Melee Combat

Bring your Bat’leth, bring your Falchion, bring your Lirpa, bring your fists! SFK will engage in some R&R Klingon style! We will be using the holodeck to load up an area so that we may let off steam, earn bragging rights against each other, and drink bloodwine! We will fight each other in close combat for entertainment and training.

This is not a “to the death” event and no one will be killed off. If you attend you are not required to fight, you can just be a spectator. We will need enough people so that we can load a PvP map and duel it out, one on one or in teams. Even if you do not wish to fight please come along so that we have enough people as we will need a minimum of 10 to get the queue to work. If we can get enough people we can even do the 16 person one.

If you plan to attend in any capacity, please log onto one of your SFK characters, check the events tab in the fleet menu, and click to RSVP. This way if we do not have enough members we can figure something else out.
This is today folks! :thumb: