Gangster's Paradis


STARDATE: 93039.8

“KILL THAT GREEN BLOODED, POINTED EARRED RUNT!” pausing, and with pained huffs “AAAhhh-- MY HAND!”

Sprinting down the winding alleyways of the cityscape, the young Vulcan took periodic glances back at the menagerie of thugs, pirates, and general criminals. His heart racing as he pushed his weak and feeble legs harder than he’s ever had to. A blood covered, crude blade in one hand, his other occupied, clutching his side in an attempt to keep the consequences of a disruptor grazing at bay. Pure unadulterated adrenaline pumping through his veins, the Vulcan took another look back at his pursuers, feeling his malnourished body start to give way. With frantic head turns, the boy looked for an opportunity to shake his pursuers off of him, any opportunity. Desperately, he charged into a crowd with one arm held up defensively. * SPppssshhh * The distinctive sound of a disrupter ripped through the ambient city noise, scattering the crowd. The young Vulcan rushing to follow the largest splinter of people, using them as an escape cover, swiftly ducking into a narrow, branching off corridor.

“He went this way!”

One of the pirates would shout, as the entire band of criminals would pass the corridor. Letting out a wheeze of relief, then a pained groan. The Vulcan boy would almost collapse, smacking into the wall on his way down. He took the moment to catch his breath, removing his hand from the disruptor wound, finding it drenched in his own green blood, he let out another pained groan. Rolling over to place his back against the wall, the combined forces of blood-loss and malnourishment would begin to take their toll. The Vulcan boy would close his eyes, drifting into unconsciousness…


Coming to, his eyes would part revealing the cold and familiar wall panels of the industrial sector warehouses.

“Well… well… You thought you could run off? Just like that?”

the figure to which the disembodied voice belonged to would emerge, their features obscured by shadows. The shadowy figure raising their arm to reveal a primed disruptor aimed right to the boy’s face.
A knife deeply embedded within the back of the individual’s hand, dark liquid gushing from the wound.
With a blink and a flash the disrupter went off.




STARDATE: 93043.6

“Just leave him, poor kid’s probably already dead. Not much to take from a corpse.”

“Shut your mouth, there’s profit to be made here. I can feel it in my lobes!”

The boy, would jump awake screaming. Swinging his arms wildly like a feral animal at the two strangers. With utter surprise and shock from having just witnessed a practical corpse come back to life the two hoodlums are sent scurrying away, with screams emanating from the large lobed figured. The young Vulcan grasping at his face, fortunately not finding a disruptor bolt sized hole in his head, the boy calms himself. With a coarse and cracked voice he would recite mantra to himself.

“Fear is the mind killer… I must not fear, fear is… I must not fear, fear is the mind killer.”

With a hand placed over his disruptor wound, the boy would struggle to get up. Using the wall as support. He would move along the wall, coming across his reflection in the shards of broken glass. Bruising along the eye, accompanied with several cuts on his left cheek and forehead as well as cracked, bleeding lips. One would not be blamed for incorrectly guessing the boy had suffered a broken nose, as the myriad of blemishes and markings across the Vulcan adolescent’s face and along his body in general would paint the picture of cruel mistreatment having taken place over the course of several months.


A short glance at his dirtied, messy, unkempt hair would prompt a quick scoff. The injured Vulcan would trod on, his steps faltering with accompanied heavy breaths.

"I need medical assistance… "

“Well to state the obvious.”

“I believe I gave a simple reminder.”

“These disruptor burns are reminder enough, Sadaann.”

"I suppose you’re-- " The adolescent Vulcan would let out a violent cough. “right.”

“Am I going crazy? I’m talking to myself…”

“QA’PLA! Over there!”

“AH! AH! AH!”


The Vulcan would give a sharp turn, quick enough to be met with a hypospray to his neck, too slow to evade it. The last thing he would witness before succumbing to unconsciousness would be an adolescent, disheveled looking Ferengi holding said hypospray and an adolescent Klingon female a few feet away. The Klingon female making it as obvious as possible the callout had come from her. Her arm would be extended into a rather enthusiastic point, aimed right at the Vulcan.

“B-But K’Nera! You’re screaming right now!”

“It’s Okay when~~”


As the Ferengi and Klingon began to argue, Sadaann would look on in utter confusion, he beginning to lose his auditory senses. The combination of the mystery hypospray and the Vulcan’s own wounds would result in his blacking out once again.

THUD, Sadaann would unceremoniously hit the ground, he now in the mercy of these two strangers.



Sadaann had began to regain consciousness, slowly looking around the room, he would find the two strangers. The young Vulcan being met with the Ferengi and Klingon girl from before. In an attempt to flee he would find himself strapped down to a worn-down chair. Proceeding to struggle in his binds, Sadaann had drawn the attention of his two captors.

“He’s awake!”

“What do we do with him? We need him right?”

“Anyone would have sufficed… he was just the first one I saw.”

