It's come to my attention that the Jem'Hadar from D.V. Founder's Wisdom have been using their Shroud ability to move about the station undetected. This is a pretty blatant security issue, but I'm a bit uncertain about how to deal with it. My first instinct wasn't very diplomatic and I'm not sure exactly how solid our relationship with them is. What do you want us to do here?
Commander James Kermit
Acting Captain, DS13
TOCMDR. Kermit, J. CC38th/Command; DS13/Command; AMB. Perim, N. FROMRADM. Konieczko, D. SUBJRE: Jem'Hadar on DS13
Commander Kermit,
This is a very troubling report to come across, and you may find that I am 100% in agreement that it is a blatant security issue. In the loosest terms I would go as far as qualify the shrouding as a weapon as it's intended purpose is for combat. Though we lack the ability to confiscate the ability to shroud from the Jem'Hadar, they can and should be restricted from doing so while they find themselves aboard Deep Space 13.
As the Commanding Officer of Deep Space 13, you do have the ability to produce such an edict and the Fleet Command Office would back you in the spirit of creating a safer environment for Deep Space 13's crew and our civilian partners aboard.
I have CC'd Ambassador Neema Perim, who may have a different and more diplomatic solution or who otherwise should be informed of a potential diplomatic situation in her area of operation.
Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
Rear Admiral, Upper Half Dmitri R. Konieczko
Commanding Officer
38th Fleet 'Argo'