hey… i got ur terminal address from a mutual frien. I heard u asking arund for some Alien Axolotyl’s? I have some to trade if you willin to pay up front. You need to act fast tho… they are super cute and they just ate my business partner
What does Kahless, Phillip Green and Gul Macet have in common? Massive Phaser Lance of course! You too can harness the power of Massive Phaser Lance for your ship today! Our scientist have spent countless years researching and harnessing this incredible technology and now, through this exclusive offer you too now can join the greats with Massive Phaser Lance. Don’t delay! This offer is only valid for 48 hours. You know your ship needs it to be competitive out there, give yourself the technological edge with Massive Phaser Lance today!
CC: –
From: UFP Administrashun
Subj: Ceremony Error
Our records indicate an error in the recent award ceremony that took place on [STARDATE]. You stand to be awarded the:
Please find attached a digital copy of your award. To redeem a physical copy please download, fill out and return your records for physical redemption.
Spiffing Job!
Samhuel Bichop
Comanding Oficer
38 Fleet
//ATTACHMENT// RecordRedemption.exe