Metzli's Musings

I Dream

I dream
of a place where the air is emerald,
of where trees touch the sky and scrape pearl clouds.
Hazel leaves flow past me in streams.

I dream
of an azure lake, stiller than life could ever be.
Golden grass tickles my toes.
I sit upon an onyx throne.

Again and again this place comes to me,
then leaves with no apology.

I try and try to hold onto it,
to re-enter it at my will.

Always I fail,
at the mercy of it to return to me.

It's in the middle of the night that I realize,
I dream in more colors than I will ever see.
The Electrical Room

It is unbearably hot, and for the past 6 hours I have been working on a ship that isn't even mine. I've left the awesome power of an LHD for a resupply ship. At least it's only temporary. None of the five of us who've been transferred are happy about it. So, rather then getting ahead on tomorrow's work, I'm hiding out in an electrical room. There will be no more "oh, by the ways" for me today. It's dirty, poorly lit, and smells but at least it is mine for the moment. I sigh heavily and heave myself against a dust covered bulkhead, sliding down it. After all, the dirtier your uniform is, the more work you've done!

It's at the moment I start to close my eyes, that she walks in. The woman that isn't my wife, whose heart belong to another, and who've I've developed reality crushing feelings for. There's a silent moment when our eyes meet, realizing we've both come to this spot for the same reason. I let it out a short laugh.

"Come on in, I'd guess that you've had enough for today too eh?" I ask. She regards me a moment before smiling her easy smile, and sitting down next to me. It's likely that I'm overreacting, but she's too close. I feel wrong and I feel right all at the same time. There's barely an inch between our shoulders, and the gravity in that inch is unbelievable. So much so, that decency and faithfulness are the only things keeping me from closing the gap.

"Oh, it's not so bad, I guess. Gettin' a little tired of putting so much work into something that ain't ours, though," she says. The voice is melodic, peppered with a Georgia accent. Something I can't replicate, but still hear in my head from time to time. I manage a nod, which is mistake because the movement brings her scent to my nose. I can feel it happening, my sense of reason is becoming lost to me. My head swims.

I make as though I'm wiping sweat from my forehead. It's an attempt at grounding myself, of feeling my own skin to remind me of who I am.

"Well, at least it'll be time to go back soon," I comment. She nods at me and smiles again. I have to turn away, to look down. It's like trying to look into a room that's too bright. She starts a moment and checks her phone for the time. She's apparently forgotten a meeting with one of the crew that's been overseeing our work. With a polite "See you later", she's gone. I'm left to place my face into palm of my hand, and ponder my life course over again.
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reads the bottom of my cup.
Does that mean that I am well into my cups,
or that they are well into me.

I look around the bar and wonder,
what the hell am I doing here?
The puzzlement lasts only 'till the fifth or sixth drink.
Then, I no longer care.

Everything is easier,
and nothing seems to matter.
At least, not as much as it did before.
Talking is easier. Smiling is easier.

The tilting confusion in my head
finally matches with the life around it.
Truly, I care about nothing.
I'm ashamed of neither thoughts nor words.

Yet...these you read are all that will come out.