“He could’ve been armed! He could’ve killed meee… WAIT, you’re lying! We passed like… several people before you pointed at him…”

“You wouldn’t understand the intricacies of deliberating and making the hard choices a leader needs to.”

“What are you on about? We don’t have a lea–”

The Klingon girl would bare her intimidatingly sharp teeth at the Ferengi, prompting a sharp,


“ANYWAY, hurry up and give him the equipment.”

The Ferengi boy would scurry over to a stacking of crates, rummaging through the discarded gear. He would remove a cylindrical container from the pile. With both hands on the container, the Ferengi would struggle in delivering it to the bound Sadaann.

“You’ll do something for us.”

“And that…that,” Sadaann spoke through belated breaths “That is?”

With an especially devious smirk, the Ferengi opened the container, revealing an assortment of personal equipment including: a phaser, tricorder, and array of improvised explosives.


M'Talas Prime

Stardate: 93111.6

The cityscape ambience would be swiftly and sharply pierced by the repeated sounds of disruptor fire. With three adolescent figures making a mad dash across the rooftops of M’Talas, in pursuit, a swarm of rather unhappy gangsters. An adolescent Klingon female seeming to be the fastest of the runaways, she letting out a carefree roar that could only be seen as laughter. The Vulcan boy taking on a low running posture, looking to be the more cautious of the triad. Trailing a tad behind the two, the Ferengi lad had adopted the Vulcan’s lower posture, after all you can’t make a profit if you’re dead.

The Klingon girl would quickly take a hold of one of the many miscellaneous containers, whirling herself around before letting the sizeable crate fly into an unlucky thug. The sheer strength of the girl and the crate would knock the gangster into a narrow crevasse between two of the towering M’talan high-rises. Despite the Klingon’s show of strength, the band of criminals would continue their pursuit of delinquents.

From the small crowd of criminals a lengthy, reptilian figure would zoom passed the other pursuers.


The Gorn sprinter would catch up with the three, running itself into the Ferengi boy, sending them both into a cooling unit. The Gorn would hold up the Ferengi by his collar, bearing the myriad of knives it likes to call teeth at the terrified Ferengi teen.

“Get back here! Or I tear out thisssss onessss jugular.”

This causing the Klingon and Vulcan to come to a halt, turning around to face the captor of their comrade.


The Gorn sprinter would hold a devious smirk, it widening into a wicked smile. By the time the Gorn had fully opened its maw and bit down onto the Ferengi’s relatively large head, the Klingon and Vulcan had been surrounded, a variety of different phasers and disruptors aimed exclusively at the two. The delinquents would practically be forced to watch the Gorn maul their partner. Having effectively taken a chunk out of the Ferengi’s left ear, and several bites into the four brain lobes. The Gorn would drop the wheezing, rattling body of the Ferengi boy, leaving it to periodically convulse on the skyscraper rooftop. Sadaann, the young Vulcan, having witnessed this would attempt to make a step back, however before he could make the second step the Gorn roared out,


The Vulcan would freeze, shaken to the core as no Vulcan teaching thus far would have prepared him for what he just witnessed. Ultimately, Sadaann would vomit, to the amusement of the various pirates, thugs, and gangsters, they all letting out some form of snicker or chuckle.

“Bring them, Bosssss wouldn’t be happy we’re having all the fu-”

“DON"T!” Sadaann cried, though was a futile attempt.

The Klingon girl would lash out, lunging at the Gorn who had just snacked on her friend, she would give the Gorn a good fight to start, however as the skirmish continued on the Gorn would reveal its nimbleness. Weaving itself away from the strikes of the Klingon, in one swift motion the Gorn twirled, connecting its heel with her side, sending her into the crowd where she would find the firearms pointed even closer than before. The Gorn would turn to the Vulcan,

“You ssseeeem to be the ssssmartessst of the bunch, let’ssss walk and talk.”

The Gorn would express a wide and concerning smile.



Industrial Sector

STARDATE: 93172.5

“It would be best if this does become a trend.” Sadaann though to himself, aiming the disruptor behind him as he ran, firing at the same band of thugs that had chased him and his companions down a month prior.

* SPppssshhh *

“Four.” Sadaann’s thoughts would whirl, “That’s the fourth one, I’ve-- But if I don’t, it’s only a matter of fact before–”

BANG! The Vulcan would run face first into the side of a pole, his slender figure being sent to the ground. disorientated, Sadaann would make out the feint barking of insults and orders from K’Nera. He would push himself from the ground as quickly as his body would allow, Turning his head only to see those who would see him dead near closer, he fired again. With the death howls of another, “Five.” his body would jolt forward in repulse, the feeling of nausea would hit his stomach, keeling over he would vomit what little he’s had to eat over the past weeks. With a haphazard wipe of his mouth, Sadaann would continue to run. “This is the second time… the second time I’ve been taken, forced to do the dirty work of these… these…” his thoughts would falter, eyeing the disruptor in his left hand.


The adolescent Vulcan would cry out, tossing the disruptor to his Klingon partner, she as gently as she could manage given the current situation would hand Sadaann the half-conscious body of their Ferengi comrade, his head injuries now covered with poorly wrapped bandages, “Subpar medical treatment, but what should I expect from criminals.” Sadaann thought to himself, attempting to keep his emotions within Vulcan parameters. The three would weave around and between the large industrial structures within the area, hoping to lose their pursuers. They would hit a sharp right, then left, right, left, left, right, right, right, left, giving up all effort in navigating this maze of a sector, they two escapees’ only hope relying on their pursuers becoming as lost as they were.

Sadaann would catch a glimpse of a large opening, “This could be our escape.” he thought, shifting directions, he would make a full sprint, with the brash Klingon K’Nera providing cover fire from behind. As the two approached the opening, Sadaann would come to realize where he had lead them to: a grand descent into the lower levels of the city. Or in Sadaann’s situation, a dead end.

The overhead speakers would announce at blaring volumes.

Sadaann, K’Nere, as well as the band of criminals in pursuit would take pause, recognizing the sector designation as their current location, confusion as to what could possibly be going on. Their looking up would quickly bring an answer to the growing confusion.

Quickly rocketing down the visible sky could be seen a ship, Romulan in design, in fact, a T’liss bird-of-prey of obsolete design. Sadaann would narrow his eyes, “The angle of descent would…-” his train of thought would pause, “It’s going to crash… it’s going to crash HERE!” Sadaann’s thought would be confirmed, as the bird-of-prey would rocket to their position at an alarming rate.

“Blade of Kahless!” In what would be among the little to nil instances in K’Nere’s life, she had become ridden with fear. “T-THIS IS A GOOD DA-DAY TO DIE!” She would yell out, with her full chest. Sadaann, unconvinced, “That girl’s as scared as I am.” a blunt thought.

“No one is dying today!” Sadaann would quickly disregard those he’s shot. The Vulcan would rush towards his Klingon compatriot, with the injured Ferengi on one shoulder, he would lift K’Nere onto the other, being met with an elbow to the back of the head, “I CAN RUN MYSELF!” K’Nere would shout, right into Sadaann’s ear, causing him to almost trip over himself and drop the two of them. Luckily, adrenaline would save him from the disorientation. Unluckily, the downwind from the crashing bird-of-prey would send them flying into the nearest silo. The ship itself would stabilize, pulling itself upwards near moments from killing everyone within several kilometer’s distance. Sadaann and K’Nere would recover as best they could to practically being thrown into a metal wall. As soon as the pair had gotten to their feet, they would be met with the arrival of their pursuers, their phasers, disruptors, and other miscellaneous arms primed at the two. A blinding light would hit the area. The T’liss would had activated one of their spotlights, the ship itself stationary above the grand descent. The suspense would make the passing moments feel like minutes, said suspense would be broken at the sight of M’talan patrol craft making their way to the ship’s location.

“Make this quick, just shoot all three of em’!”

As the ruffians primed their arms, K’Nere, Sadaann, as well as the barely conscious Ferengi lad would begin to dematerialize. In what could be described as ‘a blink of the eye’ the three would find themselves aboard a starship’s bridge, surrounded by Romulans in Romulan Republic uniforms. K’Nere quickly would aim the disruptor at the captain’s chair, immediately being outgunned, the Romulans providing a valid counterpoint to K’Nere, that being the abundance of disruptor pistols and rifles trained on the three.

“You kids seem to be in quite a bind.” The bridge crew would let out hushed chuckles and mocking snickers.

A clean shaven Romulan man, with ear-length hair, garbed in the same uniform as the rest sat at the captain’s chair, though with his own jacket removed and set draped over the chair.

“Welcome to the RRW Sienov.”


I.R.W. Sienov

M'Talan Space

STARDATE: 93287.2

"You killed them. "
The Vulcan adolescent sat in the dim room. Restrained by cuffs, with a desolate look in his magenta and lavender eyes. He would repeat, his voice creaking.
“You killed them…”

