Massive STO Update Incoming!

New stuff coming out of the Devs!

New Lighting and Console STO (PS4 and XboxOne) CONFIRMED RELEASE DATE


Word of warning to those with limited hard drive space!

Estimated file size is 8G!

Warning to those with weak or underperforming graphics settings!

New graphics are high resource taxing! Maria and I were talking about it and the new settings brought her desktop to a grinding halt and made my gaming laptop scream in pain.

Resource: - STO Producer and good friend "Do you want an Epoh friend?" - STO Executive Producer and good friend
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You know a STO Dev? Ask her how hard it would be to put a foundry gate on the starbase. For the love of god... PLEEEEEASSSE!

Thanks for the warning on the patch though. Tuesday is an off cycle patch day, but I guess it makes sense to give them as much time before the weekend to troubleshoot.
Heck yeah, the Devs are awesome to hang out with! They are busy with the NY event right now though so no promises on anything soon. But if you happen to catch them here you can talk to them when Maria does some streaming.
New graphic settings?!? I don't know if this is a good or bad news for my PC ... if it will ever return to life :o
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Hopefully I can still run it on low settings. If not, I'll have to kill all my characters. (no, I'm not joking)
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I doubt they'll want to kill off any amount of the playerbase, so you will still be able to happily run the game on your current systems with lower settings.
I would also expect a few issues for people because these days most game devs can't anticipate every system combination and issues their new game specs, so expect more patches in the week, as with any big release.
Also, I heard that they are adding in the Starbase NPC toggle on this patch. <_<

Now you can turn off all the roaming NPCs on the starbase via a console near the bank console. (or at least you should be able to!)
It's interesting how the model of DS9 looks better than the one in the show with this lighting update. :d
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The lighting doesn't affect performance at all really. It's just really bright right now - most of the maps were ran through a script meaning they just ran it through a converter. Maps like ESD were probably hand touched and they just haven't gotten around to the majority.
tell that to my dying graphics card XD. Anyways

Update postponed to PC Holodeck due to issues found with several unique bridges. However, PS4 and XboxOne owners can now download STO beginning at 10:30 AM EST
Vulcan Anyone?
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tell that to my dying graphics card XD. Anyways

Update postponed to PC Holodeck due to issues found with several unique bridges. However, PS4 and XboxOne owners can now download STO beginning at 10:30 AM EST

I was looking forward to it! Did they say how long for?
I was very doubtful on the update being this week. It looks mostly awesome on Tribble but apparently it's not working properly on low settings. I didn't think they could fix something like that in a week, or roll in the update without low settings at all, given how many players are using average laptops.

If you wanna show off Vulcan, at least include the Spock/Nimoy statue. That's one of the best ways to notice the lighting changes: no more blue light coming out of nowhere and much better shadows:

Old - New

I'm very excited about that update, and I've been having a blast trying it out on Tribble and visiting all the new places. Plus, outside the update, the patch is actually huge with a lot of small bugfixes for years-old bugs here and there.

The only thing I can complain about is how skin seems to be rendered. With almost everything being over bright it makes the characters look more bland. Some lights used to make your skin shine a bit, making it easier to see the shape of the face, and I quite liked the effect. Now I couldn't find anywhere dark enough for this to happen.
Examples: Here. On holodeck and on tribble

There's also some effects that I love, but might not be to everyone's taste. Like turning your ship into a Comet or having your eyes glow in the dark.

I do hope they'll find a way to make the "Bloom intensity" slider work again. 'Cause right now there is no difference between 0% and 500%.
And so our backseat update priority begins! :p
And so our backseat update priority begins! :p

I doubt that. Graphics settings on consoles are the same throughout as it's the hardware. They only need to worry about one configuration on a console, hence the roll out of something like this is smoother for them :)
That's exactly what Borticus said when I asked him why PC wasn't getting it first. I thought it would have been a great idea to give a beta to PC users so they could have it all nailed down on consoles. Apparently not, since they would've spent more time dealing with issues related to all of the various hardware than actually placing the lights correctly.

This is totally going to delay the starbase foundry door, isn't it?
I haven't seen any mention of that Starbase Foundry door, but... It looks like it's gonna be a few weeks before the update goes live, just as I expected:
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After so many years of the same lighting. It will feel like a new game in the beginning.
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I predict a thursday release.