Invitation to Lunch

To: CMDR Mandra, A. (@Master_Dex)
From: LT Valore, S.
Subj: Lunch

Commander Mandra,

I trust all is presently well? At your leisure, I would care to invite you to lunch. I realize we have not spoken much as of late and aim to rectify that.

Lieutenant Valore
Administrative Yeoman
Office of the Admiralty


To: LT Valore, Sera (@Valore)
From: CMDR Mandra, Alina
Subj: RE: Lunch


I gotta admit… I really didn’t expect this message. Is everything… like… ok? I am not against the proposal here but it seems out of the blue.

Eh… I suppose if there is more to this we can get into it as this goes, but otherwise, sure why not. Let’s do lunch. You uh… got anything particular in mind? Cause I’m not cleaning up after a milkshake binge… I’ve done the drunk co-worker scenario enough times.

Commander/Doctor Alina Mandra
Computer Sciences,
DS13 Science Department

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To: CMDR Mandra, A. (@Master_Dex)
From: LT Valore, S.
Subj:RE: RE: Lunch

A… milkshake binge…

Actually, I do not want to know. There are a few diners appearing recently, and I thought it would behoove us to patronize a new establishment. Anywhere but Event Horizon will do, I should think.

Lieutenant Valore
Administrative Yeoman
Office of the Admiralty

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To: LT Valore, Sera (@Valore)
From: CMDR Mandra, Alina
Subj: RE: RE: RE: Lunch

I suppose a new place could be nice… I’ll let you pick, cause I doubt I’ll have too much issue with anything so long as it isn’t fried foods (which I don’t expect from you anyway) or chocolate fondue places… cause I can’t eat that… and also… same issue as the milkshakes, heh.

I can make time tomorrow if it works. If it doesn’t work… I can still make time tomorrow, it just won’t be helpful I guess.

Commander/Doctor Alina Mandra
Computer Sciences,
DS13 Science Department

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