The Romulan officer answered in a flat manner, sporting a cold uncaring expression. half his attention on the Vulcan teen, the other half on the PADD in his arms as he stood above the adolescent. The bodies of a Klingon girl and Ferengi youth visible as they’d be carried out of the room. Completely disregarding the Vulcan’s current emotional state, the Romulan officer would speak in the same flat manner.
“Quite the laundry list you and your friends have racked up. An impressive resume if I’d say so myself. Multiple accounts of assault, bribery, attempted bribery of an officer, smuggling of various contraband, conspiracy to kidnap, conspiracy to murder, provocative and offensive contact with intent to deal bodily harm, provocative and offensive contact with intent to deal bodily harm to an officer. Really I could go on.”
The Romulan officer taking pause from his PADD, looking to the Vulcan who was already at the verge of tears, collapse into a silent weep. The Romulan would crouch to meet eye-level.
“Chin up, Child. Be grateful you still have your life. Normally we’d have killed all three of you, but I think we’ve made our point, wouldn’t you say?”
The Romulan gives a short chuckle.
“I hate you.”
“What was that?”
“I hate you.”
The Vulcan repeated,
“You people and your empires, all you people do is go around using some arbitrary perception of power to terrorize us normal folk,”
The Romulan officer would look around scratching his head, a half cocked smirk on his face, amused at this kid’s attempt to articulate a political worldview.
“Who taught you those words, Child?”
The officer laughed. Despite the interruption, the teen continued.
“You think just because you have ships, and firepower that you can just go around tellin’ other people what to do.”
The Romulan’s smirk becoming a bellow of laughter.
“Well, yes. Exactly that.”
“You’re no better than the Terrans.”
Almost immediately as those words left the Vulcan’s mouth, the Romulan would connect his palm to the side of the teen’s face in what could be the hardest slap the kid’s ever received.
“You’ll be sold back to the M’Talan syndicates, we have no use for you.”
The officer stated concisely as he rose from his crouched position, turning heel and walking out of the room. Pausing before fully exiting, turning a head back to the Vulcan adolescent.
“And if you survive, and wish to carry out any silly little revenge ploys,”
Another, more sinister smirk would grow on the officer’s face.
“I am Subcommander Atilla Rejok. Please, take a moment to memorize the face. Because, I dare you to find me.”



M'Talas Prime

District 4

Stardate: 93409.6

A Vulcan boy, accompanied by a Klingon girl, both no older than 17 in terms of their respective species. The two exchanging several awkward glances, walking the streets of the relatively safer district. With the help of the crew of the Sienov, Sadaann and K’Nere were able to escape what would have surely either been death or a continued life of mistreatment under syndicate slavery. Managing to locate local aide services, the two were able to safely shelter their injured ferengi friend. Rogg, with help from what medical services could be provided on the Sienov miraculously surviving a Gorn bite to the head. This span of time in district four possibly being the little down time these kids will ever see. Another awkward glance and an accidental meeting of the eyes, the Vulcan boy’s face blush with a faint green. The girl is not amused.
“You are a go–”
“So you think–?”

“Oh- You fi-”
“Sorry, you fir-”

“No, you-”
“You fir-”

K’Nere, a girl like every other youth who’s found themselves in the rough of M’Talas, detached from their cultural roots. A girl who yearns to be Klingon, most times usually overcompensating for this lack of truly knowing her people with hyper aggressive tendencies. K’Nere showing a disgust to any displays of vulnerability, including this adolescent exchange of anxiousness. After all, he was just some Vulcan street rat.

She would shoot air from her nostrils, furrowing her brows in irritation.

“UGH! i’M sAdAaNn AnD i WaS hElD iN cApTiViTy, sO i NoW i HaVe To MaKe EvErY sOcIaL sItUaTiOn StUpIdLy AwKwArD fOr NOOOOO REASON!”

She would say mockingly of the Vulcan, ultimately shoving the fragile Vulcan. Sadaann himself quickly regaining his balance, he now content with watching the ground. Despite how hurt he had felt, if there is one thing the very little Vulcan tutelage from his mother and father had taught him, it was how not to cry.

The streets would dim, a shadow looming overhead.

Above, the underbelly hull of a starship could be seen emerging. The two would recognize the green paintjob strewn about the hull, this was that mercenary ship. Sienov. Infront of Sadaann and K'Nere, about four of what would be Rejok's troop would materialize.

“Your boots!”


“Give us your boots, the both of you! Quick!”

“Will you fu–”
“K’Nere, let’s be uh-- civil.”"

“Airai says your stay on Sienov wasn’t free, ‘specially since you had us use up precious medical equipment on that hhakh fuckin’ yikh Ferengi kid.”

“Civil my ass, you damn Peta’Q!”

It was evident K’Nere’s street smarts had caught the blatant insult hidden within the Sienov thug’s Rihan, she about ready to charge the four goons. Sadaann whether through his minute Vulcan telepathic capabilities or his prolonged time with this girl sensed her killing intent. The scrawny Vulcan wrapping his arms around the enraged K’Nere.

“Sadaann, get OFF ME. I’m going to show this Peta’Q where my boot can go!”
“Please, please, please, K’Nere, I’m begging you. We can get new boots.”

Sadaann had chose the absolute wrong words to say, the enraged Klingon girl turning her wrath onto him, with a quick back elbow to his face, Sadaann had relinquished his hold of K’Nere. Another, more forceful shove would send the Vulcan to the ground, followed by a series of kicks and stomps.

“I’m tired of your WEAK-minded, submissive, – You just take it, don’t you! Letting just WHOEVER walk AALLL OVER YOU! You’d be DEAD on the street without me! And you DARE tell ME TO CALL DOWN?! I’ll show you calm down!”

The four Sienov thugs who thought it a fun idea to go mess with adolescent street rats would turn away, tapping their respective wrist devices.

