J. Kermit Disorderly Conduct | TO: CAPT Thiessen

Stardate 94188.9
Security Level 1: Open
TO CAPT Thiessen
CC --
SUBJ. J. Kermit Disorderly Conduct


After reading over several reports related to a tactical operation in which certain starbase personnel took part, I noted the presence of LCDR J. Kermit on the personnel roster. Had I been human, no doubt this fact alone would have filled me with a degree of trepidation in reading the rest of the reports. And indeed, such an emotional response would prove to have been merited, for the aforementioned officer evidently believed that the midst of a sensitive operation was the ideal time to engage in fisticuffs with patrons of the establishment in which they were carrying out their investigation, thereby potentially contributing to the subsequent failure of certain of the mission objectives.

Whilst you are likely aware that I was to some degree responsible for the recent promotion of the officer in question, I now wonder if my recommendation was not premature. His attitude since his wedding has been characterised by surliness, and this latest antagonistic episode seems further evidence that, taken together, these things may be signs of a developing behavioural issue. Perhaps you might wish to speak to him with regard to his duty, and refer him to counseling with regard to his emotional state. Alternatively, if you believe it would be more useful, I am willing to have such a conversation with him myself. You may be assured that I can make the matter clear to him in terms he will not misunderstand.

Commander Caspius
Executive Officer, Deep Space 13
Stardate 94188.9

TO CMDR Caspius
CC --
FROM CAPT Thiessen
SUBJ Re: J. Kermit Disorderly Conduct


Thank you for this notice.

Lieutenant Commander Kermit is a very emotional man, from what I've experienced and I'd be glad to speak to him. I will familiarize myself with the reports and contact him in-person, to come to an understanding of what might have caused him to choose to take that action.

Thank you for the offer of handling it though. I appreciate the notification.


Captain Tau Thiessen
Commanding Officer, Deep Space Thirteen