SUBMITTED: Stardate 96668.7 | FILED BY: PO3. Mally Vertoson (NPC) | SECURITY: Level 1 - Open |
LOCATION: DS13, docking ring, ring 3, section 1
MISSION: Respond to a damaged wall panal alert
OUTCOME: Panel was replaced. Peppers where cleaned up
PO3. Mally Vertoson (NPC)
Third. Lorso,Toran
Third. Lorso,Toran
NARRATIVE: At approximately 100 hours an maitince alarm went off in my maintenance alcove. I made my way over to the docking ring, the source of the alarm as fast as I could. Once I arrived I saw a pallet of Peppers had fallen off a hover sled and collided with the panel, Damaging it. The Peppers had also been dispersed over a large area, covering almost everything in their innards.
A Jem Hadar who identified as third Lorso'toran told me that he had accidentally stacked the pallet too high and caused the spill.
He was in the process of cleaning up the peppers with a Industrial Cleaning Solution. He told me that he could handle the cleanup while I ran back and got a replacement screen. When I returned 10 minutes later Loros had cleaned up the majority of the mess and helped me install the new screen.
New screen with officially Market operational at 120 hours station time. I returned to my maintenance alcove, as the Jem’hadar claimed that he would clean up the rest of hte mess.
RECOMMENDATION: None for right now. But if this happens again, we should assign a cargo specialist, to make sure the Dominion does not drop stuff unloading crates from there ship.