“Ie, airai? Usae, airai… hrrae’ev hilai ssaed mnean, airai.” a ‘we’re screwed’ sigh would escape the goon’s mouth, “RIshik ssiun Sienov, nniet mibh i mne.” turnings to the two, watching on as the Vulcan boy is assaulted by his Klingon friend. “droahkh Heis’he…I guess, they can keep their damn boots.” this RIshik uttered, spite in his breath. The four Romulans dematerializing. The heavily modified T’liss that is the Sienov pulling up, making its departure in M’Talas’ upper atmosphere.

With Sienov now gone, K’Nere would gain an opportunity to catch her breath. Realizing what she’d done, remorse and guilt flooding the young girl’s being, despite her absolute refusal to show such emotions.

“BAH! UUGH!” The Klingon would cry out in angst, "Look what YOU made me do! And all I wanted to do was-- " Crouching into a squat beside the beaten and laid out Vulcan that is Sadaann, “You were a fine warrior in the industrial district.” She said, speaking more so into her knees than to Sadaann himself, offering those words as some sort of half-assed apology for the beating.

As if that would mend things, right?



STARDATE: 93464.1


“…Let’s get straight to the point, I need you to steal a shuttle.”

The Vulcan adolescent would immediately snap to his Klingon comrade, a displeased glare shot at her. The Klingon girl returning with a cheeky smile and slight shrug, before the Vulcan ends the exchange with a roll of his jade-green eyes.

“As I told you,”

the man continued. Sadaann and K’Nere had found a new freedom in the higher level districts, but had discovered they now had to make ends themselves. K’Nere, frankly strong-arming Sadaann into taking on the almost certainly danger filled odd job.

“We’re trying to expand our auxiliary craft venture, and believe this shuttle would serve us nicely.”

Sadaann “What kind of ship is it?”

Sadaann, cutting to the chase.

“Yellowstone, Federation in origin. It’s this cool cyan-- turquoise, baby blue.”

Sadaann giving K’Nere another, more stern glare of unamusement. K’Nere, a gleeful, childlike smile on her face, she just happy her Vulcan companion was going along with her antics.

K’Nere “Who has it?”

“Pair of Orion sisters, twins. Two jade spectacles who call their little outfit the Binary Sun’s of the underworld.”

Sadaann “Great. More gangsters.”

K’Nere “C’mon, Sadaann. He’s paying fruckin’ fantastically, we’d be able to get those med supplies for Rogg.”

Sadaann “I- I know, I know. I’m just so tired of…-”

K’Nere “I know, Sadaann. I know.”

“It’ll be a quick operation. In an’ out. Like the burger place.”

Sadaann “What?”

K’Nere “It’s 21st century humor.”

The Vulcan grumbles. The man would further sink himself into the sofa he had been sat comfortably in, throwing his head back into a hardy laugh.

“You kids crack me up! Get out there and get that shuttle, it’ll be fine.”

Sadaann rolls his eyes, shaking his head. The Vulcan’s long and unkempt hair held together in a somewhat neat, low-hanging ponytail.

Sadaann “Whatever.”

The two exited the shady lounge, stepping back into the ear-thumping noise, and eye straining strobbing of multicolor lights. Sadaann and K’Nere locking arms at the elbow as to not lose one another in the crowd. K’Nere taking lead, most people taking prerogative to move out of the way of what looks to be pissed of Klingon girl and her Vulcan partner. K’Nere’s facial expression tempering as soon as the two were clear of the crowds of people.

“It does get too loud…” The klingon relented

“Told you…” The Vulcan chastised.

The two stood together awkwardly, both sets of feet shifting across the concrete.

Sadaann “We should get going.”

K’Nere “Yeah…”



K’Nere was in panic. The two now stood in the cockpit of one Yellowstone runabout. Sadaann, with arms crossed gave his Klingon companion a jaded look of unamusement. For what sat infront of them,

“300,000 pressed-latinums worth of Dellosan moondust, and you say it’s…gone?”

The voice of a woman asked out, frustration and pure anger very abundant in her tone. A lone grunt stood before said woman, who sat on what is effectively a throne. The woman herself nude except for the fur-lined fur coat which sat draped over her shoulders, her hair woven upward into a small cage embedded within. Inside the cage chirped a small, multicolored, four-winged bird.

“Mistress, o’ Elected One, I–”

“Be silent.” The woman’s completely dark irises fell upon the man like an eclipse. The grunt, compelled by forces he couldn’t possibly understand would silence himself.

“I already know. Now I can’t punish stupidity, but I can sure lose my patience with it. Out of my sight.” The woman barked, reclining herself back into the extravagant chair. Crossed legs and a sigh, the woman began tapping onto a side panel, which lay embedded in the armrest.

A chime would ring from the runabout communications console. Quickly grabbing the two shuttle-jacker’s attention as well as filling the room with dread. With neither Sadaann or K’Nere willing to answer the hail, eventually the chiming would stop, followed by a single beep.

Sadaann moved to the console, looking it over.

“It’s… it’s just coordinates.”


K’Nere “We c-could sell it?! Dump it maybe?”

Sadaann “K’Nere!”

K’Nere “We have the shuttle already, let’s just go.”

