade perfectly legal goods, it isn't always easy to pinpoint them and they might help in humanitarian efforts if it is profitable for them. Members don't actively advertise being part of the organisation due to that ambiguity.
While the newer members realise that the FFT isn’t clean, they are not aware of how far the FFT can go, until they show unwillingness to go along with the organisation's directives, at which point they might be threatened through a variety of ways – hitting the member’s family and closed ones being one of them.
The FFT lure in people in different ways. Criminals in black markets often deal with them a few times before they reveal their existence. This only happens once a few transactions show that the person they want to recruit is capable.
The FFT also uses manipulation and propaganda, appealing to people's wishes or weaknesses and showing them they are the solution. A notable case was the Assistant Bar Manager of DS13’s Starlight Cantina at the time, where they appealed to her eagerness to prove female Ferengi could do business.
At the time of this dossier, she is Starfleet's only source for information regarding the Ferengi Free Trade, and the only member of the organisation with whom they interacted, at least that they are aware.
“Pure Trade” is the basic principle on which the FFT operates. It purports freedom of trading any good with any person without regulations. In reality it’s a self-serving manipulation. Tariffs are not applied to trades but extra costs for the service offered by the act of trading the goods themselves are charged. You pay for the privilege of trading with the FFT, which is usually justified by the idea that the goods are hard to obtain or that the connections used are just as difficult to reach.
Traders aren't always aware of extra costs and asking where the money goes is viewed as bad etiquette because it implies that the trade is not free but bound to conditions.