I thought you were an Admiral

To: CAPT Konieczko, D. @Konieczko
From: Nishalla T’Ivex
Subj: I thought you were an Admiral


According to this little contact line I’m looking at here, you are actually just a Captain, now? Is that why you were so shy back on Risa? Well, we’re already only 2 hours out of Aldebaran, so I suppose we’ll make port anyway. Maybe you can tell me the story of you being an Admiral, being retired, and being a Captain.

There is something else. A promise I made to someone, if I ever came out this way. Do you know anybody named Sonya Niazov? She’s a lawyer. If you don’t, do a friend a favour and look her up in your big Starfleet database for me. I’ll buy the ice cream.

Orion Science Vessel, Fortune


To: T’Ivex, Nishalla (( @Lauren ))
CC: – –
From: CAPT. Konieczko, D.
Subj: RE: I thought you were an Admiral

I’m afraid I had to depart on my normal patrol routes but will be back in orbit of Deep Space 13 in approximately 2 days if you are still in the Aldebaran and specifically the region of Deep Space 13.

There isn’t much of a story to it, but you don’t usually see it so I would be glad to indulge you especially if it comes with ice cream.

I am familiar with the lawyer Niazov, though we don’t regularly meet for coffee if you’re wanting more personal details. Do tell me what exactly you are wanting to know so I can freshen up before we meet up.

Captain Dmitri Konieczko
Commanding Officer,
USS Sentinel