Sadaann “K’NERE!!”

K’Nere “Screw them! Peta’Qs think they run the streets. We’ll show em’, right Sadaann?”

Sadaann “K’NERE… SHE’S IN Y…”

K’Nere “Strap in, it’s going to be a bumpy ride.”

She’d give her Vulcan comrade a reassuring smile. The smile she knew never truly pacified Sadaann, but enough to shut him up for an hour. She’d watch how his face flustered, and how he’d turn away like a schoolgirl. Admittedly, her favorite part.

Reaching for the console,
“So that’s how you believed this would go.”
K’Nere blinked.

“Your mind…” Sadaann concluded, defeated.

The two were no longer in the stolen runabout. K’Nere frantically looked around the new location, sighting Sadaann. The beaten and bruised Vulcan was knelt, three disruptor rifles primed to his back. K’Nere quickly glancing behind herself, confirming her suspicion. A firing squad of five indistinctly dressed goons stood to the rear of the Klingon girl, the same disruptor rifles aimed at her.

“You up and comers are becoming quite bold, aren’t you? Not only do you actually try and take off with-- do you know who’s runabout that belongs to? You’re only alive because today’s my wedding day. The absorption of one of the local banking clans, more accurately. But what else do you call the joining of two families?”

Sadaann “Please, we’re sorry–”

“He’s so cute, is he not?” The betazoid woman said, looking down her nose at Sadaann. Rising from the sole chair in the area, she made a slow encroachment toward Sadaann. Cupping the young man’s chin. The Vulcan trying his best to avert his eyes away from the woman’s nakedness. “I’ve been through your minds. I’ll cut you,” Now gripping Sadaann by his jaw, “some slack. Here’s the deal, I’ll let you,” She spoke, forcibly turning Sadaann’s head to upon her, “go. HER, on the otherhand.”

K’Nere bearing her teeth at the woman. The woman now stood infront of the Klingon girl. “You orchestrated this, you pay for it.” K’Nere spat at the mob leader’s face, a backhand being promptly reciprocated. The woman wiping said spit off with her hand, wiping it down K’Nere’s shoulder. “Disgusting girl. You’ll do nicely. Beam the Vulcan wherever, I don’t care for him. As for her, she’ll be inducted.”

Sadaann “W-WaWAIT! K’NE–!!”

Sadaann would dematerialize, the last thing he witnessed being the subsequent surrounding of his friend by what looked to be women and girls of varying ages.




STARDATE: 93575.9

Sadaann “I don’t know, Rogg. They- they beamed me away. We can’t stop looking for her!”

The Vulcan spoke frantically, practically pacing with his volume being higher than he intends. The Ferengi behind the counter nodding along to his Vulcan friend’s panic.

Rogg “Mhm MMm… mm.”

Sadaann “A-are you even list-- No. Your injury. I’m sorry, Rogg.”

Rogg “I’m-I’m-I–Mm listeni-listening Sadaann. K-K’Ne-K’Nere–K’Nere can take c-care of her–self.”

The Ferengi spoke in struggled stutters, on account of a chunk of his grey matter having been eaten by a Gorn.

Sadaann “I don’t think-- We got ourselves into some deep trouble, Rogg.”

Rogg “We? K’Nere did that herself, YOU’RE just lucky that betazoid let YOU go. S-sa-s–sad-adaann, it–it–'s b-been a-a-ah–month.”

Sadaann “That doesn’t mean we should just abandon K’Ner–”

The conversation being interrupted by the arrival of their Klingon companion. Barging into the rundown, abandoned shop the three had made into a shelter. It was evident the girl had been hurriedly dressed, and even then, barely. With articles of clothing still in her arms, the normally brutish and headstrong girl now evading eye contact with the two. She’d quickly make way towards the back rooms, only to be intercepted by Sadaann.

The sensitive young man examining her with caring eyes. The girl’s body covered in bruises and light lacerations. The Vulcan gently grabbing the girl by her shoulders, looking her dead in the eyes.

Sadaann “What happened?”

K’Nere tried her best to avert her gaze from Sadaann’s soft features, less she become beet red in the face. With everything that she’d been through the past month, sometimes it felt nice to return back to worried faces. At the very least it showed she was cared about on some level. Though with him so worried about her, it perplexed K’Nere how he could still show such concern for her after everything she’s done to him. It simply didn’t make sense, no more sense than an emotionally sensitive and vulnerable Vulcan.

Sadaann, having never really stopped looking over K’Nere would have noticed something along the curve of her neck and shoulder, below the external jugular vein. A blemish more structured than the rest if her bruises. Without warning, Sadaann had pulled the collar of K’Nere’s ribbed undershirt, revealing not just more signs of injury along the girl’s clavicle, but a tattoo adorned the side of her neck.



Rogg, already having sensed another argument (good ears), had since left for the back. K’Nere, now red as a tomato, would violently shove Sadaann aside, storming off towards the back.


a pause


K’Nere yelled out from the back of the store, her voice cracked and wavering. Her quiet sobs and bouts of frustration, irritation, and general anger audible throughout the early night.

