Home Of The Blues
Stardate: 100228
Location: Earth Space Dock, Club 47 Lounge.
OOC Knowledge
Most everyone comes to Club 47 to relax, to unwind, and to have fun. Some though come merely to hide, to escape, and to bury themselves in their misery while the laughter of others and pulsing music drowned out the world. Jeiliscia Valusia fit the latter category. It had only been a few days since she had been promoted to Lieutenant Commander, which should be a moment of personal pride. It was however overwhelmed by the break up a few weeks earlier of her and her fiance’.
The Orion woman, dressed smartly in her Starfleet uniform, sat at the bar stirring the ice in a mostly empty low-ball glass of vodka on the rocks. She stared at the glass as the ice swirled around saying nothing, nor looking at anyone else around her.
“You look awfully sour for someone who should be taking a victory lap,” a familiar, very midland southern American, female voice said behind her. She instantly recognized the voice without turning to face the source she spoke in her Orionii accented voice, “Respectfully speaking, Captain, I am on my free time, and I do not wish to talk to anyone right now. Now please, leave me alone and go on about your own business.”
…which is what Reggie Tohanna was not about to do. The taller Orion woman, dressed conservatively in civilian clothing slid onto the seat next to Jeiliscia, which caused her to briefly glare at the intruder then scoot to the right, putting another seat between them both.
“Jelly,” Reggie said in response, “come on?”
“Captain, if you would please, it is Lieutenant Commander Valusia,” replied Jeiliscia. “Or should I call you Doctor Tohanna since you are retired?”
“Call me Reggie, call me doctor, call me captain, just don’t call me late for dinner.” Reggie smiled at her own attempt to be humorous, but this garnered no response from Jeiliscia.
“What is it that you want, Doctor Tohanna?”
“I wanted to congratulate you,” Reggie replied. She signaled to the bartender, “Bourbon, two fingers, neat, please.” Reggie then turned back to Jeiliscia, who was visibly perturbed with the idea that Reggie was now going to be her drinking companion.
“Look,” Reggie began in an attempt to be diplomatic. “I’m not here on official business, in fact I don’t do that anymore. I was coming back from visiting my grandkids, and wanted to get a drink before the next shuttle, I saw you were here, and I just thought… well… I’d wish you congratulations on the promotion.”
“Well,” Jeiliscia said facing Reggie, “Thank you, and now you have and you can go on about your own business.”
“I wanna finish mah drank,” Reggie replied, letting her Southern American twang loose. “Then I will leave you to your… whatever you’re dealing with, unless… you want to talk about? I am a psychologist.”
Jeiliscia steamed for a moment and suddenly burst out with a loud “No!”. It was loud enough to garner the attention of all sitting in the quiet lounge. Jeiliscia shrunk back and then said softer with much venom, “Just drink your drink quietly and go. I do not want to talk to anyone, especially you.”
Reggie turned back to the bourbon that was now sitting in front of her. She blew out a sigh and took a swill, then said, “Is it about me puttin’ some of your kin in prison?”
Jeiliscia huffed. “No, they were breaking the law in Federation Space. They were slavers and they deserved what they got. You did your job.”
“Look, I never insinuated that you…,” Reggie started, only to be interrupted by Jeiliscia who now turned on the barstool to fully face Reggie.
“Yes you did!” Jeiliscia hissed. “Yes you did! The apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree. Isn’t that what you said?”
“Look, I’m… I’m sorry you took that way but I assure you, Jeiliscia… Lieutenant Commander, that was not what I meant, nor… well… I just had to make sure that you… Okay… Okay. Look, I am sorry.”
“I was in a,” Jeiliscia said as her eyes began to well up with tears, “in a bad way when decided to ‘question me’. You knew that, Captain Tohanna. I was in a damn mental ward where every day was literally like a waking hell. You know damn well what PTSD is like, Doctor. What it does to a person. It’s an insidious pit in the sand. You try to climb out and the sand has no grip and you slide back down, and sometimes the only way out is for someone to pull you out.”
“It wasn’t meant to be like that, Jeiliscia!” Reggie said. “We saved lives.”
“But you,” Jeiliscia continued, “you the opportunist, always at the ready and always willing to exploit someone else’s vulnerability… at their weakest moments, like hyena. You pushed me back down so far… so far back into that pit, and there was nothing my doctors could do to stop you. Oh, I heard them. I heard them and you would just flash your credentials and a warrant, flaunting your authority. The damage it caused to a fellow Starfleet officer be damned.”
Reggie had maintained eye contact for as long as she could, letting the angry Jeiliscia vent. When Jeiliscia finished, both turned to face their drinks, with Reggie now looking less confident than usual.
“I’m really sorry, Jeiliscia,” Reggie said, still looking down at her drink.
“Why should you be?” Jeiliscia replied. “You got what you needed and you solved the case.”
“Yeah,” Reggie said. “I guess that’s true. Still, I…” Reggie sighed then polished off her drink.
Reggie stood up from the stool and then said “I am happy for you… you know, making Lieutenant Commander and all. You’re a good officer and a good doctor. I’m sorry for everything.” Jeiliscia still stared forward only making a slight expression to acknowledge the compliment.
Reggie finally left. Jeiliscia took the cocktail napkin that her drink was on and used it to dry her eyes. She looked out the large window that overlooked the ships docked. There was nothing left here for her, she thought. It was time to move on.
trigger warning, discusses PTSD