Help requested! - Ship builds aren't my strong suit.

First off, if there's already some thread for ship builds hidden somewhere, I apologize.

Now that I've got some more time for STO, yes you'll see me in-game a lot more in the near future, I've decided to try and get my PVE game up a notch again as well.

So... I recently acquired an Kelvin Intel Dreadnought, because I had the EC and thought "why not?". I kinda regret it now, because I again am broke but now that I'm stuck with it, I've decided I might as well use it.

Only problem is... I'm clueless with ship builds. The FAW build I ran succesfully, years ago on my Galor quite obviously doesn't work for several reasons, though I've begrudgingly tried because I have no idea what else to do. Only problem is... I can barely kill anything, and I blow up more than a Miranda against a Borg Cube. Now, I've heard that the Kelvin Dread is supposed to be one of the better ships in-game, so it's kinda embarrasing running into an STF and getting blown up every two minutes. Not just that, but frustrating as well.

I'm still trying to get a hang of all the new traits, specializations and stuff and thus haven't done too much about that yet. And I still need to upgrade a few items to Mk XIV.

TL;DR, if anyone has an idea how to at least build a slightly decent Kelvin Dread, I'd really appreciate it.

If it's any help, here's the stuff I've got going on atm. Sure, it's probably terrible but I'm pretty clueless.
Spoiler: Show

Some ideas right off the bat:

1. The gear:
- get either full space Iconian set, or 3-piece set and romulan rep engines
- if you wish to keep the torpedo, get the neutronic one from the Dyson rep
- If you can, try to get Plasmonic leech console. Poke me ingame and I can see what I can do regarding this.
- another good Iconian rep item is a Sustained Radiant Field console. A decent all rounder.

2. The bridge officer skills - I suggest this layout:
- Lt. Cmdr. Uni (Oteata): Fire at will 1 (placeholder), Attack pattern Beta 1, Torpedo Spread 3
- Lt. Uni (Maree): Engineering team 1, Auxiliary to battery 1
- Lt. Cmdr. Tac (Lazra): Tactical team 1, Kemocite 2, Fire at will 3
- Cmdr. Engi/Intel (Sidney): Emergency power to shields 1, Auxiliary to battery 1, Emergency power to weapons 3, Direct energy modulation 3
- Ens. Sci: Science Team 1

For active duty officers, get 3 purple Technicians (that reduce all boff skill CDs when Aux2Batt is used). Again, contact me if you have a problem getting those.

3. Download the STO keybind program and watch the short tutorial of how to make some basic keybinds. I cannot stress how helpful this program was to my performace - definitely worth 15-30 minutes to check it out.

4. Regarding the new skill system, I focused on science skill tree to get the Ultimate ability - even tho it's nerfed now it's still IMHO the best of the three. Tactical tree is also a good choice for all the weapon damage boosts, but in any case always invest 3 points in science "Long range targeting sensors" skill.

That's it for now. I will admit, I've fallen behind with the latest hot stuff, but the old Aux2batt builds still stand the test of time.