Eventually, in the late night, Sadaann’s waking rest would be interrupted. Standing above him was K’Nere.

K’Nere “Mind meld.”

Sadaann “I don’t know how.”

K’Nere “What?”

Sadaann “I never got the chance to learn how to initiate one.”

K’Nere “So you only receive, huh?”

She quipped

Sadaann “What?”

K’Nere “Nothing. Here.”

The girl sat next to the boy, having imitated what she’d seen demonstrated on PADDs and frankly inaccurately portrayed in pirated holo-novels. Placing her hand along Sadaann’s face and having him reciprocate.

Sadaann “My mind to yours, your thoughts to mine.”

K’Nere “My mind to your mind, your thoughts to my thoughts.”

Unknown to Sadaann, in fact unknown to them both: an inexperienced mind meld, like Sadaann’s, was susceptible to unintentionally opening a two-way telepathic link. As Sadaann peered and observed K’Nere’s memories, witnessing the events of the past month, K’Nere had pressed on into the Vulcan’s thoughts and memories. What she’d experience through Sadaann’s eyes causing her to pull away from the mind meld. Sadaann looking to K’Nere with a melting pot of emotions welling up in his eyes. K’Nere returning his look with conflicting feelings. A growing discomfort emerging within Sadaann, K’Nere’s experience with the Betazoid woman all too familiar to Sadaann, in fact, scarily so. If it were not for K’Nere, he too would have probably been forcibly dragged deeper into life of crime.

Sadaann “K’Nere, I’m so sorr–”

K’Nere “Why didn’t you tell anyone?! All this time, and you’ve been quiet about something like that?”

Sadaann “What are you–?”

K’Nere “By Kahless, you’re so…- Sadaann. You were just a boy. A boy who just wanted to go outside. You never wanted to be apart of any of this.”

Sadaann’s eye would twitch, subtly, as the young Vulcan half-blinked, resisting the urge to roll his eyes at the girl, as if he hasn’t been saying that for the past seven months.

K’Nere “And here I was-- I thought you just whined a lot.”

She’d lightly giggle, attempting to rouse a smile from the Vulcan. Hidden underneath, however, her heart wept for Sadaann.

Sadaann “It’s… whatever.”

The Vulcan too jaded, having become complacent to this life of his.

K’Nere “You’re so… unbelievable. So why didn’t you run from us? We also… kinda… kidna~”

K’Nere said, yawning as she failed to concluded the statement. The mind meld having seemingly been mentally exhaustive for the Klingon girl after all. She would drift into a slumber. Her head falling onto Sadaann’s shoulder, an arm stretched across his torso. Sadaann was trapped, it made even worse as he’s pulled even deeper into the Klingon’s sleeping arms.

Not daring to move her, lest he wake her, Sadaann begrudgingly gave into sleep. Left to contemplate why he’d never tried to escape K’Nere and Rogg.

A tired Rogg would pass by, his lobes having caught most-- all of their bickering. In fact, their constant bickering being what woke the poor Ferengi up. Rogg double-taking as he walked passed the sleeping duo.

Rogg“A-all that yel-ye-yelling, just to be asleep in each other’s ah-a-arms. You pff-people are something eh-else.”

He’d roll his eyes, continuing about his business towards a midnight snack.






K’Nere “Yo- YO! C’mere, check this out!”

Sadaann “Huh?”

The duo had been walking for hours. Of course, how else would one traverse from district to district without use of transporter, ship, or auxiliary craft. They had been scavenging, at this point it partially having become habit. Sadaann approached the crouched K’Nere, a large, smug smirk strewn across her face.


K’Nere “Look…”

Sadaann would lean forward, over the girl, not quite sure what he was looking at.

Sadaann “Uuuhhh–?”

K’Nere “What the f-- Dude, have you never seen a replicator before?”

Sadaann “That’s a replicator?”

K’Nere “It will be when we fix it up. Come on! Carry it.”

Sadaann “Why do I–?”

K’Nere would groan, giving an annoyed glance to the left, then to the right before almost immediately closing the distance between the two. Now right in Sadaann’s face, she’d pinch his chin.

K’Nere “Please?”

The sudden distance closure startling the young Vulcan. His heart skipping a beat at her touch, it increasing at her sudden politeness.

Sadaann “F-fine…”

He’d pull away from the Klingon, making his way to the busted replicator.


Many Many Hours Later

Sadaann was exhausted. K’Nere skipping along, a faint smile visible on her face. The luxuries you can afford when you don’t have to carry an entire replicator several kilometers between districts. Of course the Vulcan had taken moments of pause, even when K’Nere pushed for them to keep going. Vulcans may have had incredible physical prowess, but the endurance given to Klingons by virtue of the sheer redundancy provided in their physiology is unmatched. K’Nere just didn’t want to carry a damn replicator, they’re heavy according to her.

As they neared District 4, the two would be stopped by an array of shady characters.

"Hand over the replicator.."

K’Nere “It’s. ours.”

"Not anymore it ain't."

The two were practically surrounded. Shinning glimmers would reflect as the group of thugs flashed their respective blades. Slowly the encroached, enclosing Sadaann and K’Nere.

K’Nere “You’re making making a big mistake.”

"Girl, you're the one who made a mistake not checking in. Now hand over the replicator, Little Klingon."

K’Nere, in desperation, with tempered degrees of hesitation would pull her collar aside, revealing the neck tattoo. The mob would recoil at the sight.

"SHIT. She's with the telepath!"

They’d reversed, frantically looking to one another, some cautiously drawing their weapons on their own comrades. With the group thrown into utter confusion and panic, scattering back into the slummy corners of the district outskirts.

With the two alone once more.

Sadaann “K’Nere…”

K’Nere “Not right now. Sadaann. Let’s just get this thing back to Rogg so he can make something of himself in that shop.”

Sadaann “Right…”

They would continue into DIstrict 4, where they would try and make a new home.




STARDATE: 93682.5

A chime rang through the abandoned establishment the trio had settled to make their new home. Unnoticed by the three.

K’Nere “The replicator’s not the issue. There’s. No. Power. Dumbass”

A month and a day since the trio consisting of K’Nere, Rogg, and Sadaann had settled into an abandoned, quiet little run-down bar, or was it a shop? It was hard to discern in the establishment’s dilapidated state. The Vulcan boy that was Sadaann had been crouched by the replicator.

Sadaann “Don’t call me a dumbass.”

He had said timidly, his voice reserved to those near him and possessing keen ears. K’Nere met both criteria.

K’Nere “Or fucking what, Peta’Q?”

In only a few heavy steps, she’d positioned herself, towering over Sadaann. The Vulcan shooting up to meet her stare, and yet she still towered the Vulcan. Sadaann, met her unblinking gaze with one of his own, ferocity boiling in within his katra. emotions bubbling within his heart. The Vulcan’s resolve would buckle after only mere moments of looking into the Klingon girl’s eyes, reluctantly turning from her, as Sadaann moved to return to his crouch in front of the replicator’s maintenance panel, something about what K’Nere had said next:

K’Nere “That’s. What. I. Thought.”

Whether it was the way she had said it, but it had momentarily sent the already volatile Vulcan over the edge. from his quarter crouch, he’d rocketed back to meet K’Nere’s eyes. Only this time, his own eyes, full of ire, had been accompanied with grasping hands. Hands with fingers that yearned to squeeze the life from the girl. With compromise between Sadaann’s mind and body, he’d gripped the girl’s collar, jolting her back before pulling her close.

Rogg“M-ma-mayb-be y-you should t-t-t-try t-t–turnin–”

K’Nere “Either that’s not a replicator, or we’re beyond stupid and I assure you I know how to work a fucking replica–!.”

Rogg“Turnin-ing it of-ff and on aga–.”

Sadaann “ISAIDDON’TCALLMETHA!-----?-!!”

Almost as quickly as the situation had escalated, it would get even worse. As the resident telepath, no matter how limited in capacity. Sadaann had been the first to notice her. How long had she been there? Her dark eyes having been fell on the three like an eclipse from the moment they had all realized what was suppose to be their safe space had already been invaded.

K’Nere “Shit!”

K’Nere had pushed the startled Sadaann away, slipping the disruptor from his trouser’s waistline. Turning to face the intruder, using her offhand to slide her dagger from her own waist. Her aim primed on the Betazoid woman. Rogg, in his Ferengi nature had let out a yelp at the sudden sequence of events. Rogg, in his M’Talan nature, had the household firearm: an antique Terran boomstick, K’Nere likes to call Bobby-White. Primed against the counter, at this point Sadaann had been the only one of the three not pointing a weapon at the woman. Even if K’Nere hadn’t taken the disruptor, would he even? could he even?

"Well now, K'Nere dear. Is that anyway to welcome your Mother into your home?"

Those with their weapons trained on the woman would relent, dropping their aims.

"Good! I'd really hoped I wouldn't need my boys to make a mess of this fine place."

Sadaann “Boys?–”

As if with each subsequent blink: pirates, thugs, gangsters, had gradually filled the room. their presence obscured by the raw mental, telepathic prowess of this Betazoid Crimelady.

"Come now, those petulant Hysperians are becoming insufferable again."

The woman gave a dismissive hand wave at her mention of Hysperians. K’Nere in this woman’s presence had resembled Sadaann in her timid, meekness. Most noticeable being her typical confrontational personality being superseded by avoidant eye-contact, giving her companions, Rogg and Sadaann silent, solemn nod before walking into the arms of the woman. The two leaving what could’ve been. And just like that, those who had appeared so suddenly, vanished just the same.

With his heart racing. As if to continue their fight.

Rogg“G-g-good one, d-dude.”

The Ferengi, with an exhaustive sigh, left the dual-barrel firearm on the counter. Retiring himself to the back of the establishment. What else is a Vulcan to do?